Page 59 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
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                                        Gyu Myoung Lee , Tai-Won Um , Jun Kyun Choi 3
                                                     Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU)
                                            Chosun University, Corresponding author
                                    Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)

                              ABSTRACT                        A  microservice  is  a  software  development  technique  that
                                                              structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled
           As data-driven decision-making services are being infused   services. Decomposing an application into different smaller
           into Internet of Things (IoT) applications, especially at the   services can improve modularity and make the application
           5G networks, Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms such as   easier to develop and deploy [2].
           deep  learning,  reinforcement  learning,  etc.  are  being
           deployed   as   monolithic   application   services   for   In  this  article,  we  propose  a  new  concept  of  AI  as  a
           autonomous  decision  processes  based  on  data  from  IoT   microservice  (AIMS)  as  an  IoT  data-driven  intelligence-
           devices.  However,  for  latency  sensitive  IoT  applications   provisioning  infrastructure  with  the  5G  capability  to
           such   as   health-monitoring   or   emergency-response   provide  intelligent  connectivity  as  services  closer  to  the
           applications, it is inefficient to transmit data to the Cloud   Things  by  leveraging  resources  of  emerging  computing
           data  centers  for  storage  and  AI based processing.  In  this   technologies  like  Real-time  Onsite  Operations  Facilitation
           article, 5G integrated architecture for intelligent IoT based   (ROOF) [3], Fog [4] and Edge computing. The AI services
           on the concepts of AI as a microservice (AIMS) is presented.  will  be  provided  as  microservices,  implementing
           The architecture has been conceived to support the design   lightweight functions that have been factored from the AI
           and  development  of  AI  microservices,  which  can  be   algorithms or processes. We envision the proposed system
           deployed on federated and integrated 5G networks slices to   to allow AI functionality to be infused into 5G networks as
           provide  autonomous  units  of  intelligence  at  the  Edge  of   distributed,  composable  microservices  consisting  of
           Things,  as  opposed  to  the  current  monolithic  IoT-Cloud   independent virtual components that can be deployed on the
           services. The proposed 5G based AI system is envisioned as   federated  ROOF-Fog-Cloud  continuum  to  improve
           a platform for effective  deployment of scalable, robust, and   scalability,  interoperability  and  cutting  down  latency  for
           intelligent  cross-border  IoT  applications  to  provide   real-time 5G applications. Thus, the proposed 5G integrated
           improved  quality  of  experience  in  scenarios  where  real-  platform allows AI services to be provided seamlessly not
           time processing, ultra-low latency and intelligence are key   only at the centralized data centers but essentially, also at
           requirements. Finally, we highlight some challenges to give   the  edge,  closer  to  the  IoT  devices.    The  system  and  its
           future research directions.                        concepts  advocate  an  architectural  principle  based  on  the
                                                              abstraction that provides end-to-end fabrics for composing,
                  Keywords – AIMS, Microservice, AI, 5G       provisioning,  deploying,  managing  and  monitoring  AI
                                                              services regardless of whether such services are composed
                         1.  INTRODUCTION                     from the ROOF, Fog or cloud microservices. The proposed
                                                              5G  architecture  allows  hierarchical  and  horizontal
           Over  the  last  decade,  the  number  of  Internet-enabled   federation  of  smaller  data  centers  from  the  Edge  to  the
           devices has run into billions, in fact exceeding the number   Cloud  data  centers  continuum  so  that  AI  features  and
           of  people  on  the  planet.  The  emergence  of  these  devices   functions   can   be   incrementally   composed   from
           and  the  large  volume  of  data  they  generate  have  a   microservices in such hierarchy as dictated by the required
           significant  impact  on  our  day-to-day  existence  in  diverse   and  available  networking  and  computing  resources  at  the
           ways.  Thus,  with  this  development  and  the  success  of   ROOF  and  Fog  levels  to  independently  execute  such  AI
           Cloud  computing,  a  whole  new  networking  paradigm  has   functions.  In  fact,  this  architectural  design  would  allow
           emerged  known  as  the  fifth  generation  wireless  networks   cross-border microservices  to be composed  from different
           (5G),  leading  to  the  development  of  completely  new   local ROOF and Fog microservices over 5G network slices.
           platform for large scale distributed applications and mobile
           services in variety of application domains such as the Smart   The  remainder  of  this  article  is  organized  as  follows.
           City,  Smart  Grid,  Healthcare  Monitoring,  intelligent   Background  information  on  5G  networks  and  distributed
           transport,  Smart  manufacturing,  etc.,  exploiting  the   Cloud  is  provided  in  Section  2.  The  proposed  AIMS
           humongous data generated by the “smart” objects [1].   infrastructure  is  described  in  Section  3.  Section  4  shows
                                                              AIMS  use  cases.  In  Section  5,  we  highlight  some

           978-92-61-26921-0/CFP1868P-ART @ 2018 ITU       – 43 –                                    Kaleidoscope
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