Page 931 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 931

Intercloud and interoperability                                     5

            Interoperability stretches beyond the cloud services themselves and also includes the interaction of the CSC
            with the cloud service management facilities of the cloud service provider (CSP). Ideally, the CSC should have
            a  consistent  and  interoperable  interface  to  the  cloud  service  management  functionality  and  be  able  to
            interact with two or more CSPs without needing to deal with each provider in a specialized way.

                                 Table 5-6 – ISO/IEC documents and work items related to CCI

                   Reference                                  Name/Title                             Status

             ISO/IEC WD 17788       Cloud Computing Vocabulary                                      Published
             ISO/IEC DIS 17789      Information technology -- Cloud computing -- Reference architecture   Published

            5.1.7   ITU-T
            The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is one of the three sectors (divisions or units) of
            the International Telecommunication Union (ITU); it coordinates standards for telecommunications.
            Cloud computing is an important part of ITU-T Study Group (SG) 13 work and the group develops standards
            that detail requirements and functional architectures of the cloud computing ecosystem, covering inter- and
            intra-cloud computing and technologies supporting X as a service (XaaS).

            ITU-T works on definition, cloud computing management interface related aspects of CCI.
            This work of SG 13 includes infrastructure and networking aspects of cloud computing models, as well as
            deployment considerations and requirements for interoperability and data portability.

            SG 13 also develops standards enabling consistent end-to-end, multi-cloud management and monitoring of
            services exposed by and across different service providers' domains and technologies.

                                  Table 5-7 – ITU-T documents and work items related to CCI

                 Reference                                  Name/Title                               Status
             ITU-T Y.3500       Recommendation ITU-T Y.3500 (2014), Information technology -Cloud   Published
                                computing – Overview and vocabulary
             ITU-T Y.3501       Recommendation ITU-T Y.3501 (2013), Cloud computing framework and high-  Published
                                level requirements
             ITU-T Y.3502       Recommendation ITU-T Y.3502 (2014), Information technology -Cloud   Published
                                computing - Reference architecture
             ITU-T Y.3510       Recommendation Y.3510 (2013), Cloud computing infrastructure requirements   Published
             ITU-T Y.3512       Recommendation Y.3512 (2014), Cloud computing – Functional requirements of   Published
                                Network as a Service.
             ITU-T Y.3513       Recommendation Y.3513 (2014), Cloud computing – Functional requirements of   Published
                                Infrastructure as a service.
             ITU-T Y.3520       Recommendation Y.3520 (2013), Cloud computing framework for end to end   Published
                                resource management
             ITU-T Y.e2ecslm-   End-to-end cloud service lifecycle management                       Draft
             ITU-T Y.e2ecmrgb   Common Model for End-to-End Cloud Computing Resource Management     Draft

            5.1.8   NIST
            The  National  Institute of Standards  and  Technology  (NIST)  is  a  measurement standards  laboratory,  also
            known as a National Metrological Institute (NMI), which is a non-regulatory agency of the United States
            Department of Commerce.

            NIST standards acceleration to jumpstart the adoption of cloud computing (SAJACC) working group: Focused
            on use case definition and refinement to produce testable cloud computing scenarios.

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