Page 63 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 63

Machine learning for a 5G future

           4.2 Emergency Healthcare System                    interoperability that makes it easier to monitor the physical
                                                              world, send instructions to them and collect data, move the
           AI  Microservices  in  the  Fog-Clouds  could  be  used  to   data across the Fog up to the Cloud where it can be stored,
           provide smart healthcare services where real-time vital sign   aggregated, analyzed and turned into information that can
           and other data must be processed, and an instant decision   be acted upon. One important aspect of this platform that
           has  to  be  communicated  to  healthcare  providers  such  as   relates to AIMS is its capability that allows data to travel
           emergency  health  services.  A  microservice,  might  be   northwards and laterally to other edge gateways, or back to
           responsible  for  collecting  the  data,  another  for  processing   devices, sensors and actuators. However, the edge gateways
           the data and other for predicting, and another for deciding   only function as data collectors or aggregators for the IoT
           on action to take based on the prediction. The AI algorithms   devices  from  which  such  data  is  transmitted  to  the  cloud
           that these microservices implement are deployed on cross-  data centers. The EdgeXFoundry platform does not provide
           border  Fog-Cloud  systems.  This  kind  of  system  would   integration  with  other  cross-border  Cloud-IoT  platforms
           provide  low-latency,  privacy,  trust  and  secured  mobility   and also does not incorporate intelligence at the edge of the
           and  location-aware  supports  to  the  individuals  in  the  5G   network  to  allow  application  of  AI  algorithms  for  data
           environment.                                       processing  and  analyzing  IoT  data  for  intelligent  decision
                                                              making.  Another  is  the  MUSA  project  sponsored  by  the
           To  facilitate  AI-powered  5G  applications  such  as  the   European  Union  [17].  MUSA  is  a  distributed  multi-cloud
           security surveillance and emergency healthcare as shown in   application  platform  over  heterogeneous  cloud  resources.
           Figure  3,  AIMS  infrastructure  hierarchically  incorporates   Its  components  are  deployed  in  different  cloud  service
           Cloud and Edge computing with AI and 5G technologies.   providers and work in an integrated way and transparently
           AIMS provides multi-level AI components located from the   for the end users. BigClouT [18] is another similar ongoing
           Smart  Edges  (ROOF/Fog)  of  things  to  the  Cloud  centers.   project sponsored by the European Union that leverages the
           Thus,  the  AIMS  enables  various  levels  of  intelligence,   power of Cloud computing, IoT and Big data analytics to
           which  are  deployed  at  ROOF/Fog/Cloud  layers,  to  be   provide distributed intelligence in a smart city network. The
           developed  as  independently  deployable  microservices   AIMS  aims  to  define  and  develop  an  integrated  platform
           (AIMS components). These AIMS components can then be   architecture  for  the  incorporation  of  multi-clouds  systems
           incorporated  based  on  message  driven  communications   and IoT for AI based services.
           provided  by  the  platform,  allowing  easier  extensibility,
           interoperability,  evolution,  integration  and  composition  of   5.2  Specifying  essential  components  and  interfaces  to
           high-level, complex AI-powered 5G services.           support data-driven AI services

                          5.  CHALLENGES                      The  AIMS  infrastructure  consists  of  broad  variety  of
                                                              heterogeneous nodes, devices, protocols, etc. That interacts
           The 5G integrated AIMS platform is envisioned to address   in diverse operating conditions  from  ROOF to the Cloud.
           important challenges of an advanced and efficient federated   This  heterogeneity  raises  important  question  of  how
           cloud  platform  with  IoT  for  AI  applications.  It  will  be   microservices  deployed  across  this  ecosystem  of  the
           designed to offer distributed AI services (as a microservice)   federated AIMS platform would be able to communicate to
           over 5G networks, leveraging multi-cloud computing, IoT   exchange information and data that are in different formats.
           and Big Data technologies.                         The  popular  solution  would  be  to  design  a  unified
                                                              middleware  framework,  providing  the  abstractions  of
           5.1  Defining  an  integrated  platform  architecture  for   various layers on top of AIMS to hide this complexity from
               Cloud, AI and 5G                               the  microservices and allow  them to fluidly exchange  not
                                                              only  heterogeneous  data  and  information  but  also
           One  of  the  key  challenges  is  how  to  define  an  integrated   intelligence  seamlessly.  Thus,  various  components  and
           reference  architecture  for  multi-cloud  IoT  based   interfaces for communication across a federation of ROOF,
           microservices,  enabling  intelligent  data  acquisition  and   Fog  and  Cloud  platform  would  be  specified.  This
           analysis  through  integrated  protocols  and  standards  with   middleware and its associated interfaces should be designed
           uniform  access  while  supporting  different  interactions   to guarantee interoperability between the federated ROOF,
           between various IoT services deployed on federated cloud   Fog and Cloud elements, coordinating the life cycle of the
           systems  at  the  5G  networks.  Presently,  there  are   whole  tasks  of  various  microservices  taking  part  in
           frameworks  providing  solutions  in  this  direction.  A  good   delivering  intelligence  as  a  service.  Components  for
           example  is  the  EdgeXFoundry  open  source  platform   communication,  configuration,  microservice  and  resources
           developed for the edge of the network [16]. It interacts with   discoveries, composition via orchestration or choreography
           the  physical  everyday  working  world  of  devices,  sensors,   and other related service interfaces would be specified and
           actuators and other IoT objects. It has been designed as a   designed.
           framework  for  industrial  IoT  edge  computing,  enabling
           rapidly  growing  community  of  IoT  solution  providers  to   5.3  Supporting  the  harmonious  management  of
           work together in an interoperable ecosystem of components   computing resources
           to  reduce  uncertainty,  accelerate  time  to  market  and
           facilitate  scale.  This  platform  brings  the  much-needed

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