Page 102 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          release  in  March  2018.  The  libaom  software           Table 3 – Broadcast: VMAF BD-rate versus HM
          corresponding to this version was used in [12] with    Broadcast
          two-pass, constant quality (cq) but with cpu-used=1      VMAF        VTM8      libaom     ETM4.1
          (not  the  best  quality).  The  BD-rate  gain  over  HM
          was 10%. The same year [17] measured 17% gain             UHD       −42.8%     −19.6%     −33.9%
          in the same configuration. In 2019 [18] tested the        HD        −40.8%     −21.0%     −30.7%
          current libaom software with one-pass only on HD         WVGA       −29.2%     −12.5%     −20.3%
          and UHD format resulting in the same performance        WQVGA       −30.7%     −19.5%     −22.1%
          as HM.
                                                                   Overall    −36.9%     −18.5%    −27.7%
          The overall gain reported in Table 1 of 14.7% for      Diff vs VTM   0.0%      18.4%       9.2%
          libaom  over  HM  is  lower  than  the  gain  of  17%
          reported in [17], but in the same order of magnitude,     Table 4 – Broadcast: MS-SSIM BD-rate versus HM
          in  very  similar  testing  conditions.  The  difference   Broadcast
          could  come  from  the  disabling  of  quantization     MS-SSIM      VTM8      libaom    ETM4.1
          parameter variation within a picture (deltaq=0).
                                                                    UHD       −39.5%     −14.5%     −29.9%
               Table 1 – Broadcast:PSNRYUV BD-rate versus HM        HD        −32.9%     −10.7%     −23.6%
           Broadcast                                               WVGA       −28.1%     −7.2%      −17.2%
            PSNRYUV      VTM8      libaom     ETM4.1              WQVGA       −25.0%     −6.1%      −15.5%
              UHD       −41.9%     −18.0%     −28.4%              Overall     −34.3%     −11.3%    −24.5%
              HD        −39.0%     −16.3%     −21.0%            Diff vs VTM    0.0%      23.0%       9.8%
             WVGA       −30.8%     −11.4%     −17.6%
            WQVGA       −28.4%     −11.1%     −16.3%           5.1.2 Streaming

            Overall     −36.0%     −14.7%    −21.6%            In the Streaming scenario, Table 5 shows the VTM
          Diff vs VTM     0%       21.3%      14.4%            still performs better than the other solutions with
                                                               approximatively  the  same  figure  (14.7%)  against
          Objective metrics in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4   ETM as in the broadcast scenario. However, the gain
          take only into account the luma component. It can    of  libaom  over  the  HM  is  higher  than  in  the
          be observed that the results in PSNRY for libaom and   broadcast scenario (3.6%), which is not observed
          ETM  are  very  close  to  their  PSNRYUV,  while  VTM   for the VTM and ETM. One possible reason is that
          PSNRYUV is 3.6% above its PSNRY. This explains why   the two-pass encoding can take more benefits from
          the  differences  of  ETM  and  libaom  with  VTM  are   a longer intra refresh period, by a better adaptation
          smaller  for  VMAF  and  MS-SSIM.  The  superior     of the GOP structure, while for HM, VTM and ETM,
          performance of VTM chroma tools  is not reflected.   the  GOP  structure  remains  static.  It  can  be  also
          It  should  also  be  noted  that  only  VMAF  has  a   noted that libaom software has a more consistent
          temporal dimension.                                  performance over the different picture resolutions
                                                               in the streaming senario.
               Table 2 – Broadcast: PSNRY BD-rate versus HM
                                                                    Table 5 – Streaming: PSNRYUV BD-rate versus HM
             PSNRY       VTM8      libaom      ETM4              Streaming
              UHD       −38.7%     −18.0%     −28.2%              PSNRYUV      VTM8      libaom     ETM4.1
              HD        −31.7%     −15.3%     −17.0%               UHD        −41.2%     −20.5%     −27.7%
             WVGA       −28.8%     −13.5%     −16.7%                HD        −36.8%     −18.5%     −18.1%
            WQVGA       −27.3%     −14.1%     −16.0%               WVGA       −31.0%     −16.1%     −17.2%
            Overall     −32.4%     −15.5%     −20.3%              WQVGA       −29.1%     −17.2%     −16.4%
          Diff vs VTM    0.0%       16.9%     12.1%               Overall     −35.3%     −18.3%     −20.6%
                                                                Diff vs VTM    0.0%      17.0%      14.7%

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