Page 68 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 68

2018 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           units. Figure 3b illustrates the complete construction of the   3.2   Extension of the variance estimator and
           time series for Channel 1 with a length of more than 3500   statistical moments
           packages.  Finally, the  same process is repeated for all
           channels, leading to the chart in Figure 3c which shows the   By extending the estimator in Eq. (1) for statistical moments
           behavior of the entire radioelectric spectrum.     to q ≠ 2 and considering positive and negative values of q in
                                                              a set of real numbers, the analysis of the stochastic tool
           3.  MULTIFRACTAL SPECTRUM CALCULATION    discussed in the preview section can be broadened.  By
                                                              denoting q as the order of the estimator, Equation (3) can be
           3.1    Log-scale diagram and Hurst parameter       derived as:
                                                                               Ɋ  ൌ σ  ͳ   Œ  ȁ  † ሺŒǡሻȁ                 ሺ͵ሻ

           The newly obtained time series is analyzed with the help of               Œ  ൌͳ
           probabilistic tools. Firstly, the Log-scale Diagram (LD) is
           used to analyze the time series at different scales. Therefore,   In a self-similar processes with 0.5 < H < 1, the estimator
           the series is split  into logarithmic scales and a detail   follows the power law and can be extended to Equation (4)
           coefficient is estimated for each scale. A correlation between   according to [20]
           the detail coefficients ensures that the temporal estimators
           have minimum variance. Additionally, it is estimated that the    ሾȁ† ሺŒǡሻȁ ሿ ൌ   ʹ Œ൫Ƀሺ“ሻǦ ൗ൯
                                                                                                ʹ                    ሺͶሻ

           variance of the detail coefficients dx(j, ) is given by Equation
           (1) [18], [19].
                                                              where Cq is a function of q and   (q) is a function that allows
                                                              the  differentiation  between monofractal  and multifractal
                              ͳ   Œ
                          Ɋ ൌ σ     ȁ  † ሺŒǡሻȁ                         ሺͳሻ   processes. Therefore, the scaling exponent of order  q is

                               Œ  ൌͳ
                                                              estimated by [20] in the same method described with Eq. (2).
                                                              To create a representation of the behavior of such exponents
           where nj is the number of detail coefficients in the octave j,
                                                              according to an order q, the Multi-scale linear Diagram (MD)
           and    j is the estimator of  E[|dx(j, )| ]. Once the  detail   is used  where  H is projected according to the order  q for
           coefficients have been  determined, it is  noteworthy to
                                                              negative and positive values of it.
           mention that the second statistical moment follows the power
           law with an exponent of 2H-1 where H is the Hurst parameter
           representing the  self-similarity of the second stochastic
           moment. Thus, the estimation of the Hurst parameter can be
           described by Equation (2).
                        Ž‘‰ Ɋ ൌ ሺʹ ǦͳሻŒ ൅ Ž‘‰                    ሺʹሻ
           The LD is the result of plotting the log2  j as a function of
           octave j. Figure 4 shows the calculation of H for the time
           series corresponding to Channel 1 as illustrated in Figure 3.
           Furthermore, it performs a linear regression on the estimators
           computed for each scale. Then, the slope of said regression
           is calculated.  A  gradual estimate of  H is obtained  with
           confidence intervals determined by the standard deviation of

                                                                 Figure 5 – Dissection of fluctuation traces for small
                                                                changes in negative moments and significant changes in
                                                                     positive moments. Adapted from [21]

                                                              Figure 5 illustrates how  the analysis is affected by the
                                                              changes in q as it goes from negative to positive values. On
                                                              the one hand, the analysis of negative values of q pertains to
                                                              the study of small fluctuations in multifractal traces. As  q
                                                              decreases, the analysis of small fluctuations is  more
                Figure 4 – Hurst parameter estimation with LD   noticeable in contrast  with  monofractal traces  where

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