Page 104 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          Each version of libaom software since March 2018     versatility  by  meeting  the requirements  of  higher
          has improved in running time at constant quality.    compression  efficiency  on  any  type  of  content
          The  ETM  runtimes  are  lower  than  the  VTM  ones,   including 360° video for Virtual Reality (VR), High
          which  can  be  explained  by  a  lower  compression   Dynamic  Range  (HDR),  and  computer  graphics
          performance (less complex algorithms) but also by    (Screen  Content  and  Gaming).  Furthermore
          a different code base. The development process of    scalability  and  RPR  features  provide  tools  for
          VVC was driven by compression efficiency but also    network    bandwidth    adaptation.   The    new
          by  considering  implementability  constraints,      sub-picture  feature  also  offers  support  of  the
          mainly on the decoder side. It can be observed that   region-wise random access feature, which can be of
          the  decoder  runtime  (Table  11)  is  limited  to   particular  interest  for  viewport  dependent
          1.9 times  the  HM  decoder.  However,  no  specific   streaming  of  360°  video.  These  video  coding
          effort  was  put  on  the  reference  encoder  runtime   standards have different announced licensing terms
          (Table 10), which is 13 times the HM encoder with    that  could  impact  their  deployment.  AV1  is
          the  VTM8  software,  as  encoding  algorithms  are   publicized to be royalty-free. The EVC contributors
          non-normative.                                       are claiming licensing terms will be available less
                                                               than two years after the standard publication. VVC
          6.   CONCLUSION                                      should  follow  the  path  of  past  video  coding
                                                               standards developed jointly by ITU-T, ISO and IEC
          The evolution of video compression has until now     such  as  H.264/AVC  and  H.265/HEVC.  These
          always been done incrementally, by building on top   standards  have  been  successfully  deployed  as
          of  the  previous  generation  of  video  coding     reported in [19] for HEVC.
          standards.  The  latest  video  coding  solutions
          designed in ITU-T VCEG, ISO/IEC MPEG, and AOM
          followed  the  same  path.  In  the  test  conditions   REFERENCES
          considered  in  this  paper,  and  using  the  reference   [1]   Recommendation  ITU-T  H.264  (05/2003),
          encoders,  VVC,  developed  jointly  by  ITU-T  and        Coding  of  moving  video:  Advanced  video
          ISO/IEC,  provides  the  best  objective  measures  of     coding, ITU-T.
          compression  efficiency.  EVC  and  AV1  are  each   [2]   Recommendation  ITU-T  H.265  (04/2015),
          significantly better than HEVC but also significantly      Coding of moving video: High Efficiency Video
          lagging behind VVC. For future immersive services          Coding, ITU-T.
          in UHD, the objective gain in bit rate at same quality
          versus  HEVC  is  42%  for  VVC,  28.4%  for  EVC  and    [3]   Tan, Thiow Keng; Weerakkody, Rajitha; Mrak,
          18%  for  AV1  with  the  PSNRYUV  metric.  One  can       Marta;  Ramzan,  Naeem;  Baroncini,  Vittorio;
          argue that 18% gain for AV1 with lower complexity          Ohm, Jens-Rainer; and Sullivan, Gary J. (2016),
          is  interesting,  but  it  must  be  reminded  that  the   “Video  Quality  Evaluation  Methodology  and
          libaom software is suited for production, with tuned       Verification  Testing  of  HEVC  Compression
          encoding algorithms using two passes for optimized         Performance”,  IEEE  Trans.  Circuits  and
          subjective quality. VTM, ETM, and HM are reference         Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 26, No. 1,
          softwares used in the standardization process but          pp. 76–90, January.
          not suited for production, without the optimization   [4]   JVET-Q2001  (2020),  “Draft  text  of  video
          of  the  subjective  quality.  The  results  provided  by   coding  specification  (draft  8),  text  for  DIS”,
          two  other  objective  metrics,  VMAF  and  MS-SSIM,       17th Meeting: Brussels, BE, 7–17 January.
          are  coherent  with  the  PSNRYUV  results.  The
          observed differences are due to the fact that VMAF   [5]   ISO/IEC  JTC1/SC29/WG11  N18774  (2019),
          and MS-SSIM do not take into account the chroma            “Text of ISO/IEC DIS 23094-1, Essential Video
          components,  while  PSNRYUV  does.  However,  the          Coding”, Oct. 31 .
          subjective  quality  is  the  most  important  metric   [6]   AV1 specification (2018):
          which needs to be carefully studied to measure the,
          performance of these video coding solutions.               March.

          Other  criteria  affecting  choice  will  be  the    [7]   Recommendation  ITU-T  H.265  (12/2016),
          applications  and  services.  AV1  is  designed  for       Coding of moving video: High Efficiency Video
          on-demand  video  streaming  types  of  service  but       Coding, ITU-T.
          VVC and EVC are more generic to cope with both
          broadcast  and  streaming  cases.  VVC  offers

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