Page 66 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 66

                                          COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS

                                           Luis Tuberquia-David ; Cesar Hernandez 1
                                          Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Colombia

                              ABSTRACT                        Communication networks have been a subject of study for
                                                              over two decades, showing that the times between the arrival
           The work discussed in this  article is framed within the   of user demands and the demand placed on the network have
           context of cognitive networks  in America, showcasing the   a correlation that persists  across different time scales  [8].
           scenario of the radioelectric spectrum of the city of Bogotá,   Since the 1980's, studies have been developed on data traffic,
           Colombia. The objective is to model the traffic of the wireless   in order to predict, control and improve the overall service.
           network, since it is underused in this region of Latin America.  Furthermore, the research carried out at Bellcore  [9] on
           Hence, some tools are studied to allow the structuring of the   Ethernet traffic revealed that the nature of Ethernet traffic is
           type of traffic seen in the network. Based on stochastic tools   multifractal [10]. Additionally, it has been pointed out that
           such as the log-scale diagram, the linear multiscale diagram,  the time series of incoming packets related to user demand
           and the multifractal spectrum, this research aims to verify   behave  with stochastic self-similarity  which is the  main
           the multifractality of traffic series collected on the electric   characteristic  of multifractal signals  [11], [12]. Moreover,
           radio spectrum of Bogotá, Colombia in 2012. In fact, the   multifractal traffic has been validated in different network
           study reveals that all the  channels of the network have a   structures as evidenced in [13], [14].
           multifractal behavior with 90% of them presenting a Hurst
           parameter in the 0.5 to 1 range. The evidence suggests that   The use and demand of wireless data have increased recently,
           the traffic in this region could be modeled as multifractal   which is expected to continue due to the nonstop
           time series. Therefore, the analysis carried out intends to   development of wireless applications. This means that the
           provide a  new modeling  method for the Colombian   monthly use of mobile data will be multiplied by eight before
           radioelectric spectrum in the form of a multifractal-based   2020 in comparison to 2015 [15]. The research detailed in
           analysis.                                          this article is based on the three  mentioned premises: the
                                                              underuse of the radioelectric spectrum in  Colombia, the
             Keywords – Multifractal, cognitive radio, radio electric   multifractal nature of network traffic and the growing trend
                     spectrum, Bogotá, Hurst Parameter        of wireless systems. Therefore, the main goal of the authors
                                                              is to confirm the nature of the traffic data captured in the city
                         1.  INTRODUCTION                     of Bogotá  within the requested Wi-Fi band. Furthermore,
                                                              probabilistic tools are used such as the Log-scale Diagram
           Historically, spectrum allocation in Colombia is regulated by   (LD) to calculate the Hurst parameter, The Multiscale-linear
           the Ministry of Information and Communications     Diagram (MD) to estimate said parameter in two different
           Technologies (by its acronym in Spanish, TIC), with the help   statistical  moments, and  the Multifractal Spectrum (MS)
           of the National Agency of the Spectrum (by its acronym in   analysis to determine the width of the spectrum. Hence, the
           Spanish, ANE). This branch is in charge of granting users the   research wishes to prove that the network traffic in Bogotá
           best quality in service, although studies such as [1], [2] have   has a multifractal behavior.
           revealed that the radio spectrum in Colombia is underused.
           Many research projects have been carried out around the   To reach the proposed objective,  spectral occupancy data
           globe, stating that the radioelectric spectrum is underused in   corresponding to the Wi-Fi band was used since it is freely
           terms of  frequency, time and geographic domains  [3],[4].   available and has a more chaotic behavior which makes it
           The results of the investigations show that this is a global   harder to model compared to the GSM band.
           phenomenon that not only occurs in Colombia. As a solution
           to the problem of  underuse, several  solutions  have been   In Section 2, the article starts by explaining the data
           proposed from  where cognitive radio (CR) networks [5]   collection process and how  the time  series  was built. In
           stand out.  CR presents a dynamic spectrum  management   Section 3, the steps required to compute the MS are detailed.
           technique, known as Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) [6]   Section 4 presents the results of the statistical analysis of the
           which  is designed to prevent interference, adapt to the   data gathered from the radioelectric spectrum of Bogotá. The
           immediate availability of the local spectrum and create times   conclusions of this investigation are stated in Section 5.
           and locations for Secondary  Users (SU) to share  with
           Primary Users (PU) [7].

           978-92-61-26921-0/CFP1868P-ART @ 2018 ITU       – 50 –                                    Kaleidoscope
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