Page 33 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1


                                         Kun Chen‑Hu , Yong Liu , Ana Garcia Armada 1
             1 Deparment of Signal Theory and Communications of Universidad Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). E‑mails: {kchen,
            agarcia}, Shanghai Research Center, Huawei Technologies (China). E‑mail:

          Abstract – Under scenarios of high mobility, the traditional coherent demodulation schemes (CDS) have a limited perfor‑
          mance, due to the fact that reference signals cannot effectively track the variations of the channel with an affordable overhead.
          As an alternative solution, non‑coherent demodulation schemes (NCDS) based on differential modulation have been proposed.
          Even in the absence of reference signals, they are capable of outperforming the CDS with a reduced complexity. The literature
          on NCDS laid the theoretical foundations for simpli ied channel and signal models, often single‑carrier and spatially uncorre‑
          lated  lat‑fading channels. In this work, the most recent results assuming orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
          signaling and realistic channel models are explained, and the impact of some hardware impairments such as the phase noise
          (PN) and the non‑linear high power ampli ier (HPA) are also considered. Moreover, new potential research lines are also
          Keywords – 5G, channel estimation, MIMO, non‑coherent, OFDM.

          1.  INTRODUCTION                                     state information (CSI). This overhead can be excessively
                                                               high for very fast time‑varying channels. In such cases, a
          The Fifth Generation of mobile communications (5G) [1]  signi icant number of reference signals is required for the
          is the global standard for a uni ied wireless air interface,  continuous tracking of the channel estimation [20].
          which is capable of providing a great  lexibility for a mul‑
          titude of use cases. The three main requirements of those  The works in the literature have provided the theoreti‑
          services are enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), mas‑  cal foundations to understand NCDS and point to some
          sive machine type communications (mMTC) and ultra re‑  cases when they can outperform the traditional CDS, in
          liable low‑latency communications (URLLC). Therefore,  particular in scenarios with high mobility [20]. Also, re‑
          the peak data‑rate is not the only feature to be improved,  cent works show some combinations of NCDS with MIMO‑
          but also an enormous number of connected devices and  OFDM for the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL). In the
          the latency‑sensitive services are taken into account. Also  present work, convinced that NCDS is an idea whose time
          there is an increasing interest in providing an adequate  has come, we discuss the implementation of the NCDS in
          service in high mobility scenarios [2] ‑ [4].        practical MIMO‑OFDM communication systems, assum‑
          Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with  ing some realistic channels characterized by high mobil‑
          multiple‑input multiple‑output (MIMO) [5] have been re‑  ity. We provide the details of how to integrate the differ‑
          cently set as the radio techniques for the physical layer  ential modulation [21] in the two‑dimensional resource
          in 5G [1]. New frequency bands are proposed to be    grid (time and frequency) provided by the OFDM. Addi‑
          exploited to obtain more available bandwidth, such as  tionally, we also show the performance of this combina‑
          3.5 GHz and millimeter‑waves (mm‑Wave) [6], and thus,  tion under the effects of the phase noise (PN) [22], [23] or
          the existing services can be improved and new ones can  high power ampli ier (HPA) [24], for both UL and DL, and
          be implemented. The integration of massive MIMO is a  its bene its as compared to the traditional CDS. Finally, a
          must, not only to improve the average capacity of the  discussion related to challenges and opportunities is pro‑
          link, but also for the implementation of beam‑steering  vided together with some concluding remarks, in order to
          and beamforming to mitigate propagation losses in these  stimulate the research on this promising topic.
          new higher bands. Furthermore, the complexity of the
          signal processing techniques need to be bounded to re‑  The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Sec‑
          duce the cost of the devices and the delay of the required  tion 2 introduces the main differences between CDS and
          operations. As an alternative to classical coherent de‑  NCDS, especially for high mobility scenarios. Section 3
          modulation schemes (CDS), non‑coherent demodulation  and Section 4 provide the details of how to integrate the
          schemes (NCDS) [7–9] have been proposed recently to be  NCDS with MIMO‑OFM for the UL and DL, respectively.
          combined with massive MIMO systems [10] ‑ [19]. They  Section 5 presents several numerical results to evaluate
          are capable of avoiding the overhead produced by the ref‑  the proposed scheme under some realistic channel mod‑
          erence signals due to the fact that the transmitted sym‑  els, providing an assessment of the achieved system per‑
          bols can be recovered without the knowledge of channel  formance. Finally, in Section 6, the conclusions follow.

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