Page 926 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 926

5                                            Intercloud and interoperability

            NaaS             Network as a Service

            NIST             National Institute of Standards and Technology
            OASIS            Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
            OCC              Open Cloud Consortium

            OCCI             Open Cloud Computing Interface
            OCCI-WG          OCCI Working Group
            ODCA             Open Data Center Alliance

            OGF              Open Grid Forum
            OVF              Open Virtualization Format
            PaaS             Platform as a Service
            PoC              Proof of Concept

            REST             Representational State Transfer
            SaaS             Software as a Service
            SAJACC           Standards Acceleration to Jumpstart the Adoption of Cloud Computing

            SCIM             System for Cross-domain Identity Management
            SDO              Standards Development Organization
            SIIF             Standard for Inter-cloud Interoperability and Federation
            SLA              Service Level Agreement

            SMI              Simple Management Interface
            SNIA             Storage Networking Industry Association
            SOA              Service Oriented Architecture

            SPEC             Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
            VM               Virtual Machine
            NOTE – Abbreviations not described in this supplement can be found in [ITU-T Y.3500] and other reference documents
            listed in clause 2.

            4       Introduction
            The purpose of this supplement is to provide the list of existing cloud computing interoperability and testing
            related  activities.  Clause  5  describes  cloud  computing  interoperability  activities  by  different  standards
            development  organizations  (SDOs)  while  clause  6  identifies  potential  cloud  computing  interoperability
            testing areas. This supplement is intended to be of help for developing cloud computing interoperability
            testing Recommendations.

            5       Existing cloud computing interoperability activities

            5.1     Standards development organizations for cloud computing interoperability
            Many SDOs are developing cloud standards. Some of them are listed in ITU-T FG-Cloud technical reports.
            From an interoperability testing perspective, some SDOs do not conduct testing themselves but conduct
            joint/collaborative/sponsored  testing  groups  as  described  in  clause  5.2.  For  example,  Distributed
            Management Task Force (DMTF), European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), Organization for
            the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), Storage Networking Industry Association
            (SNIA) and some SDOs sponsored Cloud Plugfest as part of the Cloud Interoperability Week where, during
            the  testing  of  specifications,  they  improved  such  Cloud  standards  as  cloud  data  management  interface
            (CDMI), open cloud computing interface (OCCI), cloud infrastructure management interface (CIMI) and open

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