Page 162 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 162

establishing a voice communication path between a patient-  We  applied  this  system  to  the  stand-up  and  sit-down
           PC and an operator-PC. After a patient selects an operator,   training, as shown in Figure 11. Both a patient’s display and
           the  video  call  center  server  matches  the  operator_PeerID   an operator’s one when a patient is doing stand-up and sit-
           with  the  patient_PeerID.  The  SkyWay  client_libraries  on   down training are shown in Figure 12. We present strain of
           each  PC  establish  a  voice  communication  path  between  a   the upper body by using three view formats on an operator’s
           patient-PC  and  an  operator-PC  in  combination  with  the   display: the front view, the side view, and the top view.
           SkyWay server.                                        An operator selects a view format and clicks a button to
                                                              measure  data.  These  data  are  temporally  stored  as  a  file.
           4.3. Measuring tool                                After an operator decides to save them on the server, the file
                                                              is stored as an archived file. This sequence flow is shown in
              After  data  and  voice  paths  are  established  between  a   Figure 13. An operator can also bookmark selected frames.
           patient and an operator, the operator requests the patient to
           start  the  Microsoft-KINECT  v2  application  so  that  the
           operator can monitor the patient and data can be measured.
           This sequence flow is shown in Figure 6.

                                                                Figure 8. Flow diagram for aggregating video images
                                                                               and skeleton data

              Figure 6. Sequence flow to start Microsoft KINECT

              Since video images and skeleton data are independently
           output  from  Microsoft  KINECT,  both  have  to  be
           synchronized to enable monitoring at an operator’s office as
           shown  in  Figure  7.  We  thus  serialize  skeleton  data  in  the
           JSON format and add them to each item of video frame data,   Figure 9. Flow diagram for composing pictures
           which is resized, transferred to the JPEG format, and then
           transferred to the Base 64 text data at the application on a
           patient’s PC, as shown in Figure 8. These data are sent to a
           Web  server  in  the  video  call  center.  They  are  separated
           again  and  individually  drawn  on  the  canvas  of  the  html
           monitoring  page,  as  shown  in  Figure  9. Video image data
           are drawn on a lower layer and skeleton data are drawn in
           our  presentation  format  on  a  transparent  upper  layer,  as
           shown in Figure 10.

                                                              Figure 10. Example of composing video image and skeleton

               Figure 7. Monitoring scheme of patient’s motion

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