Page 61 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 61

Machine learning for a 5G future

           data  centers)  into  smaller  functions  deployed  as  AI   composition  at  this  layer  is  that  some  more  important
           microservices.  The  microservices  can  then  be  deployed   decision process with low latency can be executed without
           closer  to  the  data  sources  and  users  allowing  seamless   offloading such process and data to the upper layer such as
           composition  of  AI  services  across  the  ROOF-Fog-Cloud   the Fog and Cloud layers. Note that these microservices are
           layer. The AI features and functions are composed from the   developed  and  deployed  independently  of  each  other  and
           distributed  microservices  AIMS  integrated  platform,   are  composable  at  runtime.  The  composition  of  the
           allowing  AI  functionality  as  intelligence  services  to  be   microservices  can  be  realized  sequentially  based  on
           implemented  and  deployed  close  to  the  data  sources  and   Network  Function  Virtualization  (NFV)  [2]  management
           users despite the limited resources available at these layers   and  inter-slice  resource  brokering  process.  The  dynamic
           and  the  huge  computing  resources  required  by  AI   adopting  microservice  architecture  for  the  deployment  of
           algorithms.                                        AI  services  means  that  we  can  now  engineer  data-driven
                                                              IoT  based  applications  that  are  composed  of  multiple
                                                              hierarchical  self-contained,  lightweight,  portable  runtime
                                                              and  modular  components  deployed  across  a  federation  of
                                                              network  slices.  This  means  that  AI  algorithms  can  be
                                                              factored  into  modular  functional  entities  that  can  be
                                                              implemented as data-driven reusable algorithmic primitives.
                                                              For  example,  the  core  functionality  of  a  particular  AIMS
                                                              service  could  be  a  service  providing  regression  analysis,
                                                              classification, clustering, IoT data pre-processing functions
                                                              such  as  feature  extraction,  feature  reduction,  dealing  with
                                                              missing  data  values  etc.  Each  microservice  is  responsible
                                                              for the execution of a smaller portion of an AI task with its
                                                              own  data,  processing  and  notification  points  accessible  to
                                                              other microservices.

           Figure  1  –  Edge-Cloud  high-level  integrated  architecture
           over 5G networks for various AI enabled IoT applications

           In  software  engineering,  the  concept  of  service-oriented
           architecture  is  not  new.  This  is  based  on  the  idea  that  an
           application  can  be  designed  such  that  the  functionality  it
           provides is divided into smaller functions and implemented
           as services that can interact via well-defined programming
           interfaces  and  thus  allowing  scalability,  robustness  and
           interoperability.  Network  slicing  is  recognized  as  a  game
           changer  in  the  remarkable  paradigm  shift  from  4G  to  5G
           era  because  it  can  maximize  the  sharing  of  network
           resources and flexibility for dedicated logical networks [15].  Figure  2  –  The  ecosystem  of  microservices  distributed
           AIMS based application involves composing interoperable   across the ROOF-Fog-Cloud systems over 5G networks
           microservices  from  the  ecosystem  of  microservices
           distributed  across  the  ROOF-Fog-Cloud  systems  as   In Figure 2, the first layer is the physical layer consisting of
           illustrated in Figure 2, showing  how  microservice at each   the IoT devices and connectivity protocols. The IoT devices
           5G  network  slice  can  be  composed.  At  ROOF  level,  for   can be categorized into 3 types. The first type consists of
           example, an AIMS service could execute a decision process   the edge sensors and actuators. These devices are capable
           based on the data obtained from the IoT devices after some   of capturing data with little or no processing capability of
           other  microservices  at  this  layer  have  executed  data   operating  system.  They  are  equipped  with  low  power  5G
           gathering, and pre-processing tasks on the collected data. In   radio connectivity with which they can communicate with
           fact,  the  pre-processed  data  can  be  temporarily  stored  on   the  edge  devices.  The  second  type  of  IoT  devices  at  the
           some of the nodes at this layer. One advantage of service   edge  are  the  edge  devices.  These  are  devices  with  the
                                                              capability to run operating systems such as Android, IOS,

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