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2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           onto  the  phones.  This  requires  a  dedicated  internet   UCD  is  “a  general  term  for  a  philosophy  and  methods
           connection.  Future  version  is  looking  at  transporting  the   which  focus  on  designing  for  and  involving  users  in  the
           information over SMS.                              design  of  computerized  systems.”  [14].  Rapid  prototyping
           The SAMBRO Mobile is for local Alerting Authorities to   “involves  creating  a  realistic  model  of  a  product’s  user
           issue localized alerts. For example, be able to quickly warn   interface to get prospective customers involved early in the
           a  local  village  of  a  chemical  spill  or  a  large  factory  fire   design  of  the  product.  With  rapid  prototyping,  the  user
           opposed to waiting for central national authority to issue the   model,  the  work  flows  and  information  needs  without
           same. It was also designed to serve as a wakeup call with an   investing  the  time and labor required to write actual code
           audible siren to wakeup first-responders in the middle of the   [15]. Thereafter, revise the prototype to address the user’s
           night or to get their attention if they were at distant from the   comments and keep iterating the process until we agree on
           device.                                            the design parameters before creating the product [16].
                                                              Agile software design is defined as “a lightweight software
                                                              engineering framework that promotes iterative development
                                                              throughout the life-cycle of the project, close collaboration
                                                              between the development team and business side, constant
                                                              communication,  and  tightly-knit  teams.”   With  the  Scrum,
                                                              the light-weight process framework for agile development,
                                                              initially the user stories  are collected by involving the user.
                                                              These are the wish-lists that client like to have at the end of
                                                              the  product  development.  These user stories goes into the
                                                              backlog  catalogue,  which  are  placed  under  the  order  of
                                                              priority.  The  software  development  begins  with  small
                                                              chunks of the backlog catalog called as sprints. With scrum,
                                                              using sprints we can build pieces of software and the client
                                                              can experience each part and determine what to do next.
                                                              Action  research  is  typically  regarded  as  an  approach  to
                                                              research  that  balances  knowledge generation with planned
                                                              action.  According to Hearn & Foth [17], “action research
                                                              not only aims to understand the problem, it aims to provoke
                                                              change through actionable outcomes.”  It is also known by
                                                              other  related  terms  such  as  participatory  action  research,
                                                              collaborative  inquiry,  emancipatory  research,  or  action
                                                              learning [18].
                                                              The information, gathered from the preliminary stakeholder
                                                              rapid  prototyping  interactions,  was compiled to produce a
                                                              set  of  customer  requirements.  The  requirements  were
                                                              transformed  to  a  set  of  User  Experience  (UX)  and  User
                                                              Interface  (UI)  designs  to  customize  SAMBRO.  Selected

                                                              participants from the three countries were invited to trial the
           Figure  3:  SAMBRO  Web  Application  for  Disaster   preliminary release of SAMRBO.
           Management                                         Subsequently  all  stakeholders  from  each  country  were
                                                              invited to experiment with SAMRBO. This, second iteration
                          3. METHODOLOGY                      of  the  rapid  prototyping,  was,  once  again,  used  to  further
                                                              enhance  SAMBRO.  Throughout  this  cycle  the  lead
           The design and implementation methodology considered a   Organizations engaged in weekly and monthly interactions
           scientific approach. [13] discuss the intricacies of applying   with  the  development  team  to  discuss  their  requirements
           a  waterfall  method  with  well-defined  elicitation  and   and test the system. The lead Organization liaised with the
           documentation  of  complete  requirements,  followed  by  an   stakeholders  to  update  them  on  the  new  developments  as
           architectural  and  high-level  design  development  and   well gather information on their requirements.
           inspection.  Given  the  dilemma  of  introducing  CAP  to
           novices who haven’t been exposed to the content standard   5  User stories are documented in the Sahana Wiki Blueprints for:
           but  are  engaged  in  early  warning,  it  is  cumbersome  to   Maldives
           follow  a  plan-driven  method  because  they  can  become   (
           frustrating to the users and the implementers. We identified   dives),
           four  related  areas  of  study  and  practice  within  the  broad   Myanmar
           field of information system design.  These four areas are (1)   (
           User-Centered  Design  (UCD);  (2)  rapid  prototyping;  (3)   anmar), and
           agile software design (SCRUM); and (4) action research.    (

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