Page 929 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 929

Intercloud and interoperability                                     5

            infrastructure. Governance elements include registration, geo-independence, trust anchor, and potentially
            compliance and audit. The standard does not address intra-cloud (within cloud) operation, as this is cloud
            implementation-specific, nor does it address proprietary hybrid-cloud implementations.

                              Public access                                        Public access

                              Public cloud                                          Public cloud

                                                        Intercloud root

                                                      Intercloud exchanges
                              Public cloud                                          Private cloud

                              Public access
                                                                        Internal user access
                                                                                   Q Suppl.65(14)_F5-1

                                     Figure 5-1 – Reference network inter-cloud topology

                         (Reference: IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative:

                                  Table 5-4 – IEEE documents and work items related to CCI

               Reference                                Name/Title                                 Status

               IEEE P2301   Guide for Cloud Portability and Interoperability Profiles (CPIP)      In process
               IEEE P2302   Standard for Intercloud Interoperability and Federation (SIIF)        In process
            Another area IEEE plans to explore involves developing environments for creating and testing protocols for
            the  IEEE  P2302  Draft  Standard  for  intercloud  interoperability  and  federation.  IEEE  has  partnered  with
            universities and research institutions around the world that already have cloud computing resources. The
            goal is to create a well-connected standards-based platform.

            5.1.5   IETF
            The  IETF  is  an  international  organization  that  develops  standards  and  specifications  applicable  to  the

            IETF works on cloud computing interface, and testing methodology related aspects of CCI Cloud related
            working groups are:
            •       IETF/l3vpn (Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks);

            •       IETF/oauth (Web Authorization Protocol);
            •       IETF/scim (System for Cross-domain Identity Management);
            •       IETF/ippm (IP Performance Metrics).
            The L3VPN, OAUTH, system for cross-domain identity management (SCIM) working groups work on cloud
            computing protocol related aspects of CCI.
            The L3VPN working group is responsible for defining, specifying and extending BGP/MPLS IP VPNs solutions
            for supporting provider-provisioned L3VPN.

            The OAUTH working group develops OAuth for authorization. OAuth provides client applications a 'secure
            delegated access' to server resources on behalf of a resource owner.

            The SCIM working group is developing SCIM specification that is designed to make managing user identity in
            cloud based applications and services easier.

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