Page 171 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 171

ICTs for a Sustainable World

                            4. DISCUSSION                      Red Cross Society

           4.1 Stakeholder Engagement
                                                               Philippines NWC:       Philippines NDMO:
           The  project  partnered  with  a  National  Government   PAGASA;           Office of the Civil Defence
           Organization  in  each  country  to  lead  with  the  multi-  Philippines Institute of   (OCD)
           stakeholder  participatory  approach  with  the  design  and   Volcanology and
           implementation. They were the Maldives National Disaster   Seismology
           Management  Center  (NDMC),  Myanmar  Department  of
           Meteorology  and  Hydrology  (DMH),  and  the  Philippines   Philippines Response Orgs: Department of Social
           Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Administration   Welfare and Development; Local Government Units,
           Service (PAGASA). Table 1 identifies the list of SAMBRO   Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils
           Cross-Agency  Situational-Awareness  platform  primary
           beneficiaries.                                     Table 1: National beneficiary Organizations

           4.1.1. Warning Practices
                                                              Another inherent characteristic is the National EWS is that
           Currently, the warning dissemination practices in the three   they have not developed an integrated approach to EWSs to
                                                              foster  an  all-hazard  approach.  Each  Organization  is
           countries are similar. Typically, the NWC issues a bulletin
           that is received by the NDMO and other focal agencies. The   developing  their  own  early  warning  dissemination
           NDMO would use a phone tree to disseminate the messages   mechanism forcing the public and Response Organizations
           from the National nodes to the branches and then eventually   to  interface  with  multiple  data  feeds.  For  example,  each
                                                              agency will host their own twitter and Facebook accounts to
           to  the  leaf  nodes.  The  method  is  reliable  but  slow  and
           laborious because they use telephones, fax, and VHF radios.   share  their  information;  opposed  to  a  single  source
           Some  social  media  and  SMS  is  used.  Such  practices  are   publishing warnings on all-hazards; i.e. a “one stop shop”
           acceptable for slow onset hazards such as disease outbreaks,   approach.
                                                              Any  entity  that  has  privileges  to  edit  CAP  messages,  can
           cyclones  and  floods  that  provide  a  long  warning  horizon.   relay a received CAP message allowing them to change the
           Present  day  warning  dissemination  practices  in  the  three
           countries are inefficient in serving rapid and sudden onset   content  (e.g.  description  and  instructions)  and  rebranding
           hazards  such  as  dam  burst,  tsunami,  or  storm  surge,  with   the  message  with  qualifying  elements  associating  them  as
                                                              the  message  sender.  The  relay  function  extends  beyond
           very  short  warning  horizons.  SAMBRO  removes  the   messages  issued  through  the  SAMBRO  system.  For
           laborious paper and manual hierarchical tree structure and
           provides  a  hub  and  spoke  architecture.  The  SAMBRO   example,  SAMBRO  can  receive  any  CAP  message
           software  works  much  faster  than  human-based  procedures   published  by  any  other  system  in  the  world  and  offer  the
                                                              relay feature to the users of the SAMBRO instance. All the
           involving multi-phase message relays.              National stakeholders might consider collaborating to make

                                                              full  use  of such features offered by SAMBRO that brings
            Maldives NWC:          Maldives NDMO:             efficiencies to coordinating early warnings.
            Maldives Meteorological   National Disaster
            Service                Management center          4.2 CAP Implementation Strategy

            Maldives Response Orgs: Maldives National Defense   The  common  practice  is  for  NDMOs  to  lead  and  be
            Force (Coast Guard and Fire Search and Rescue     mandated  with  warning  dissemination.  The  NWCs  are
            Department); Maldives Red Crescent Society; Local   mandated  with  detection  and  monitoring.  Meteorological,
            Atoll Councils; Local Island Councils; Maldives Police;   Hydrological,  and  Seismological  agencies,  serving  as
            Maldives Red Crescent Society; Department of Health;   NWCs, would feed daily information bulletins and hazard
            Ministry of Tourism Arts and Culture; Ministry of   event information of significant interest to the NDMOs. The
            Education                                         NDMOs  would,  then,  transform  and  disseminate  those
                                                              messages  to  the  closed  user  group  alerts  or  public.
            Myanmar NWC:           Myanmar NDMOs: Relief      SAMBRO  was  designed  to  serve  such  a  workflow.
            Department of          and Resettlement           Realizing,  this  important  relationship  and  workflow,
            Meteorology and        Department; General        SAMRBO  was  designed  for  NDMOs  to  own  and  operate
            Hydrology              Administration             SAMBRO  and  for  NWCs  to  interface  with  SAMBRO
                                   Department;                through CAP information feeds.
                                                              Even though it is in their mandate and best interest to foster
            Myanmar Response Orgs: Department of Irrigation;   such a platform, the project learned that NDMOs (Myanmar
            Department of Health; Department of Agriculture;   RRD and Philippines OCD) expressed interest but were less
            Department of Fisheries; Department of Inland     inclined  to  operationalizing  a  CAP-enabled  situational-
            Transportation; Fire Services Department; Myanmar   awareness platform. Maldivian NDMC proved the contrary

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