Page 165 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
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ICTs for a Sustainable World

                                                                 Improves Upper Extremity Function in Patients With Stroke,”
                           6. CONCLUSION                         IEEE,  Transactions  on  neural  system  and  rehabilitation
                                                                 engineering, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 36-42, 2007.
              We developed a tele-rehabilitation system that enables a   [6] Craig R. Carignan  and Hermano I. Krebs, “Telerehabilitation
           video call center operator to coach  a  patient in place of a   robotics: Bright lights, big future?,” JRRD vol. 43, no. 5, pp.
                                                                 695–710, 2006.
           physiotherapist  and  a  physiotherapist  to  supervise  multiple   [7] D.A. Bradley et al., “Nexos: Remote Rehabilitation Using an
           operators.  We  believe  the  proposed  system  will  help  to   Intelligent Exoskeleton,” Gerontechnology Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.
           suppress the increase of medical expenses and make up for   71-80, 2005.
           the  shortage  of  young  medical  professions  caused  by  low   [8] Juan Enrique Garrido, Irma Marset, Victor M. R. Penichet, and
           birthrates and rapidly aging populations.             Maria  D.  Lozano,  “Balance  Disorder  Rehabilitation  through
              However, there are several problems to putting TRS on   Movement Interaction,” IEEE, 7th International Conference on
           the market.                                           Pervasive  Computing  Technologies  for  Healthcare  and
                  For healthcare insurance to cover it, TRS has to be   Workshops, 2013.
                  approved by the government department in charge   [9]  Shih-Ching  Yeh  et  al.,  “A  study  for  the  application  of  body
                  of healthcare.                                 sensing  in  assisted  rehabilitation  training,”  IEEE,  2012
                                                                 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control,
                  The  national  healthcare  insurance  in  Japan  covers   2012.
                  only   face-to-face   rehabilitation,   not   tele-  [10] Belinda Lange et al., “Interactive Game-Based Rehabilitation
                  rehabilitation.  Thus,  TRS will need to be licensed   Using  the  Microsoft  Kinect,”  IEEE,  Virtual  Reality  2012,
                  for the national healthcare insurance to cover it.   2012.
                  If  a  license  cannot  be  obtained,  a  new  business   [11] Marientina Gotsis et al., “Mixed Reality Game Prototypes for
                  model  will  be  needed  for  business  operators  to   Upper  Body  Exercise  and  Rehabilitation,”  IEEE,  Virtual
                                                                 Reality 2012, 2012.
                  continue this business.                     [12] WebRTC,
                  Criteria  for  evaluation  are  needed  to  maintain,  [retrieved: October, 2016].
                  service  quality.  At  the  very  least,  criteria  an   [13] SkyWay,
                  operator has to learn are needed     ,
                                                                 [retrieved: October, 2016].
              Technically, we think TRS is a platform system for the
           tele-rehabilitation service. Therefore, many kinds of training
           contents or tools will be connected to TRS in a future. To
           connect  such  tools  to  TRS,  standard  protocols  will  be
           needed.  We  also  think  an  operator  has  to  speak  a  certain
           way  to  patients  to  improve  their  morale  and  to  motivate
           them  to  continue  rehabilitation.  We  plan  to  develop  a
           function  for  evaluating  emotions  an  operator  expresses
           while speaking.
              Because we have not found any partners to evaluate our
           system, we will continue looking for evaluation partners.


           [1]  Kotaro  Suzuki,  Yoshitoshi  Murata,  and  Kazuhiro  Yoshida,
               “Remote Rehabilitation System for Cerebrovascular  Patients
               Combined  with  Video  Call  Center,”  IARIA,  International
               Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, vol. 7 no 3 & 4, pp. 132
               – 1442015, 2015.
           [2]  Investigation  into  the  current  state  of  rehabilitative  care,
              Ministry   of   Health,   Labor   and   Welfare,
               (in Japanese), [retrieved: October, 2016].
           [3] Meet Kinect for Windows,
              [retrieved: October, 2016].
           [4]  David  M.  Brennan,  Sue  Mawson,  and  Simon  Brownsell,
              “Telerehabilitation:  Enabling  the  Remote  Delivery  of
              Healthcare, Rehabilitation, and Self Management,” IOS Press,
              Advanced Technologies in Rehabilitation, 2009.
           [5]  Maureen  K.  Holden,  Thomas  A.  Dyar,  and  Lilian  Dayan-
              Cimadoro,  “Telerehabilitation  Using  a  Virtual  Environment

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