Page 31 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

                                                               land, Kingston, RI, USA. He is a SUNY Distinguished
                                                               Professor and currently a Chair of the Department of
                                                               Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stony Brook Uni-
                                                               versity, Stony Brook, NY, USA. His research has been
                                                               in the area of signal and information processing with
                                                               primary interests in the theory of Monte Carlo-based
                                                               methods; Bayesian machine learning; signal modeling,
                                                               detection, and estimation; signal and information pro-
                                                               cessing over networks; RFID and the IoT. Recently, his
                                                               research has been applied to problems related to ma-
          Zygmunt J. Haas has been with AT&T Bell Labora-      chine learning methods for intrapartum fetal monitor-
          tories from 1988 until 1995, and since 1995 with Cor-  ing and brain signals. He has been invited to lecture
          nell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. Since 2013, he also  at many universities in the United States and overseas.
          holds the title of a Professor and Distinguished Chair  Prof. Djurić was a recipient of the IEEE Signal Pro-
          at the University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX,  cessing Magazine Best Paper Award in 2007 and the
          USA. He is a recipient of numerous awards and distinc-  EURASIP Technical Achievement Award in 2012. In
          tions, including IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, EAI Fellow,  2008, he was the Chair of Excellence of Universidad
          and Best Paper awards, the 2012 IEEE ComSoc WTC      Carlos III de Madrid-Banco de Santander. From 2008
          Recognition Award, and the 2016 IEEE ComSoc AHSN     to 2009, he was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE
          Recognition Award.                                   Signal Processing Society. He has been on numerous
                                                               committees of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and
                                                               of many professional conferences and workshops. He was
                                                               Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Signal and
                                                               Information Processing over Networks. Prof. Djurić is
                                                               a Fellow of IEEE and EURASIP.

          Samir R. Das is Professor in the Department of Com-
          puter Science at Stony Brook University. His research
          interests are in wireless networking and mobile com-
          puting, focusing on protocols, systems and performance
          evaluation. He co-chaired the technical program com-
          mittees of premier mobile networking conferences, in-
          cluding ACM MobiHoc and ACM MobiCom. He served
          on the editorial boards of IEEE/ACM Transactions on
          Networking and IEEE Transactions on Mobile Comput-

          Petar M. Djurić received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
          in electrical engineering from the University of Belgrade,
          Belgrade, Yugoslavia, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree
          in electrical engineering from the University of Rhode Is-

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