Page 93 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5


                                         Raimondo Cossu , Roberto Girau , Luigi Atzori 3
            Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari and National Telecommunication Inter‑University
                    Consortium (CNIT), Research Unit of Cagliari, Italy.,  Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
                                                 University of Bologna, Italy
                                  NOTE: Corresponding author: Roberto Girau,

          Abstract  –  The con iguration and management of devices and applications in Internet of Things (IoT) platforms may be
          very complicated for a user, which may limit the usage of relevant functionalities and which does not allow its full potential
          to be exploited. To address this issue, in this paper we present a new chatbot which is intended to assist the user in interacting
          with an IoT platform and allow them to use and exploit its full potential.  The requirements for a user‑centric design of the
          chatbot are  irst analyzed, then a proper solution is designed which exploits a serverless approach and makes extensive use of
          Arti icial Intelligence (AI) tools. The developed chatbot is integrated with Telegram to message between the user and the Lysis
          IoT platform.  The performance of the developed chatbot is analyzed to assess its effectiveness when accessing the platform,
          set the main devices’ parameters and request data of interest.
          Keywords  –  Chatbot, IoT platform, Lysis IoT, user experience

         1.   INTRODUCTION                                     A chatbot can be used for a variety of purposes, and the In‑
                                                               ternet of Things (IoT) can easily be added to this list. One
         In recent years, the development and deployment of chat‑   of the reasons why the IoT is struggling to take off is the
         bots  to  be  used  in  several  scenarios  have  risen  signi i‑   dif iculty of less experienced users installing or con igur‑
         cantly,  and  many  businesses  have  opted  to  use  these  in   ing their devices, as well as solving small, common prob‑
         their services.  In many sectors, such as e‑commerce, in‑   lems. This forces users to rely on quali ied staff to  ix sim‑
         surance,  banking,  healthcare,    inance,  legal,  and  others,   ple problems on a regular basis, which makes the user ex‑
         chatbots  are  currently  used  to  support  the  execution  of   perience frustrating. In this scenario, a chatbot can have a
         a variety of business activities.  Gartner Summits [1] pre‑   vital role in improving the user experience, as when prop‑
         dicts that over 70 % of customer interactions will involve   erly  programmed  and  inserted  within  the  reference  IoT
         emerging  technologies  such  as  Machine  Learning  (ML)   platform,  it  would  give  the  user  the  necessary  support
         applications,  chatbots  and  mobile  messaging  by  2022.   when dealing with complicated actions thus ful illing the
         The  objective  of  a  chatbot  is  to  emulate  the  conversa‑   lack of skills.  Obviously, it would not only provide some
         tional  capabilities  of  humans  so  that  when  a  person  in‑   help in performing speci ic actions but it would also pro‑
         teracts with a chatbot they behave as if they were inter‑   vide information that will be speci ically requested by the
         acting with a peer.  This is possible because the chatbot   user,  such  as,  for  example,  about  the  status  of  their  car,
         goes through a series of steps to process human data and   home, work and so on, signi icantly reducing the barriers
         then determine an appropriate response or action based   between  the  user  and  connected  objects.  All  in  natural
         on the user’s query.  There are already various examples   language (human language) rather than relying on navi‑
         of Arti icial Intelligence (AI)‑based chatbots, for example:   gation through a graphical interface in a mobile applica‑
         Cleverbot, Cortana or Tay.  First of all, Tay [2], Microsoft’s   tion or website.  Unfortunately, progress is currently be‑
          irst public experiment involving the test of a bot on Twit‑   ing made at a snail’s pace.  The truly conversational chat‑
         ter, was so successful that it began to behave like its fol‑   bot, which will be able to autonomously interpret user in‑
         lowers. Over time, however, after just 16 hours of activity   puts,  is  still  a  long  way  off,  but  several  research  efforts
         it was necessary to turn it off because they she had be‑   are moving towards the uni ication of an ecosystem that
         gun to exhibit xenophobic,  feminist and racist behavior.   is currently very fragmented.  The IoT space is at an in‑
         It was a similar ending for the conversation between two    lection point,  with conversational user interfaces at the
         AI entities developed in the Facebook labs, trying to make   forefront. This process is becoming more achievable day‑
         them  talk  to  each  other,  after  some  time  they  began  to   to-day  with  services  that  help  companies  to  easily  inte‑
         speak a language that was known only to them. While the   grate natural language understanding into their products.
         epilogue was not what was expected, these experiments   The scope for conversational user interfaces is enormous,
         showed how much the technology around smart chatbots   and it continues to expand.  With a variety of technology
         had  evolved.  Chatbots  are  a  hot  topic  among  tech  be‑   available  for  the  implementation  of  such  systems,  the
         hemoths like Facebook and Microsoft, as well as smaller   next  step  is  to   figure  out  where  machine  learning
         messaging platforms like Telegram and Slack, which have  strategies  make  more  sense  than  other  technologies  and
         made their frameworks available to developers to ensure   whether  they  can  potentially  save  us  time  and  enable
         smooth development.                                   people to focus on more valuable tasks.

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