Page 69 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
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Machine learning for a 5G future

           fluctuations are scarce, and the trend is the same for all q. On   quite intense. The result of this transformation is a long arc
           the other hand, for positive values of q, the analysis requires   where the difference between the  maximum and the
           studying large fluctuations related to the average fluctuations   minimum values  of  H(q) corresponds to  the  width of the
           of the traces. As the  value of  q increases, the analysis of   multifractal spectrum  [21]. The MS  form can be
           larger variations is  more  noticeable, and the trend of   approximated to a second order polynomial function and its
           monofractal traces remains the same as in negative values of   width can be  measured  with the zero-crossing operation
           q.                                                 D(q)=0.

           3.3    Legendre  transformation  and  multifractal     4.  BEHAVIOR OF THE RADIOELECTRIC
           spectrum calculation                                             SPECTRUM IN BOGOTÁ

           It is then proceeded to calculate the multifractal spectrum   4.1   Calculation of the Hurst exponent for the
           using the Legendre transformation. This method measures   radioelectric spectrum in Bogotá
           the singularity dimension of order q denoted as D(q) and the
           resolution function is named  H(q) [22].  D(q) is a linear   The next step involves calculating the Hurst parameters for
           transformation that converts scales into statistical moments   each channel based on the time series seen in Figure 3. Using
           since the  mapping function of  sampling scales into   the detail coefficients, the  variance of the estimator is
           individual statistical moments is non-linear [23]. Hence, the   calculated, and the  slope  is  derived from the estimation
           Legendre transformation is computationally more efficient   around the octaves  for each  channel Eq (1). Figure 7
           than other  methods used to calculate the  multifractal   corresponds to a plot of the variable H for all channels of the
           spectrum [8].  This  version  of the  multifractal spectrum   radioelectric spectrum. The channels with a value of H > 0.5
           calculation was implemented hereby.                are denoted in light green, stating a persistent behavior in the
                                                              trend and short-range dependence. The channels with H > 1
           To calculate the singularity  dimension,  τ(q) serves as an   are denoted in dark green, indicating persistence against the
           intermediate variable in the form of Equation (5).   trend-related behavior and long-range dependence. Out of
                                                              the 461 channels, 25 channels showed a value of H < 0.5,
                            ߬ሺݍሻ ൌ ݍܪሺݍሻ െ ͳ                          ሺͷሻ   two channels had a value of H > 1 and the remaining 434
                                                              channels were in the range 0.5 < H < 1.
           The calculation of the singularity dimension D of order q in
           Equation (6) [24] can be determined once  τ(q) has  been
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                           ܦሺݍሻ ؠ    ൌ                              ሺ͸ሻ
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                                                                Figure 7 – Hurst parameter estimation for all channels

                                                              4.2   Sampling correction in the extensor of the
                                                              variance estimator

                                                              Moving on, the Multi-scale linear Diagram (MD) is
             Figure 6 – Multifractal spectrum for a monofractal and
                                                              computed for all channels of the spectrum. When calculating
                          multifractal time series            the MD, the channels presented irregularities in the shape
                                                              and distribution of  H(q). In  Figure 8a, the  green curve
           Plotting D(q) as a function of H(q) results in the Multifractal   highlights the example of a channel with irregularities in the
           Spectrum shown in Figure 6 where the shape of the spectrum   sampling process of the diagram. The appropriate selection
           for monofractal  and multifractal  time  series  can  be   of  H(q) is carried out by a hierarchical decision tree that
           appreciated. As expected, the shape of the  monofractal   chooses the maximum value of the function in the vicinity of
           spectrum is  not as broad as for the  multifractal  spectrum.   q=0 [25] that can be compared based on a curve similar to a
           Furthermore, the  monofractal behavior is not as  prolific   sigmoidal function. To correctly deermine the width of the
           during fluctuations of q, which is the opposite case for the   multifractal spectrum, as shown in Figure 8b, the green curve
           multifractal scenario  where the activity  surrounding  q is

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