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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

          [28] B. M. Hochwald and W. Sweldens. Differential uni‑  AUTHORS
              tary space‑time modulation. IEEE Transactions on
              Communications, 48(12):2041–2052, Dec. 2000.

          [29] V. Tarokh and H. Jafarkhani. A differential detection
              scheme for transmit diversity. IEEE Journal on Se‑
              lected Areas in Communications, 18(7):1169–1174,
              July 2000.

          [30] M. Beko, J. Xavier, and V. A. N. Barroso. Noncoherent
              communication in multiple‑antenna systems: Re‑
              ceiver design and codebook construction.  IEEE
              Transactions on Signal Processing, 55(12):5703–
              5715, Dec. 2007.
          [31] R. H. Gohary and T. N. Davidson. Noncoherent MIMO
              communication: Grassmannian constellations and   Kun Chen‑Hu received his Ph.D. degree in Multimedia
              ef icient detection. IEEE Transactions on Informa‑  and Communications in 2019 from Universidad Carlos
              tion Theory, 55(3):1176–1205, March 2009.        III de Madrid (Spain). Currently, he is a post‑doctoral
                                                               researcher in the same institution.  He was awarded
          [32] F. Adachi. Reduced‑state Viterbi differential detec‑  by UC3M in 2019 in recognition of his outstanding pro‑
              tion using a recursively estimated phase reference  fessional career after graduation. He visited Eurecom
              for M‑ary DPSK. IEE Proceedings ‑ Communications,  (France) and Vodafone Chair TU Dresden (Germany),
              142(4):263–270, Aug. 1995.                       both as guest researcher. He also participated in differ‑
                                                               ent research projects in collaboration with several top
          [33] N. Prasad, S. Wang, and X. Wang.  Ef icient re‑  companies in the area of mobile communications. His
              ceiver algorithms for DFT‑spread OFDM systems.   research interests are related to signal processing tech‑
              IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,    niques, such as waveforms design, non‑coherent massive
              8(6):3216–3225, June 2009.                       MIMO and channel estimation.

          [34] J. Lota, S. Sun, T. S. Rappaport, and A. Demos‑
              thenous. 5G uniform linear arrays with beamform‑
              ing and spatial multiplexing at 28, 37, 64, and 71 ghz
              for outdoor urban communication: A two‑level ap‑
              proach. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
              66(11):9972–9985, Nov. 2017.

          [35] Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5
              to 100 GHz (Release 16). Technical report, 3GPP,
              France, 2019.
          [36] T. S. Rappaport, R. W. Heath, R. C. Daniels, and J. N.
              Murdock. Millimeter wave wireless communications.
              Prentice Hall, 2015.                             Yong Liu received a Ph.D in electronic engineering from
                                                               the Department of Electric Engineering, Shanghai Jiao
          [37] J. Lin. Least‑squares channel estimation for mobile  Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2012. He is now
              ofdm communication on time‑varying frequency‑    with the wireless network RAN research department in
              selective fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Ve‑  Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd., Shanghai, China. His cur‑
              hicular Technology, 57(6):3538–3550, Nov. 2008.  rent research interests lie in the area of 5G and 5G+ MIMO
                                                               communication and AI assisted wireless networks..
          [38] K. B. Letaief, W. Chen, Y. Shi, J. Zhang, and Y. A. Zhang.
              The roadmap to 6G: AI empowered wireless net‑
              works. IEEE Communications Magazine, 57(8):84–
              90, Aug. 2019.

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