Page 177 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 177

ICTs for a Sustainable World

           informatics / knowledge, 3) Economic empowerment and   price Internet access out of reach for the majority of people
           small scale entrepreneurship, 4) Policies, strategies and e-  are neither socially nor economically efficient. Liberalizing
           governance [9, 11].                                 the  telecommunications  industry  is  not  enough;  the  state
           However,  ICT  interventions  for  rural  transformation  are   also  has  to  facilitate  strategic  investments,  subsidizing
           more than just making people “literate” in ICT and making   access  for  underserved  communities  and  implementing
           it accessible. Björn-Sören Gigler shows [12] that there is a   effective  and  transparent  regulations,  including  open
           gap   between   information   and   communications   access  to  subsidized  infrastructure  [14].  In  several
           technologies  (ICTs)  and  socio-economic  development.  In   developing  countries,  “Free  Basics”  by  Facebook  or
           this paper, he has shown that, if information is critical to   similar  initiatives  provide  people  with  access  to  useful
           development,  then  ICTs,  as  a  means  of  sharing   services  on  their  mobile  phones  for  free  without  data
           information, are not simply a connection between people,   charges.  However,  in  India,  these  kinds  of  services  are
           but a link in the chain of the development process itself.   banned to favor net-neutrality.  Hence, active participation
           ICTs  can  enhance  the  functioning  of  markets  because  it   of  all  stakeholders  in  hammering  out  a  concrete  plan  of
           can  properly  integrate  and  bind  the  floating  market   action is perhaps the single  most important step to  move
           components  into  static  contents  in  order  to  provide  a   from  high  prices  and  low  uptake  to  low  prices  and  high
           sustainable model.                                  demand [14].
           Much  of  the  'ICT  promise'  for  rural  transformation  has   3. PROBLEMS FACED BY SHG
           been expressed in terms of the power of information and
           knowledge.  However,  information  and  knowledge   In  order  to  design  an  information  system  following  an
           transactions,  especially  with  dis-empowered  people  and   endogenous  model  of  development,  we  should  move
           groups, are a complex process. It is generally not amenable   towards  a  more  citizen  and  service-centric  approach,
           to  across-the-counter  productization  and  monetization.   beginning with a needs analysis: what are the needs, who
           Only  some  kinds  of  information  –  like  agriculture  price   for, how to develop solutions, where the services need to
           information,  health  related  information,  etc.  can  be   be delivered and how they can be accessed. In this context,
           delivered usefully through a rural kiosk-based model. Most   we have conducted both primary and secondary studies to
           other  information  and  knowledge  transactions  are  much   identify  the  problems  faced  by  SHGs  in  order  to  derive
           more human interaction intensive and require to be done in   system specification of our NCoRe system.
           an altruistic and community-minded spirit [7].   A simple
           example  is  a  poor  destitute  woman  seeking  help  against   Our secondary study [15, 16] reveals the following set of
           domestic  violence.  There  is  no  digital  platform  for  her   problems faced by SHGs in India:
           using  which  she  can  seek  help  and  get  advisory  support   1.  Ignorance of Members/Participants: Majority of the
           from the external world.                               group  are  unaware  of  the  schemes  of  assistance
                                                                  offered to them. Many are Ignorant about the scheme.
           2.2 The Endogenous Model                            2.   Inadequate  Training  Facilities:  The  training  given
                                                                  to the members of SHGs are inadequate
           The  endogenous  approach  is  based  on  an  understanding   3.  Problems Related to Raw Materials: Normally each
           that  the  most  important  impact  related  to  ICTs  and  their   SHG  procures  raw  materials  individually  from  the
           use are caused not by the technology, but by the new forms   suppliers.  They  purchase  raw  materials  in  smaller
           of  informational  behavior  they  facilitate.  These  new   quantities and hence they may not be able to enjoy the
           behaviors enable new connections to be made, which may   benefits  of  large-scale  purchase  like  discount,  credit
           offer the potential of new value and transformative change   facilities etc. Most of the SHGs are ignorant about the
           to be created in the social, political, and cultural spheres, as   major  raw  material  suppliers  and  their  terms  and
           well as in the economic [10].                          conditions. All these causes high cost of raw materials.
                                                               4.  Problems  of  Marketing:  Following  are  the  major
           As  concluded  in  the  UNRISD  workshop  [13]:  “it  is  a
           serious  mistake  to  assume  that  they  constitute  a  uniform   problems relating to marketing.
           process  globally  or  share  a  common  destination,  rather   (a) Lack of sufficient orders.
           than a variety of new processes each influencing and being   (b) Lack of linkage with the marketing agencies.
           influenced by the society in which they are taking place.”    (c) Lack of adequate sales promotion measures.
           ICT for development, therefore, in this approach is about   (d) Lack of permanent market for the products
           finding solutions to the informational challenges faced in   (e) Absence of proper brand name.
           the  process  of  development.  The  core  developmental   (f) Poor/unattractive packing system.
           challenge here is to make it community driven: encourage   (g)  Poor  quality  of  products  due  to  lack  of  quality
           and  support  informational  developments  within  the   consciousness
           communities themselves.                                (h)  Lack  of  a  well  defined  and  well-knit  channel  of
                                                                  distribution for marketing
           2.3 The Digital Divide                              5.  Weak  Financial  Management:  The  return  from  the
                                                                  business  is  not  properly  managed  for  further
           Almost  three  in  five  of  the  world‟s  people  are  still  not   investment due to lack of proper financial planning
           connected  to  the  Internet.  This  digital  divide  hampers   6.  Low  Return:  The  return  on  investment  is  not
           economic  and  social  progress.  Broadband  markets  that   attractive  in  certain  groups  due  to  inefficient

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