Page 99 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
P. 99

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          adjusts  the  dynamic  range  of  the  input  signal  by   the same picture. In VVC the motion search area is
          redistributing  the  codewords  across  the  signal   limited to the current CTU and part of the left CTU
          range  to  improve  compression  efficiency.  For  the   to  control  the  complexity.  Palette  reduces  the
          chroma  the  scaling  applies  to  the  prediction   number  of  codewords  to  encode  to  a  limited
          residual and depends on the average value of top     number  of  triplets  (one  luma  and  two  chroma
          and/or  left  reconstructed  neighbouring  luma      values).  AV1  has  equivalent  modes  to  IBC  and
          samples.  As  a  consequence,  with  LMCS  all  the   Palette, but EVC has only IBC.
          reconstruction  processing  in  luma  (inverse       BDPCM  and  ACT  have  been  reintroduced  in  VVC
          quantization,   inverse   transformation    and      with some adaptations. BDPCM allows us to encode
          prediction for inter and intra modes) is made in the   prediction residuals without transform (Transform
          mapped  domain.  Like  ALF,  the  mapping  function   Skip) by predicting them from the previously coded
          can  vary  in  a  video  stream  according  to  content   residuals. BDPCM is relevant for Screen Content but
                                                               also  for  lossless  compression.  ACT  reduces  the
          AV1  also  combines  different  in-loop  filters  in   redundancy between color components in typically
          addition   to   a   regular   deblocking   filter.   RGB coding through a color space conversion.
          A Constrained  Directional  Enhancement  Filter      2.8  Other tools
          (CDEF), which de-rings contours and preserves the
          details  to  be  applied  after  deblocking,  works  by   A new feature called Reference Picture Resampling
          estimating edge directions. A loop restoration filter   (RPR), which allows the picture size to vary from
          can be applied selectively according to noise level.   picture to picture, is specified in VVC. This feature is
                                                               also available in AV1 but in the horizontal direction
          2.6  Entropy coding
                                                               only. RPR offers an additional level of flexibility for
          Arithmetic  coding  is  used  in  all  the  video  coding   bit-rate  control  to  adapt  to  network  bandwidth
          solutions  addressed  in  this  paper.  HEVC  entropy   variation.
          coding was based on the so-called CABAC (Context-    In  HEVC,  annexes  were  produced  after  the
          based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding) initially   publication of the initial version of the standard to
          introduced in AVC [1]. CABAC is composed of four     include spatial and temporal scalability, as well as
          main steps: the binarization of each syntax element   the  coding  of  multiview  (3DTV)  content.  These
          in  a  binary  string,  followed  by  the  choice  of  a   extensions were based on the layer concept, which
          probability model for each bit (or “bin”) to be “0” or   is available in the core specification of VVC.
          “1” based on the context, then the binary arithmetic
          coder  encodes  each  bin  with  less  than  a  bit,  and   Furthermore,  VVC  offers  high-level  syntax  (HLS)
          finally  the  probability  of  the  selected  model  is   features such as self-decodable sub-pictures for bit
          updated. VVC has continued to improve CABAC with     stream extraction and merge applications, or view-
          a higher accuracy on the probabilities derivation, by   dependent  streaming.  Gradual  Decoding  Refresh
          increasing the number of probability models, and     (GDR) is another HLS feature adapted to low delay
          by updating the probabilities through an adaptive    applications  to  avoid  the  burst  of  complete  Intra
          double-window.  EVC  entropy  coding  is  also  a    pictures.
          CABAC  engine,  but  does  not  benefit  from  all  the
          enhancements brought in VVC. AV1 entropy coding      3.    TEST CONDITIONS
          is different as it uses a multi-symbol entropy coding   The test conditions for the video coding evaluations
          per syntax element without binarization step.
                                                               reported  in  this  paper  are  derived  from  the  JVET
          2.7  Screen Content Coding                           Common Test Conditions (CTC) [8]. Two scenarios
                                                               are considered:
          In  its  Screen  Content  Coding  (SCC)  extensions
          issued in 2016 [7], HEVC specifies four new coding   •     Broadcast scenario with one Intra picture
          tools  adapted  to  “Screen  Content”  which  are          approximately every second,
          pictures partially or totally composed of computer   •     Streaming scenario with one Intra picture
          graphic  objects.  These  tools  are  Intra  Block  Copy   approximately every two seconds.
          (IBC),  Palette,  Block-wise  Differential  Pulse  Code   The Broadcast scenario is the same as the “Random
          Modulation  (BPDCM)  when  Transform  Skip  is       Access” case in JVET Common Test Conditions (CTC)
          allowed, and Adaptive Color Transform (ACT). IBC     [8]. It simulates a real scenario allowing a TV user
          is equivalent to a motion compensation but within    to zap from a channel to another at an acceptable

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