Page 62 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 62

2018 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           Windows,  Linux,  etc.  They  possess  the  capability  to  not   4.  AIMS: USE CASES
           only aggregate data but also to execute pre-processing on
           the collected data. Some of these devices can also run some   4.1   Smart City Surveillance Application
           embedded AI algorithms as microservices to provide simple
           intelligent  decision  and  insights  on  the  data  they  have   One of the key areas where the architecture proposed in this
           aggregated.                                        article is most useful is in security surveillance in a Smart
                                                              City  platform.  In  a  Smart  City,  there  are  numerous  smart
           The ROOF layer consists of devices and nodes such as 5G   cameras installed in various parts of the city for  different
           gNodeBs,  home  routers,  smartphones  that  provide  the   purposes  ranging  from  traffic  monitoring,  security
           resources for always-available services, security, privacy in   surveillance  at  train  stations,  bus  stations,  airports,
           real-time  as  the  next  hop  for  the  Things.  It  can  be   shopping  malls,  streets,  etc.  Imagine  that  there  is
           implemented on these devices that serve as Things’ proxies   intelligence  about  an  intending  terror  attacks  and  the
           for connectivity to the network and Cloud. In our proposed   pictures  of  possible  suspects  have  been  shared  among
           architecture,  ROOF  serves  as  a  proxy  for  the  physical   various  security  monitoring  systems  in  the  city.  The
           Things  for  connectivity  to  the  Fog  and  to  the  Cloud   security monitoring system is linked with the smart cameras.
           Computing data centers. At the layer of the architecture, AI   To  report  the  sighting  of  a  suspect,  the  smart  cameras
           agents  and  other  related  distributed  applications  can  be   should be empowered to carry our real-time analysis of live
           deployed as microservices.                         streams  of  video  data  and  decide  if  an  individual  with  a
                                                              suspicious  bag  is  one  of  the  wanted  terror  suspects.    To
           The third layer is the Fog layer, which is a virtualized layer   realize  that,  different  analytical  AI  algorithms,  such  as
           providing  compute,  storage  and  networking  services   anomaly detection using deep learning, can be deployed as
           between the ROOF and the traditional Cloud data centers.   microservices to support the surveillance cameras installed
           This  layer  can  deliver  more  powerful  5G  application   in the 5G based virtualized service infrastructure.
           services  that  can  be  supported  by  the  ROOF  layer.  This
           layer  consists  of  Fog  nodes,  which  are  facilities  and   AI algorithm analyzes the video data for autonomous local
           infrastructure that can provide resources for distributed 5G   decision-making. The smart camera can then communicate
           application services. In our architecture, base stations and   its decision to the appropriate authority for action while the
           other core network gateways serve as Fog nodes.    cameras  keep  on  monitoring  the  suspect  and  if  need  be
                                                              passing  control  information  to  nearby  cameras  should  the
           The fourth layer is the Cloud layer, which is located in the   suspect  move  away  from  the  current  camera.  Thus,  the
           core  network  and  support  interoperability  and  wide-usage   system  can  locally  process  the  streams  of  live  video  data
           as  AIMS  modules  independent  to  the  data.  In  addition,  it   among  themselves  and  thus  to  reducing  traffic  overhead,
           provides  long-term  decision  making  in  the  smart  city   latency in 5G networks.

                                       Figure 3  – 5G based Virtualized Service Infrastructure

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