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 Articles: November 2005
Freedom of the press? Or to make lots of cash? (Taipeh Times)
As a result of its reporting of the Kaohsiung MRT corruption scandal, what started out as a simple issue of TVBS stock ownership has now developed into a question of freedom of the press. Even US officials have expressed hope that Taiwan will continue to protect the freedom of the press. But is freedom of the press really under attack?

 Articles: July 2003
The business vision of what WSIS should do and can achieve
For business, the WSIS is an opportunity to raise awareness of information and communications technologies (ICT) as a tool for economic and social growth.

ITU / BDT inputs to the Youth agenda for the WSIS
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) considers Youth as a vital partner and a critical resource to ensure the future of the telecommunication industry.

Special Council Panel on "The Information Society from a Gender Perspective"
A special panel during Council was organized by the ITU Group on Gender Issues.

 Articles: April 2003
The second meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom-2) for the World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva, 17 - 28 February
PrepCom-2 attracted 1586 participants of which 918 were from member states, 398 from civil society and non-governmental organizations, 60 from the business sector and 25 from the United Nations and specialized agencies.

Establishment of a Civil Society Bureau: A historic event!
The establishment of the Civil Society Bureau of the WSIS is a decisive turning point in the history of the United Nations and of international negotiations.

Meeting of content professionals in Lugano: An Alarming Observation
Scientists, journalists, teachers, librarians and archivists in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean made an alarming observation at a meeting held from 14 to 16 March in Lugano, in the Italian-speaking canton of Tessin

The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women urges inclusion of a gender dimension in the World Summit on the Information Society
The Commission on the Status of Women held its annual meeting 3-14 march 2003. For the first time ICTs and Gender was put on the Agenda.

 Articles: February 2003
WSIS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference. Tokyo (Japan), 13-15 January 2003
At the meeting, representatives of Governments, International Organizations, Private Sector Entities and NGOs discussed a number of issues related to the Information Society and debated over the content of the final output of the meeting, a document called the Tokyo Declaration

Pacific joins WSIS
The Pacific islands were well represented at the WSIS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Tokyo, and NGOs, private sector and governments worked together on significant documents with good results.

Latin America and Caribbean Regional Conference for WSIS, Bávaro (Dominican Republic), 29-31 January 2003
Some 500 participants representing governments, civil society, the private sector and international organizations from more than 40 countries assembled for the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Conference of the WSIS.

The coordination work of the Brazilian Chamber of Electronic Commerce for the WSIS
Subsequent to the Bavaro Conference, will continue to work in harmony with the Brazilian public sector and with the various representatives from the international private sector in order to prepare the first phase of the WSIS to be held in Geneva in December of this year.

ITU - BDT Helps Develop the Human Capital for the Information Society
The ITU - BDT supports a capacity building programme, which assists developing countries to strengthen their human, institutional and organizational capacity through human resource management and development, which are essential ingredients in the Information Society

Western Asia Preparatory Conference for WSIS in Beirut
The Western Asia Preparatory Conference for the WSIS was held, as scheduled, in Beirut, Lebanon, from 4 to 6 February 2003.

The OpenWSIS Initiative : Convening the Convenors for the success of the WSIS Process
To facilitate the involvement of and interaction between all stakeholders during the whole process, a "coalition of the willing" has emerged under the name of OpenWSIS Initiative.

 Articles: December 2002
Pan-European Ministerial Conference, Bucharest, 7-9 November 2002
A prelude to the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva in 2003 and in Tunis in 2005

Youth - Our share in the WSIS - The Youth Caucus at the Pan European Ministerial Conference in Bucharest
Pan European Ministerial Conference in Bucharest was inspired by the visions of young fellow delegates from all across Europe, the United States and Canada

ITU Plenipotentiary Conference addresses WSIS Issues
ITU approved two documents concerning WSIS during its Plenipotentiary Conference in Marrakech this fall

Group of 77 High-level Conference on Science and Technology in Dubai, 27 to 30 October 2002
The first ever South-South High-level Conference on Science and Technology of the Group of 77 took place in Dubai from 27 to 30 October 2002

Digital Divide and Gender Equality
Gender equality should particularly be in the agenda of all mainstreamed activities that would bridge the gap of the digital divide

International Forum: Latin American and the Caribbean in the Information Society
Meeting in Rio de Janeiro Charts Course for Regional Cooperation in ICTs for Latin America and the Caribbean and develops LAC position for upcoming WSIS Prepcom

The Information Society at the Service of Development
a background paper of Ms Samira Chaker, Master of Economic Affairs, Executive Secretariat of WSIS

International Summit "Electronic World"
"National Strategies of Information Society Development. Experience, problems and outlook", Moscow, 22 October 2002

 Articles: October 2002
Message of Mr Adama Samassekou, President WSIS PrepCom

Note of appreciation from the Executive-Director, Mr. Pierre Gagné
PrepCom-1 was a significant milestone in the preparation of the Summit. Now we have to concentrate on content discussion and prepare a draft outline of a shared vision on the information society

Participation and accreditation of NGOs, civil society and the private sector for PrepComs
Summary of Official PrepCom-1 Document WSIS/PC-1/DOC/9

Content and themes of WSIS
Summary of Official PrepCom-1 Documents WSIS/PC-1/DOC/4 and WSIS/PC-1/DOC/10

Business summary by ICC
The Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI), chaired by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) actively mobilized the business input at the first meeting of the WSIS PrepCom-1

The Pan European Regional WSIS Conference, November 7-9, 2002, Bucharest, Romania
This Pan-European Regional Ministerial Conference will bring together governmental representatives (from various fields of activity encompassing the communications and IT as well as education, health and foreign affairs), as well as members of the civil society and the private sector

The Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) and the WSIS
The GKP with its world-wide network of partners is an excellent platform for the discussion of all topics related to ICT for development

Information cultures and information interests: European Perspectives on the Information Society
Report on UNESCO's Regional Pre-Conference for the WSIS, Mainz 27-29 June 2002

WMO ICT success story: Digitizing weather services for local contexts

 Articles: April 2002
WSIS Newsletter N° 2

 Articles: March 2002
WSIS Newsletter N° 2



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