Page 930 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 930

5                                            Intercloud and interoperability

            The IPPM working group works on testing methodology related aspects of CCI.

            The  IPPM  working  group  develops  and  maintains  standard  metrics  that  can  be  applied  to  the  quality,
            performance, and reliability of Internet data delivery services and applications running over transport layer
            protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP) over IP.

            Some CCI related individual Internet drafts have also  been submitted to IETF.
            The draft Cloud Reference Framework presents a cloud reference framework that intends to provide a basis
            for designing interoperable cloud services and their integration into existing open Internet and enterprise IT
            infrastructures [draft-khasnabish-cloud-reference-framework].

                                     Table 5-5 – IETF documents and work items related to CCI

                          Reference                                  Name/Title                      Status
             IETF RFC 2330                       Framework for IP Performance Metrics               Published
             IETF RFC 4110                       A Framework for Layer 3 Provider-Provisioned Virtual   Published
                                                 Private Networks
             IETF RFC 6749                       The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework              Published
             I-D. draft-ietf-scim-core-schema-03   System for Cross-domain Identity Management: Core   Draft
             I-D. draft-khasnabish-cloud-reference-  Cloud Reference Framework                      Draft

            5.1.6   ISO/IEC JTC1

            ISO/IEC JTC 1 is the Joint Technical Committee 1 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
            and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Its purpose as a technical committee is to develop,
            maintain,  promote,  and  facilitate  standards  in  the  fields  of  IT  and  information  and  communication
            technology (ICT).
            The scope of JTC1/SC38 (subcommittee 38 of JTC1, distributed application platforms and services (DAPS)) is
            standardization for interoperable DAPS including web services, service oriented architecture (SOA) and cloud
            The WG3 (working group on Cloud Computing) of JTC1/SC38 works on definitions related aspects of CCI.
            JTC1/SC38 developed Overview and Vocabulary [ISO/IEC WD 17788] and Reference Architecture of cloud
            computing [ISO/IEC DIS 17789].

            ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38 (specifically WG 3: Cloud Computing) and ITU-T/SG 13 form the Collaborative Teams on
            Cloud Computing Overview and Vocabulary (CT-CCVOCAB) and Cloud Computing Reference Architecture
            (CT-CCRA). The purpose of the collaboration is to develop a common text, in the form of a new standard,
            between the two groups based on two documents: Draft new Recommendation Y.CCdef Cloud Computing
            Definition and Vocabulary (from ITU-T Q.26/13), and ISO/IEC WD 17788 – Cloud Computing Vocabulary and
            ISO/IEC WD 17789 – Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38/WG 3).
            Cloud computing interoperability (CCI) is defined in CT-CCVOCAB as follows:

            Interoperability in the context of cloud computing includes the ability of a cloud service customer (CSC) to
            interact  with  a  cloud  service  and  exchange  information  according  to  a  prescribed  method  and  obtain
            predictable results.

            Interoperability  also  includes  the  ability  for  one  cloud  service  to  work  with  other  cloud  services,  either
            through  a  cloud  service  provider-to-provider  relationship,  or  where  a  CSC  uses  multiple  different  cloud
            services in some form of composition to achieve their business goals.

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