Page 932 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 932

5                                            Intercloud and interoperability

            NIST SAJACC: Phase I is published project to define testable use cases that provide the basis for independent
            evaluation of cloud standards, products and processes. The output of the working group report "SAJACC
            Working Group Recommendations to NIST" has been delivered in February 2013.
            Working group continues with Phase II to define and refine use cases with greater technical detail. SAJACC
            Phase II launched February 2013 to refine and extend Phase I use case test cases based on priority action

            Figure 5-2 shows the NIST Cloud Portal (currently in the form of a community Wikipedia website) and the
            main  steps  of  starting  the  SAJACC  process.  SAJACC  has  completed  several  iterations  of  steps 1-3,  and
            exploratory activities conducted in a community setting for the process described in step 4 of the figure,
            resulting in output that has been documented in the NIST Cloud Standards Wiki.

                      Figure 5-2 – NIST cloud standards portal (Reference: NIST cloud computing website)

                                  Table 5-8 – NIST documents and work items related to CCI

                          Reference                                  Name/Title                      Status
             NIST SAJACC Internal Group Report   SAJACC working group recommendations to NIST       Published
             NIST SAJACC White Paper             Virtual machine portability white paper            Draft
             NIST SP 800-145                     The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing             Published
             NIST SP 500-292                     NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture        Published

             NIST SP 500-293vol1                 US Government Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap   Draft
                                                 Volume I Release 1.0: High-Priority Requirements to
                                                 Further USG Agency Cloud Computing Adoption

             NIST SP 500-293vol2                 US Government Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap   Draft
                                                 Volume II Release 1.0: Useful Information for Cloud
            5.1.9   OASIS

            OASIS is a non-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards
            for the global information society.
            OASIS works on the TOSCA project which is cloud interoperability initiative related aspects of CCI.

            Cloud includes several technical projects, such as OASIS TOSCA project which enhances the portability and
            management of cloud applications and services across their lifecycle. TOSCA will enable the interoperable
            description of application and infrastructure cloud services, the relationships between parts of the service
            and the operational behaviour of these services (e.g., deploy, patch, shutdown).

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