Committed to connecting the world


​​​​ITU Regional Forum on “Internet of Things, Telecommunication Networks and Big Data as basic infrastructure for Digital Economy”   
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 4-6 June 2018


Day 1, 4 June 2018

​08:30 - 09:00Registration
​09:00 - 09:15​Opening Remarks
​09:15 - 09:30Overview of ITU-T Activities on Emerging Technologies within the Scope of the ITU Regional Forum
(video message)
​09:30 - 11:00​​Session 1: IoT applications and services of 5G-based networks
This session will focus on International standardization of the Internet of Things, big data, 5G and future telecommunication networks.

Moderator: Alexey Borodin, Representative of Rostelecom to ITU, Rostelecom
​11:00 - 11:30 ​Coffee Break
​11:30 - 12:30 Session 2: Deployment of 5G networks and IoT as a basis of digital economy in the CIS Region
This session will focus on aspects related to deployment of 5G networks and IoT in the Region in order to support digital economy.

Moderator: Farid Nakhli, Programme Officer, Regional Office for CIS, ITU  [ Biography
​12:30 - 13:00 ​Roundtable
​13:00 - 14:30Lunch Break
​​​14:30 - 17:30SG20RG-EECAT
Note: The SG20RG-EECAT meeting will be restricted to delegates and representatives from Member States, Sector Members and Associates of ITU-T Study Group 20 in the region respectively, in conformity with clause 2.3.3 of WTSA Resolution 1 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016).


Day 2, 5 June 2018

​08:30 - 09:00Registration
​09:00 - 10:30​Session 3: IoT and data processing and management to support digital economy
This session will focus on data processing of IoT.

Moderator: Gulnara Khasyanova, Executive CEO, LTE Union, Russia, CEO, Mikron
​​​10:30 - 11:00​Coffee Break
​11:00 - 12:30Continuation of Session 3
​12:30 - 13:00Roundtable
Moderator: Gulnara Khasyanova, Executive CEO, LTE Union, Russia, CEO, Mikron
​13:00 - 14:30Lunch Break
​14:30 - 15:45​​SG20RG-EECAT
Note: The SG20RG-EECAT meeting will be restricted to delegates and representatives from Member States, Sector Members and Associates of ITU-T Study Group 20 in the region respectively, in conformity with clause 2.3.3 of WTSA Resolution 1 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016).
​16:15 - 17:30SG11RG-EECAT
Note: The SG11RG-EECAT meeting will be restricted to delegates and representatives from Member States, Sector Members and Associates of ITU-T Study Group 11 in the region respectively, in conformity with clause 2.3.3 of WTSA Resolution 1 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016).


Day 3, 6 June 2018

 08:30 - 09:00Registration
 ​​09:00 - 10:30Session 4: ​Key issues on implementation of 4G, 5G networks and beyond
This session will focus on the key issues on implementation of 4G, 5G networks and beyond.

Moderator: Rustam Pirmagomedov, Associated Professor, SPbSUT [ Biography
​10:30 - 11:00Coffee Break
​11:00 - 12:00​​Continuation of Session 4
​12:00 - 13:00 ​Roundtable - Closing
Moderator: Rustam Pirmagomedov, Associated Professor, SPbSUT [ Biography
​13:00- 14:30 Lunch
​14:30 - 17:30 SG11RG-EECAT
Note: The SG11RG-EECAT meeting will be restricted to delegates and representatives from Member States, Sector Members and Associates of ITU-T Study Group 11 in the region respectively, in conformity with clause 2.3.3 of WTSA Resolution 1 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016).
​​​18:00 - 22:00Social Event