Page 35 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
P. 35

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

          nel and noise. Moreover, they proposed the idea of multi‑
          plexing the data of each user equipment (UE) in the con‑
          stellation domain based on a joint‑symbol, which is a su‑
          perposition of the symbolssent by severalUEs. In thecase
          of DL, the combination of NCDS with MIMO has been un‑
          til now based on block codes [27] ‑ [31]. However, their
          application requires that the channel response remains
          quasi‑static during the transmission of a block code, and
          they also need a high SNR in order to provide an accept‑
          able performance. Moreover, they have the problem that
          they are not scalable and when the number of antennas
          at the BS is very large, the design of these block codes be‑
          comes unaffordable. Typically, only two and four trans‑
          mit antennas are taken into account [27] ‑ [31]. More  Fig. 1 – Time domain scheme in the OFDM resource grid when    = 12
          recently, the combination of beamforming and NCDS has  and    = 14. The yellow box represents a reference symbol required by
                                                               the differential modulation.
          been proposed in order to exploit the high number of an‑
          tennas through compensating the path loss and enhanc‑
          ing the quality of the link, and spatially multiplexing the
          different UEs [18], [19]. In these cases a certain channel
          knowledge is needed to point the beam towards the UE
          through the beam‑management procedure, and the sig‑
          nal is processed non‑coherently in each beam afterwards.
          Even though the overhead is not completely eliminated,
          the savings are considerable.


          We describe in this section how to integrate the NCDS
          based on [12] ‑ [17] in a realistic communication sys‑  Fig. 2 – Frequency domain scheme in the OFDM resource grid when
          tem for the particular scenario of UL. We consider one BS     = 12,    = 14 and ℐ    = {1, 8}. The yellow and blue boxes de‑
          equipped with    antennas, which is simultaneously serv‑  note the reference symbols required by the differential modulation and
                                                               phase difference estimation, respectively.
          ing    UEs. These UEs are constrained to have a reduced
          number of antennas, typically single‑antenna devices. Let  tion is performed, in this case between resources that be‑
          us assume that the    UEs are simultaneously transmitting  long to the same frequency and contiguous symbols in the
             OFDM symbols. The OFDM signal has    subcarriers,  time domain. The differential encoding can be described
          and the length of the cyclic pre ix (CP) is long enough to  as
          absorb the effects of the multi‑path channel. At the re‑            = {         ,     = 1    ,
          ceiver side, after removing the CP and performing a fast‑       ,                  , 2 ≤    ≤      (1)
                                                                                  ,  −1   ,  −1
          Fourier transform (FFT) to each block at each antenna of
          the BS, we can process each subcarrier as one of a set of          1 ≤    ≤   ,  1 ≤    ≤   ,
             independent subchannels.
                                                               where        is the reference symbol transmitted at the   ‑
          3.1 Integration of differential encoding in          th subcarrier of the  irst OFDM symbol by the   ‑th UE,
               OFDM for high mobility scenarios                       and         ,    are the complex data and differential sym‑
                                                               bol, respectively, transmitted at the   ‑th subcarrier and
          Similar to CDS, the NCDS can be also implemented in an    ‑th OFDM symbol by the   ‑th UE. The data symbol         ,  
          OFDM system [17], suitable for dealing with a doubly‑  belongs to a PSK constellation due to the fact that the
          dispersive channel. The stream of differential symbols  differential encoding can only transmit information in
          produced by the differential encoding can be mapped in  the phase component. However, this time‑domain im‑
          the two‑dimensional resource grid provided by the OFDM  plementation has the drawback of an increased latency
          (time and frequency). According to [17], the way this  and memory consumption, since this mapping scheme re‑
          mapping is performed will signi icantly impact on the  quires waiting for the reception of two complete OFDM
          overall system, especially for high mobility scenarios.  symbols in order to obtain         ,   , due to the fact that it per‑
          Typically, NCDS based on differential modulation is per‑  forms a differential decoding of two contiguous symbols
          formed using the time domain scheme. This scheme is  in the time domain. Also, it cannot be exploited when
          represented in Fig. 1, where the red arrows indicate the  the Doppler shift is very high, since any two consecutive
          direction in which differential modulation and demodula‑  OFDM symbols will not face a similar channel response.

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