Page 96 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5

          3.2 Reference IoT architecture                       be the most suitable and interesting for each user, based
                                                               on their pro ile and context: and enabling objects to be as
          Recently, several studies have looked at the problems of  much plug & play as possible.
          managing and effectively using large numbers of hetero‑
                                                               The speci ic focus of this work will be on the interfaces be‑
          geneous devices, and have found a solution in the use of
                                                               tween the users and IoT enriched environments.  Indeed,
          social networking principles and technologies. In [15],
                                                               a user‑friendly interface will be provided by means of the
          the de inition of the Social IoT (SIoT) has been formalized,  chatbot to users to assist them to create their pro ile and
          and it is intended to be a social network in which each  manage  their  services  and  objects.  Based  on  their  pro‑
          node is an entity capable of forming social relationships   ile and thanks to context‑awareness mechanisms, the VU
          with other things on its own, according to the rules set  will be able to suggest relevant services that are expected
          by the owner. The proposed model is based on the Lysis  to be the most suitable and interesting for each user, and
          cloud SIoT architecture [16], which incorporates virtual  settings will be automatically con igured.
          objects as digital counterparts to physical objects to en‑
          hance their capabilities in a transparent manner to users.  4.
          Lysis architecture foresees a four level structure of inde‑  PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE
          pendent modules. Its lowest layer is populated by Real  The proposed solution is aimed at designing and exper‑
          World Objects (RWO), i.e. physical IoT devices able to per‑  imenting  a  chatbot  system  that  simplies  the  interaction
          form basic tasks. On top of this, the virtualization layer,  of the users with the VU in an IoT platform by means of
          directly interfaces with the real world and is populated by  text messaging.  As previously explained in Section 3, the
          Social Virtual Objects (SVO), which are VOs with socializa‑  VU is the virtualization of the user and takes decisions on
          tion capabilities. The aggregation layer is responsible for  their behalf for known activities; as such, it interacts with
          composing several SVOs into entities with extended capa‑  all the modules of the Lysis IoT architecture [17]. The VU
          bilities, called Micro‑Engines (MEs). Finally, at the appli‑  was not introduced speci ically for the Lysis platform.  In
          cation layer, user‑oriented macro‑services are provided  fact, it follows the more general concept of virtualization
                                                               in the IoT and of virtual objects. The concept of VU arises
          Socialization algorithms implemented in the  irst two lev‑  from  the  need  to  provide  a  virtualization  element  that
          els allow for the creation of social relations as foreseen in  constantly deals with the context of the user it represents,
          the SIoT paradigm. The resulting social graph is exploited  their interaction interfaces and their IoT services.  In this
          to  ind the required resources.                      scenario, the VU is a standalone element in a distributed
                                                               virtualization system.  The Lysis platform, which we use
          3.3 User virtualization in IoT                       as a development environment, is precisely a distributed
                                                               system of elements that allows for the creation of a social
          The widespread presence of connected objects through‑  network among virtual objects in order to facilitate their
          out daily life has allowed the Internet of Things (IoT) to  interaction. The VU could be used in a centralized system,
          spread. The IoT vision forms a collaborative ecosystem  possibly vertical; however, in this case it would not bring
          for a multitude of heterogeneous objects with different  all the advantages that characterize the implementation
          connectivity and computing capabilities to achieve the  in a distributed system.  Furthermore,  any IoT platform
          common purpose of providing user services.           that is a candidate for the integration of the VU and its in‑
          At the current time, the IoT platforms seem to present  terfaces,  such  as  the  chatbot,  should  provide  open  APIs
          several pending issues that prevent a full spread of IoT  that allow for full integration.
          applications. Indeed, services are mostly con igured man‑  Fig.1  shows  the  components  of  the  overall  architecture
          ually by users, according to preferences that could be  according to the Lysis model. The VU communicates with
          shared among similar or cross‑domain services (e.g., pref‑  all levels to provide user preference information to build
          erences about ambient temperature at home and at work  tailored IoT services.  The chatbot system is a back‑end
          to manage HVAC systems). Secondly, the users that ac‑  service for proxies the communication between the users
          cess an IoT platform need to autonomously look for the  the the VU.
          required services among a plethora of them. The risk is  Fig.  2  shows  the  architecture  of  the  proposed  solution
          in a decrease in the quality and reliability perceived by  that has been designed to address the requirements that
          users, who therefore risk being discouraged from using  have been previously discussed.
          IoT applications. Our system has the objective of exploit‑  The  upper  layer  implements  the  functionalities  to  re‑
          ing the concept of Virtual User (VU)[17] to improve the  ceive and transmit requests and data.  The requests are
          user experience and, at the same time, enhance the ef i‑  generated  by  either  web  apps  or  (proprietary  /  non‑
          ciency and usability of the IoT platforms and services.  proprietary)  messaging  services  which  are  used  by  the
          The VU is the virtualization of a user, and it is represented  user  for  sending  and  receiving  messages.  Each  request
          by an agent that enables the following major bene its:  contains the intent, i.e., the action that the user would like
          providing users with a user‑friendly interface that en‑  to take, which is written in natural language.  The intents
          ables automatic or assisted setup of their pro ile, objects  are then received by the chatbot API gateway to be sent
          and services; proposing the services that are expected to  to  an  AI‑based service that interprets  the intents to

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