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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

          [11] V. Liu, A. Parks, V. Talla, S. Gollakota, D. Wether-  [22] P. Sinha, S. Krishnamurthy, and S. Dao, “Scal-
              all, and J. R. Smith, “Ambient backscatter: wire-    able unidirectional routing with zone routing proto-
              less communication out of thin air,” in ACM SIG-     col (ZRP) extensions for mobile ad-hoc networks.”
              COMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 43,         IEEE, Sept. 23-28, 2000, pp. 1329–1339.
              no. 4. ACM, 2013, pp. 39–50.
                                                               [23] A. Ahmad, Y. Huang, X. Sha, A. Athalye,
          [12] N. Van Huynh, D. T. Hoang, X. Lu, D. Niyato,        M. Stanaćević, S. R. Das, and P. M. Djurić,
              P. Wang, and D. I. Kim, “Ambient backscatter         “On measuring Doppler shifts between tags in
              communications: A contemporary survey,” IEEE         a backscattering tag-to-tag network with applica-
              Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 20,         tions in tracking,” in ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE In-
              no. 4, pp. 2889–2922, 2018.                          ternational Conference on Acoustics, Speech and
                                                                   Signal Processing (ICASSP).   IEEE, 2020, pp.
          [13] Y. Karimi, A. Athalye, S. Das, P. M. Djurić, and    9055–9059.
              M. Stanaćević, “Design of backscatter-based tag-
              to-tag system,” in IEEE International Conference  AUTHORS
              on RFID (RFID), 2017.

          [14] C. Xu, L. Yang, and P. Zhang, “Practical backscat-
              ter communication systems for battery-free internet
              of things: A tutorial and survey of recent research,”
              IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 35, no. 5,
              pp. 16–27, 2018.

          [15] Z. J. Haas and Z. Zheng, “Waveform design for
              RF power transfer,” U.S. Patent Application, 15-
              959,917, 2018.

          [16] J. Ryoo, J. Jian, A. Athalye, S. R. Das, and
              M. Stanaćević, “Design and evaluation of “BTTN”:  Milutin Stanaćević received the B.S. degree in Elec-
              A backscattering tag-to-tag network,” IEEE Inter-  trical Engineering from the University of Belgrade, Ser-
              net of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2844–2855,  bia and Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engi-
              2018.                                            neering from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
                                                               He is currently an Associate Professor in the Depart-
          [17] Z. Shen, A. Athalye, and P. M. Djurić, “Phase can-  ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Stony
              cellation in backscatter-based tag-to-tag communi-  Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. His research in-
              cation systems,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal,  terests include mixed-signal and RF circuit and system
              vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 959–970, 2016.                design. Dr. Stanaćević is a recipient of the National
                                                               Science Foundation CAREER award.
          [18] A. N. Parks, A. Liu, S. Gollakota, and J. R. Smith,
              “Turbocharging ambient backscatter communica-
              tion,” in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communi-
              cation Review, vol. 44, no. 4.  ACM, 2014, pp.

          [19] J. Qian, A. N. Parks, J. R. Smith, F. Gao, and
              S. Jin, “Iot communications with   -psk modulated
              ambient backscatter: Algorithm, analysis, and im-
              plementation,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal,
              vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 844–855, 2018.

          [20] C. Liu and Z. J. Haas, “Multi-hop routing protocols
              for rfid systems with tag-to-tag communication,” in  Akshay Athalye is a Co-Founder of Scandent LLC,
              Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Military Communi-   New York, NY, USA, where he currently serves as a
              cations Conference. IEEE, 2017, pp. 563–568.     Chief Technology Officer. He is also an Adjunct Pro-
                                                               fessor with the Department of Electrical and Computer
          [21] C. Liu, Z. J. Haas, and Z. Tian, “On the design  Engineering, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY,
              of multi-hop tag-to-tag routing protocol for large-  USA. He has been involved in RFID, Backscatter Com-
              scale networks of passive tags,” in IEEE Open Jour-  munications and related research more than a decade.
              nal of the Communications Society.  IEEE, 2020,  He has received the IEEE Region 1 Technical Excellence
              pp. 1035–1055.                                   Award.

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