Page 38 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
P. 38

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

                    UE 1    Modu‑    Diff.   OFDM Tx     Channel    OFDM Rx   Diff.
                    bits            Encoding              UE 1      ant.    = 1  Decoding
                            lation                                                                UE 1 bits
                            DPSK                                                       Constellation  UE 2 bits
                    UE 2    Modu‑    Diff.   OFDM Tx     Channel    OFDM Rx   Diff.
                    bits            Encoding              UE 2      ant.    = 2  Decoding  Decision  UE    bits
                    ⋮        ⋮        ⋮        ⋮           ⋮           ⋮        ⋮
                            DPSK                                     OFDM
                   UE       Modu‑    Diff.   OFDM Tx     Channel     Rx ant.  Diff.
                    bits            Encoding              UE                 Decoding
                            lation                                      =                BS
                            Fig. 5 – Block diagram for UL, where different UEs are multiplexed in the constellation domain.

          The block diagram of a UL system addressing a more gen‑  are obtained through a beam management procedure to
          eral multi‑user case is shown in Fig. 5, from [17]. In this  point the beams towards each UE. Once this is achieved,
          system, several UEs map their data bits into complex sym‑  the data information is sent over a non‑coherently pro‑
          bols that belong to a speci ic DPSK constellation. Then,  cessed link. Reference [18] proposed a similar idea as‑
          the differentially encoded symbols are transmitted into  suming, however, an ideal case where the MUI is com‑
          an OFDM signal through a multi‑path channel. The re‑  pletely mitigated by the beamforming. Meanwhile, the
          ceived signal at each antenna of the BS after the OFDM  combination of NCDS with a practical beamforming tech‑
          receiver corresponds to a superposition of different sig‑  nique is proposed in [19], taking into account the residual
          nals coming from each UE. Later, these differential sym‑  MUI.
          bols are non‑coherently combined by using a differential  In [19] the beam‑management procedure de ined in 5G
          decoder and averaged over the spatial domain in order to  [1] is suggested to be performed as a  irst step. This pro‑
          obtain the desired joint‑symbol. Exploiting the spatial di‑  cedure is responsible for accurately determining the an‑
          versity in order to reduce the noise and multi‑user inter‑  gle of the spatial clusters of the propagation channel con‑
          ference (MUI) is crucial to obtaining a right decision from  tributing to the signal of each UE, by transmitting some
          the joint‑symbol [12]. Additionally, the constellation de‑  reference signals. These reference signals are speci i‑
          sign can be combined with channel coding, where the soft  cally the synchronization signals (SS) and channel state
          information can either improve the performance or re‑  information‑reference signals (CSI‑RS). The former are
          duce the number of required antennas at the BS [16] [32].  used when a UE would like to enter the system for the  irst
                                                               time, while the latter are exploited for updating the angu‑
          4.  NCDS WITH MASSIVE MIMO FOR THE                   lar position of an existing UE in the system.
              DOWNLINK                                         Then, the BS transmits one or several differential data
                                                               streams to each UE by using beamforming [34] as
          Now turning to the DL, the massive number of antennas               ,      ,     
          at the BS are used for transmission and we can only count             ,    =      ,     ,   ,  1 ≤    ≤    ,  (10)
          on a few antennas at the UE receivers, just one per UE in    1 ≤    ≤   ,  1 ≤    ≤   ,  1 ≤    ≤   ,
          many cases. The mapping schemes and multi‑user con‑
          stellations proposed for the UL are still valid, while we  where      ,    is the precoding coef icient for the   ‑th UE and
          need a few more ingredients to make these schemes suit‑    ‑th antenna of the BS, placed at the   ‑th subcarrier and
          able for the DL. We explain in the following these key in‑    ‑th OFDM symbol. This precoding coef icient is obtained
          gredients for a combination of NCDS with beamforming  according to the estimated angular positions of each UE,
          based on [19], where the BS is simultaneously transmit‑  and thus, it is in charge of focusing the energy in the ob‑
          ting the    data streams through its    antennas, while the  tained speci ic directions. In this way, the path loss is
          UEs are receiving with their single‑antenna device.  compensated and the MUI that results from spatially mul‑
                                                               tiplexing the UEs in different beams is avoided. Similarly,
          4.1 Beamforming                                      beamforming can be used in the UL for the BS to receive
                                                               the signal coming from these spatial directions.
          The exploitation of the diversity from the transmitter  Depending on the angular position of different UEs, it
          without the knowledge of the CSI is still a challenge. Due  may be dif icult to completely remove the MUI by exploit‑
          tothefactthattechniquesbasedonblockcodes[27]failed   ing the beamforming. Therefore, the overall performance
          to exploit the large number of antennas at the transmitter,  critically depends on the scheduler which is capable of
          we propose the use of beamforming in order to take ad‑  properly selecting those UEs to be simultaneously served
          vantage of the massive number of antennas of the BS at  in the same time and frequency resources and minimizing
          the expense of using some (reduced) channel knowledge.  the negative impact of the mentioned MUI. Even though
          Then, it is assumed that the angular positions of each UE  we are making use of some reference signals to perform

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