Page 103 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          Table 6, Table 7, and Table 8, which are based on    Globally  the  subjective  quality  of  the  tested
          metrics  computed  only  on  the  luma  component,   solutions is better than the HM. For VTM and ETM
          show  the  same  tendancy  as  in  the  broadcast    the blocking artefacts visible in the HM on uniform
          scenario. The gap of ETM and libaom with VTM is      areas with low level variations dissapear. However,
          smaller than on Table 5, but in a smaller proportion   on static textured areas some experts notice a loss
          than  in  the  broadcast  scenario  on  VMAF  and    of details which is not perceived as a degradation by
          MS-SSIM.                                             others. For libaom, a smoother definition and loss of
                                                               sharpness is globally observed.
               Table 6 – Streaming: PSNRY BD-rate versus HM
                                                               Formal  subjective  tests  are  required  to  really
           Streaming                                           evaluate  the  bit  rate  savings.  JVET  will  conduct  a
             PSNRY       VTM8      libaom      ETM4            formal evaluation of VVC with regards to HEVC as
              UHD       −38.7%     −18.0%     −28.2%           JCTVC did for HEVC with regards to AVC [3]. HEVC
              HD        −31.7%     −15.3%     −17.0%           was  measured  at  −44%  at  PSNR  BD-Rate,  but  at
             WVGA       −28.8%     −13.5%     −16.7%           −59%  at  MOS  BD-Rate  (MOS:  Measure  Of
            WQVGA       −27.3%     −14.1%     −16.0%           Satisfaction score in subjective tests).
            Overall     −32.4%     −15.5%     −20.3%           5.3  Processing time
          Diff vs VTM    0.0%       16.9%     12.1%            All simulations are run in single thread on the same
                                                               platform  in  order  to  get  comparable  encoder  and
                Table 7 – Streaming: VMAF BD rate versus HM
                                                               decoder runtimes.
           Streaming                                           The platform characteristics are:
             VMAF        VTM8      libaom      ETM4
              UHD       −41.6%     −21.5%     −33.3%                      Table 9 – Platform characteristics
              HD        −38.5%     −22.6%     −24.6%            CPU type            Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6142
             WVGA       −29.5%     −16.0%     −20.2%            Hyper threading     Off
            WQVGA       −32.8%     −24.0%     −23.1%            Turbo mode          On
            Overall     −36.4%     −21.2%     −26.1%            Compiler            gcc 6.3.0
          Diff vs VTM    0.0%       15.2%     10.3%             SIMD options        SSE42
              Table 8 – Streaming: MS-SSIM BD-rate versus HM   Table 10 and Table 11 report the runtime factor for
           Streaming                                           encoding and decoding versus the HM-16.18 for all
            MS-SSIM      VTM8      libaom      ETM4            sequences. The runtime provides an estimate of the
                                                               complexity.  “N%”  means  “N/100”  times  the
              UHD       −38.0%     −17.0%     −28.8%           HM-16.18  runtime.  The  runtimes  for  the  two
              HD        −30.4%     −13.6%     −14.8%           scenarios,  Broadcast  and  Streaming,  are  very
             WVGA       −28.2%     −12.1%     −16.5%           similar.
            WQVGA       −26.2%     −13.6%     −16.1%                    Table 10 – Encoding runtime versus HM
            Overall     −32.9%     −14.5%     −20.9%                           VTM8       libaom     ETM4.1
          Diff vs VTM    0.0%       18.4%     12.0%             Encoding
                                                                Broadcast     1308%        497%       669%
          5.2  Subjective quality                               Streaming     1283%        515%       680%

          Formal subjective tests have not been conducted to            Table 11 – Decoding runtime versus HM
          compare  these  compression  solutions,  but  an      Decoding       VTM8       libaom     ETM4.1
          experts’  viewing  has  been  performed  to  collect
          some subjective observations. The broadcast case      Broadcast      192%        76%        162%
          was taken to compare the HM at a given bit rate per   Streaming      201%        77%        167%
          sequence  with  VTM,  libaom  and  ETM  at
          approximatively  the  bit  rate  saving  reported  in   The libaom software has the lowest runtime but as
          Table 1 per  resolution.  The HM bit rate has been   mentioned  above,  the  maturity  of  the  software  is
          chosen  at  the  bit  rate  point  where  artefacts  may   much higher than that of the others. Moreover, they
                                                               are  not  using  the  same  code  optimization.

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