Page 28 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

          2 transmits, the same phenomenon occurs. Tag 1 now   activities in such a fashion is already available in vari-
          obtains a sinusoid but with a different fixed parameter.  ous other radio technologies, BTTN provides a unique
          It turns out that when the respective parameters of the  approach due to its entirely batteryless operation, pos-
          sinusoids are added, their sum is equal to 4    /  , where  sibility of ubiquity and hence ability to measure a large
             is the distance between the tags and    is the wave-  number of tag-to-tag channels for very fine grain mea-
          length of the excitation signal. From this relationship,  surements.
          the distance can readily be determined.
                                                               5.3 From smart cities to biomedicine
          Further, with the same line of reasoning, the tags can
          estimate Doppler shifts due to moving tags. Experimen-  Since the introduction of the RFID technology in the
          tal results suggest that tags can estimate Doppler shifts  supply chain area about 15 years ago, the technical lit-
          with about the same accuracy as that obtained by active  erature has provided numerous articles that promote the
          conventional RFID readers. Also, the median tracking  concept of smart homes and smart cities. One can eas-
          error based on data from two tags can be as low as 2.5  ily imagine a smart home with BTTNs, where the tags
          cm [23].                                             equipped with sensors pepper the space of the home
                                                               and where many of them are placed on various types of
          5.2 Human interactions                               objects. The location and tracking of such objects will
                                                               then readily be enabled by the functionality described in
          An interesting application of BTTNs is related to hu-  Section 5.1. Applications in smart cities include use on
          man interactions [8]. Here we present a setting where  structures like buildings, streets, bridges, and parking
          BTTNs serve as a ‘device-free’ activity recognition sys-  spaces. The tags (with attached sensors) can be tasked
          tem [8]. Namely, when the tags in the network commu-  to monitor air pollution, traffic, and availability of park-
          nicate with each other, the backscatter channel state is  ing spaces. If the tags’ density is high, these operations
          influenced by the surrounding environment. The chan-  can be completed with high spatial resolution. The BT-
          nel state thus carries information that can be used for  TNs can also be applied to perform the structural moni-
          classification of dynamic activities that take place in the  toring of buildings and bridges where abnormalities can
          proximity of the tags. As explained earlier, with multi-  be detected without actual sensing devices and instead
          phase backscattering, the communication between two  based on the changes in the backscattered signals due to
          tags becomes more reliable. It turns out that this is not  the developed abnormalities, (e.g., cracks can be found
          the only advantage of the scheme. Multiphase backscat-  by detecting changes in distances between two tags be-
          tering also helps to quantify channel state information  fore and after the appearance of a crack). BTTNs will
          that can serve as a unique signature of activities which  also find a number of applications in medicine, environ-
          in turn allows for their accurate classification.    mental sensing, precision farming, and manufacturing.
          More specifically, when a Tx tag backscatters the exter-  For more details and other applications, see a recent
          nal signal with different phases, the Rx tag can compute  review on ambient backscatter communication [12].
          features of these signals. These features vary accord-
          ing to the dynamic alterations of the multipath wire-  6.  FUTURE        RESEARCH           DIREC-
          less channel between the tags. When there is no one       TIONS
          near the communicating tags, the amplitudes of the re-
          ceived signals with different phases have features that  BTTNs offer a unique system to enable ubiquitous
          can serve as no-activity features. Similarly, when a per-  massively-deployed IoT. Being batteryless and small
          son performs an activity near the tags, the signature of  form factor, they can easily blend with everyday ob-
          the features takes its own value and carries information  jects and thus almost everything can become part of
          about the activity. Clearly, it is important to identify  the network. Current research has successfully proto-
          good features that allow for accurate classification. For  typed and evaluated single BBTN links, explored their
          example, it has been found that the backscatter chan-  ability to characterize the intervening wireless channel
          nel phase, the backscatter amplitude, and the change in  (RF sensing) with applications to localization, tracking
          excitation amplitude between two multiphase probings  and activity recognition. Current research has also pro-
          have a high discriminatory power for classification [8].  duced theoretical studies on large-scale network routing
                                                               issues. But much still needs to be done to make BTTNs
          Experimental results suggest that with signals provided  practical and their applications realizable. One key issue
          by a BTTN, one can recognize human activities with an  is effective power harvesting and associated power man-
          average error of about 6%. This was accomplished with  agement, so that the optimal power is allocated to activ-
          8 different activities and 9 individuals. Interestingly,  ities such as communication, sensing, and computation
          this level of performance is similar to that achieved by  at all times. This may limit the computation needed
          systems that use powered, active radios. The classifica-  for routing and other application level signal processing
          tion results were obtained by convolutional neural net-  due to a limited power budget. These are trade-offs that
          works (for details, see [8]). While the ability to recognize  need to be explored in very dense deployments, e.g., tags

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