Page 933 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 933

Intercloud and interoperability                                     5

                                                        Service template
                                          Topology template           Node types
                                                                        Node type
                                                                     capability definitions
                                                            Type for
                                      Relationship                  Properties    Interfaces
                                                                    Requirement definitions
                                                                     Relationship types
                                                                     Relationship type
                                                            Type for
                                                   Node             Properties    Interfaces

                                                                            Q Suppl.65(14)_F5-3
                   Figure 5-3 – Structural elements of a service template and their relations (Ref. Topology and
                         orchestration specification for cloud applications version 1.0 OASIS standard)

                                 Table 5-9 – OASIS documents and work items related to CCI

                   Reference                                 Name/Title                              Status
             OASIS TOSCA-v1.0      Topology and orchestration specification for cloud applications (TOSCA)   Published
                                   Version 1.0

            5.1.10  ODCA

            The ODCA is an independent organization created in October 2010 with the assistance of Intel Corporation
            to coordinate the development of standards for cloud computing. The organization has created a usage
            model roadmap featuring 19 prioritized usage models. The usage models provide detailed requirements for
            data  centre  and  cloud  solutions,  and  will  include  detailed  technical  documentation  discussing  the
            requirements for technology deployments.

            Four CCI related usage models have been published by ODCA, while ODCA also initiated a new PoC project
            to determine where the virtual machine (VM) industry currently is in meeting interoperability requirements
            outlined in the ODCA VM interoperability usage model in 2013.

                                 Table 5-10 – ODCA documents and work items related to CCI

                             Reference                                  Name/Title                   Status

             ODCA SAAS_Interop_UM_Rev1.0                Software as a service (SaaS) interoperability   published
             ODCA PAAS_Interop_UM_Rev1.0                Platform as a service (PaaS) interoperability   published
             ODCA VM_Interoperability_in_a              Virtual machine (VM) Interoperability in a hybrid   published
             Hybrid_Cloud_Enviroment_rev1.2             cloud environment
             ODCA VM_Interop_PoC_White_Paper            Implementing the Open Data Center Alliance   published
                                                        Virtual Machine Interoperability Usage Model
            A team led by T-Systems Telekom Innovation Laboratories, the FZI research team from the University of
            Karlsruhe and supported by Intel Corporation carried out a PoC project to implement the usages described
            in the document: Implementing the ODCA Virtual Machine Interoperability Usage Model.
            The Implementing the ODCA Virtual Machine Interoperability Usage Model POC was developed within the
            ODCA Manageability and Services Workgroup and includes specifications for interoperability developed by
            DMTF, an ODCA partner organization.

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