Page 160 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 160

In our proposed tele-rehabilitation system, a call center   They  express  the  lean  of  the  body  by  an  image  of  the
           operator guides patients instead of a physiotherapist. Hence,   balance scale and show arrows to correct a patient’s posture
           our system has supervising functions for a physiotherapist to   as shown in Figure 3.
           coach  a  call  center  operator  like  supervising  functions  in   There are also many video games for rehabilitation that
           existing voice call center.                        use  Microsoft  KINECT  [9][10][11].  These  contents  can
              After  describing  related  works  in  Section  2,  we
           introduce  outlines  and  functions  of  TRS  in  Section  3.   measure and record performance of a virtual game and show
                                                              it  to  a  patient  to  motivate  him  or  her  to  continue
           Implementation is described in Section 4. We consider effect
           for shortage of physiotherapist and  problems  in Section 5.   rehabilitation.
           The key points in this paper are summarized in Section 6.
                                                              3. CONCEPT OF TRS WITH VIDEO CALL CENTER
                          2. RELATED WORK
                                                                 Our TRS is based on the following ideas:
              In  this  section,  we  introduce  existing  remote
           rehabilitaion  systems  and  Microsoft  KINECT  usage      Practical data that shows the patients getting better
                                                                     will  effectively  encourage  them  to  continue
           applications adopted in rehabilitation.
                                                                     rehabilitation, more than simply giving them vague
           2.1 Remote rehabilitation                                 information  such  as  “you  are  a  little  better  than
              Traditionally,  tele-rehabilitation  has  been  administered      Hearing a person’s voice is likely to cheer patients
           between  a  therapist  and  a  patient  through  a  video   up.
           conference  system  or  video  phones,  without  using   Additionally, we plan to employee non-professionals as
           measuring  and  monitoring  applications  [4].  In  accordance   operators  who  work  in  their  home  instead  of  physio-
           with  the  evolution  of  remote  monitoring  applications,   therapists to hold down operation costs and compensate for
           robotics and virtual reality technologies have been combined   a shortage of physiotherapists.
           with video conference systems. Holden et al. applied virtual   We  introduce  roles  of  a  physiotherapist  and  operator,
           reality  technologies  to  their  tele-rehabilitation  system  [5].   and necessary functions to realize above concepts.
           Carignan reported a rehabilitation system for which robotics
           was applied including remote rehabilitation [6]. Bradley et al.   3.1. Roles of a physiotherapist and operator
           reported  investigations  of  the  design,  control  and
           implementation  of  a  form  of  the  intelligent  exoskeleton,
           web-based strategies and robotics for remote rehabilitation   Roles of a physiotherapist are as follows:
           [7].  In  this  research,  therapists  directly  guide  or  coach      Teaching operators how to guide patients through
           patients  through  their  systems.  Therefore,  existing  tele-  rehabilitation and supervising the operators.
           rehabilitation systems can shorten convey time for a visiting      Deciding  and  changing  therapy programs on the
           therapist.  However,  these  systems  are insufficient to make   basis of diagnostics data and measured data.
           up for the shortage of therapists.                    Roles of an operator are as follows:

           2.2.  Therapy  contents  adopted  Microsoft  KINET  to      Monitoring  motions  of  a  patient  and  measuring
           rehabilitation                                            joint angles by the measuring applications.
                                                                     Coaching a patient in how to move his or her body
              Garrido et al. applied Microsoft KINECT rehabilitations   using the administration tools and therapy contents
           for  patients  who  have  trouble  with  their  sense  of  balance   on the basis of therapy programs.
           with cerebrovascular disease [8].
                                                              3.2. Providing features

                                                                 As shown in Figure  4, this system comprises following
                                                                     Administration tools: An operator uses these tools
                                                                     to guide patients.
                                                                     Measuring  tools:  An  operator  uses  these  tools  to
                                                                     measure  conditions  of  a  patient  including  joint
                                                                     angles.  Kinds  of  measuring  tool  that  are  kind  of
                                                                     sensors are easily added to the TRS as necessary.
              Figure 3. Screen shot of the rehabilitation system for      Supervising  tools:  A  physiotherapist  uses  these
                   balance disorder patients described in [8]        tools  to  coach  operators.  A  physiotherapist
                                                                     accesses  the  patient  database  to  check  measured

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