Page 40 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

            UE 1    Modu‑    Diff.            OFDM Tx     Channel    OFDM Rx   Diff.  Time/Freq.  Decision  UE 1
            bits            Encoding          ant.    = 1  UE 1               Decoding  Combiner          bits
            UE 2    Modu‑    Diff.  Time/Freq.  OFDM Tx   Channel    OFDM Rx   Diff.  Time/Freq.  Decision  UE 2
            bits            Encoding          ant.    = 2  UE 2               Decoding  Combiner          bits
                    lation           Diversity
            ⋮        ⋮        ⋮                  ⋮          ⋮           ⋮        ⋮        ⋮         ⋮        ⋮
                    DPSK                       OFDM
           UE       Modu‑    Diff.             Tx ant.    Channel    OFDM Rx   Diff.  Time/Freq.  Decision  UE   
            bits            Encoding                       UE                 Decoding  Combiner          bits
                    lation                        =   

                      Fig. 6 – Block diagram for DL, where the BS uses a beamforming technique and all UEs are single‑antenna devices.

          symbols, but it will also add a common phase error [23].  fectively reduce its SER, while it is not enough for CDS to
          The variance of the PN corresponds to    = 10 −5  rad .  work properly. When hardware impairments are consid‑
          On other hand, the realistic transfer function of the HPA  ered, the performance of NCDS is degraded by both HPA
          is not a linear function for all possible input values. This  and PN effects. In the same way as for the UL, we can see
          implies that the output might be saturated for those in‑  that NCDS is very robust to the PN effects due to the dif‑
          put values that are higher than the saturation point. This  ferential modulation. However, the non‑linear HPA sig‑
          non‑linear effect will not only degrade the quality of the  ni icantly degrades its performance. In this case the BS
          received signal, but it will also enhance the out‑of‑band  is simultaneously transmitting the signals of the two UEs
          emissions. According to [24], we consider a solid state  and, consequently, the constant envelope characteristic
          power ampli ier whose output back‑off (OBO) is OBO = 8  of each of the PSK signals is lost when they are combined.
          dB.                                                  It turns out that now the OBO is not enough and some of
                                                               the signal peaks are clipped. This affects equally to both
          5.2 Numerical results                                NCS and CDS. In Fig. 9, a comparison in terms of through‑
                                                               put is provided for the DL, whose expression is given by
          In Fig. 7, we show the SER comparison between CDS                                         
          and NCDS for the UL. The constellations of the two UEs             = log (  ) (1 −       )      .  (13)
          are QPSK for CDS and EEP for NCDS, both using two bits  We can see that even with the overhead due to a very
          per symbol. The CDS performs a post‑equalizer at the BS  high frequency averaging factor (   = 16), the NCDS
          based on a ZF criterion. In the absence of PN and HPA, the  still outperforms the traditional CDS. This difference is
          NCDS outperforms the traditional CDS by almost two or‑
                                                               even higher when either PN or HPA effects are considered.
          ders of magnitude of SER for moderate and high SNR sce‑
          narios. When hardware impairments are considered, the  Therefore, the throughput reduction due to the overhead
          PN and HPA effects do not signi icantly degrade the per‑  produced by the frequency diversity is negligible as com‑
          formance of NCDS. On the other hand, the performance of  pared to the small throughput achieved by the CDS due to
          CDS with and without the effect of the HPA is very poor,  a poor performance obtained even with a large overhead.
          and it is even worse with the PN. The PN does not affect
          our proposed system due to the use of a differential mod‑  6.  CONCLUSION
          ulation and the fact that the phase noise does not change  We have provided a detailed description of the novel com‑
          between two contiguous subcarriers [23]. The negative  bination of NCDS and multi‑user MIMO‑OFDM based on a
          effect of the HPA is negligible in both systems because the  differential modulation scheme. Both DL and UL scenar‑
          OBO is enough, in view of the robustness of the PSK sig‑  ios are considered and the performance is analyzed for
          nals, which are ampli ied separately at the transmitter of  realistic channel conditions including the effect of the PN
          each UE.                                             and HPA.
          In Fig. 8, we plot the SER comparison between CDS and  It is shown that for channels with high mobility, the NCDS
          NCDS for the DL. The same beamforming is considered  outperforms the traditional CDS obtaining a better per‑
          for CDS and NCDS to spatially multiplex the two UEs. Ad‑  formance, even more noticeable when PN and non‑linear
          ditionally, a frequency averaging of factor    = 16 is  HPA effects are taken into account. NCDS does not require
          performed in both schemes to leverage diversity and im‑  any additional PN estimation and equalization since it is
          prove the overall performance, which would be otherwise  inherently robust to these effects. Moreover, it shows a
          compromised. Again, in the absence of PN and HPA, the  similar degradation with the non‑linear effects of the HPA
          NCDS outperforms the CDS by several orders of magni‑  to that suffered by CDS, since they share the sensitivity of
          tude, showing that the frequency averaging is able to ef‑  OFDM to these effects.

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