Page 94 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5

          This work will focus on the interfaces between users and   In  industry  and  in  particular  in  the  IoT   ield,  chatbots
          IoT‑enhanced  environments.  Indeed,  the  chatbot  will   are  entering  in  work lows  in  a  capillary  way. This  is
          provide users with a user‑friendly interface to assist them   because  thanks  to  their  characteristics  they  allow  to
          in creating their pro ile and managing their services and   stem  the  dif iculties  of  con iguring  and  troubleshooting
          objects. The virtualization of the user is also introduced to   devices encountered by operators and users.
          suggest relevant services that are expected to be the most   The  irst problem that arises when new solutions have to
          suitable and interesting for each user based on their pro‑   be introduced into existing systems is to understand the
            ile  and  thanks  to  context‑awareness  mechanisms.  The   impact in terms of complexity.  To understand the com‑
          use of chatbots in the IoT already has a history,  but the   plexity in [5] the authors analyzed the possibility of cre‑
          main limitation comes from the fact that these are vertical   ating a general architecture that would allow the integra‑
          and domain‑speci ic solutions.  The solution we propose,   tion  between  chatbot  and  IoT  systems  in  a  simple  way.
          thanks also to the intermediation of user/device virtual‑   The study found that what chatbots and IoT have in com‑
          izations, allows the reuse of the same chatbot interface on   mon  is  that  they  adopt  their  services through  relatively
          different IoT applications.                          simple, often RESTful, web APIs.  In this scenario, adopt‑
          Accordingly, the contributions of the paper are as follows:  ing  a  service‑oriented  development  approach  to  devel‑
                                                               opment,  integration  is  feasible  thanks  to  RESTful  HTTP
            • We analyze the key requirements for the develop‑
                                                               standards and protocols.  In this case the ISO/OSI appli‑
              ment of a chatbot for the IoT scenario and provide
                                                               cation level is the only level concerned, without having to
              a description of the architectural components of the
                                                               go down to the underlying levels. It is therefore clear that
              chatbot‑enabled user virtualization;             with design precautions, the integration between chatbot
                                                               and IoT platforms is extremely simple.
            • We discuss the integration of the chatbot system in
              a fully distributed virtualization‑based IoT architec‑  In  the  literature  there  are  several  examples  of  systems
              ture;                                            that  use  chatbots  to  interact  with  IoT  devices.
                                                               In [6] the authors implement a chatbot integrated with an
            • We provide the details of the implementation that  agricultural plant monitoring system. In their implemen‑
              have been carried out to develop a prototype;    tation they use fuzzy logic and Natural Language Process‑
                                                               ing (NLP) to interpret user inputs. The user asks the plant
            • We present some experimental results for the eval‑  a question and it answers. An orchid was used for the ex‑
              uation of the capability of the proposed solution to  periments.  The success rate of the interaction between
              identify correctly the user intention interacting in  question and answer was 71%.
              the IoT environment.                             An interesting proposal is presented in [7], an IoT system
                                                               with AI chatbots for plant monitoring capable of monitor‑
          The  paper  is  structured  as  follows.  Section  2  discusses
                                                               ing various parameters useful for knowing the health of
          the major related works in this area.  Section 3 presents
                                                               houseplants.  Alongside the IoT system, we implement a
          the key requirements in designing a chatbot system in a
                                                               chatbot to inform the owner about the current conditions
          virtualization‑based  IoT  platform.  The  system  archite‑
                                                               of the plant and its current needs. The data is also stored
          cure is presented in Section 4, while in Section 5 we illus‑
                                                               and through the bot the user is able to analyze the graph
          trate a use case to better understand the reference sce‑
                                                               and determine the level of wellbeing of the plant and any
          nario.  The implementation and the experimental results
          are shown in Section 6 and Section 7 respectively. Finally,
          Section 8 concludes the paper.                       In [8] an integrated Chatbot‑IoT system is implemented
                                                               to make the monitoring and improvement of water qual‑
          2.  ST ATE OF ART                                    ity quick and ef icient.  For monitoring, a network of IoT
                                                               sensors was created, supported by a cloud platform.  In‑
          The  irst entertainment chatbot was developed in 1966,   side, a chatbot has been integrated that uses text mining
          it was called ELIZA [3] and was a parody of a psychother‑   techniques  to  interpret  user  inputs.  The  result  showed
          apist  who  answered  the  patient’s  questions  with  other   excellent performance with high precision and recall for
          questions, obtained by rephrasing the patient’s questions.   each class.
          In  1995,  Richard S.  Wallace  built  A.L.I.C.E.  [4]  a  chatbot   In [9] and in [10] two IoT platforms for home monitor‑
          made  entirely  with  open  source  software  that  uses  the   ing and remote control are presented.  They have a built‑
          AIML language, child of the XML language from which it   in chatbot that can understand text or voice commands
          inherits  extensibility,  which  thus  allows  the  chatbot  to   using  NLP.  Using  different  APIs  and  protocols,  the  au‑
          hold a conversation.  With the growing interest in arti i‑   thors have obtained user‑friendly systems for controlling
          cial intelligence and with the idea of simplifying the inter‑  home devices.  They also demonstrated how an architec‑
          action between man and machine, more and more com-   ture structured on multiple services is effective and easy
          panies, have developed or directed part of their research   to implement.
          on chatbots.

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