Page 67 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 67

Machine learning for a 5G future

             2.  FROM MEASUREMENTS TO TIME SERIES             2.2    Spectrum Availability Matrix

           2.1    Collecting data                             The Wi-Fi data includes the information of 461 frequency
                                                              channels,  with a  time resolution  equal to one third of a
           In March 2012, a collection of data from the radioelectric   second. In total, the Wi-Fi database has 4.978.800 data and a
           spectrum was conducted in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. A   Wi-Fi assessment of 829,800 [17].
           spectrum analyzer was used to detect the traffic based on the
           power of the signals. Consequently, the gathered information
           indicates whether the signals are present or absent during the
           defined sampling time. The captured data is located within
           the GSM, Wi-Fi and 1850 MHz to 2000 MHz bands [16].

           The equipment  used to capture the  measurements of  the
           spectrum were a Discone antenna set in the 25 MHz – 6 GHz
           frequency range, a low noise amplifier (LNA) running in the   Figure 2 – Building the availability matrix from the power
           20 MHz - 8 GHz frequency range and a spectrum analyzer                  matrix
           operating in the 9 kHz – 7.1 GHz range [17]. The map of the
           spectrum  measurement campaign in the  city of Bogotá is
                                                              Figure 2 shows the block diagram that represents the
           shown in Figure 1, indicating the data collection  spots in   construction process of  the availability  matrix. The
                                                              availability  matrix indicates  when a channel  is being
                                                              occupied by a primary user (with a value of 1) or available
                                                              for use (with a  value of 0).  The power  values  of  the 461
                                                              channels are assessed for one element at a time by comparing
                                                              them  with a threshold value. The tool  proposed in  [17]
                                                              transforms the data between  -40 dBm and  -147 dBm into
                                                              binary values according to the restriction set by a specific

                                                              2.3    Time series of Wi-Fi traffic in Bogotá

                                                              Based on the Wi-Fi Availability Matrix, it is proposed to
                                                              create a time series that collects the download packages of
                                                              users in time units, as well as the availability of consecutive
            Figure 1 – Map of the measurement campaign in Bogotá.   time instants within the channel. The idea is to form a time
                           Adapted from [16]                  series with the ongoing tendency of a channel and measure
                                                              the fluctuations between occupied and idle states.
           Measurements  were carried  out in six buildings scattered
           across the  city and located in strategic points. Their
           coordinates (latitude and longitude) are listed in Table 1.

            Table 1 – Geographic location of the measurement spots

                 Location    Latitude      Longitude
                 1         4°73’0” north   74°0’5’’ west
                 2         4°68’2” north   74°0’5’’ west

                 3         4°65’5” north   74°1’0’’ west
                 4         4°62’8” north   74°0’6’’ west
                                                                Figure 3 – Fluctuations between busy and idle states of
                 5         4°58’8” north   74°1’0’’ west       channels in Bogotá’s radioelectric spectrum in Wi-Fi band
                 6         4°57’9” north   74°1’5’’ west
                                                              In order to generate the time series, the first step involves
                                                              assigning a positive  weight  in the instant  in  which the
           The main technical parameters for the captured data in the
                                                              channel is free and a negative weight when the channel is
           spectrum were the bandwidth resolution which was set at 100
                                                              busy. Then, positive and negative time units are counted in
           kHz, the span set at 50 MHz and the scanning time at 333
                                                              sequence to create a new time series. They are stored in an
           milliseconds [16].
                                                              intercalary free packet, followed by the packages currently
                                                              occupied by users. Figure  3a displays the construction

                                                              process of the time series, described above. Hence, the new
                                                              time series  includes positive  values representing available
                                                              time units and negative values representing occupied time

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