Page 34 - Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2016
P. 34

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has begun an   capacity broadband and services. Several years
               ambitious plan to bring super-fast broadband to   later, however, it began looking to divest all or
               85 per cent of Italy’s consumers by 2020. Fixed   part of its holding. Consequently, Telecom Italia
               broadband take-up in Italy is 23 per cent compared   and Vodafone became interested in acquiring a
               to an EU average of 31 per cent. The percentage   controlling stake in Metroweb, which was valued
               of customers with fixed broadband download      at approximately EUR 400 million .
               speeds greater than 30Mbit/s is just 2 per cent –
               significantly below the EU average of 23 per cent .
               Mr. Renzi sees Metroweb, which generates sales   1.3.5   Public DBOs
               of just USD 74 million, as a good vehicle to achieve
               his ambitious plans.                            The public DBO investment model is an extension
                                                               of the public outsourcing model. It requires
               Metroweb is an example of an SPV in which       the greatest level of involvement and financial
               ownership of the network is split between the   contribution from the government and minimizes
               public and private sectors. It was conceived    private-sector involvement and investment. This
               as a result of Telecom Italia’s perceived lack   model often is used to intervene when it is not
               of investment in fibre infrastructure. It is an   possible to attract any investment interest from
               arrangement between a gas and electricity       the private sector. The government typically
               utility company, A2A, and e.Biscom, a new       funds the entire network construction and the
               telecommunication service provider, to accelerate   infrastructure remains government-owned.
               the roll-out of a large fibre-optic network in the
               major metro areas.                              Public DBO projects work in much the same
                                                               way as public outsourcing. A private-sector
               Metroweb currently owns a 3 200-km fibre        contractor is awarded a contract to design and
               network extending throughout much of northern   build the network infrastructure on behalf of the
               Italy, including the municipality of Milan, as well as   government. However, the government creates
               Turin and Bologna . It is a passive infrastructure   a separate, publicly owned company, which then
               operator and leases point-to-point, dark-fibre   manages and operates the broadband network.
               service to its customers, including its separate   The main difference from the public outsourcing
               retail affiliate, Fastweb. Metroweb also serves   model lies in the public-sector operation of the
               Telecom Italia, Wind, Vodafone and other service   network, rather than its construction. The publicly
               providers in Milan. Funded by a EUR 100 million   owned company takes full responsibility for making
               loan from two Italian banks, Metroweb has       the wholesale open-access network available
               planned to expand to two additional metro areas   to other service providers on a competitive and
               chosen from a shortlist that includes Florence,   open-access basis.
               Parma, Verona, Brescia and Monza .
                                                               In the public DBO model, then, the government
               Although Metroweb is central to the government’s   is fully responsible for financing the broadband
               broadband aspirations, it has not garnered any   infrastructure and therefore takes on much of the
               state-aid approved funding. However, local      financial risk – and the operational risks. In return,
               municipalities (such as the one in Bologna) have   the government retains greater control over the
               played a key role in creating favourable conditions   design of the network and the technical and
               to attract investment in Metroweb by:           service-performance criteria. Having ownership
                                                               control may allow the government to re-use assets
               •  creating a register of all current network   from SOCs, providing they are fit for purpose. It
                   infrastructure in the City; and             should be noted that the publicly owned company
                                                               has to meet the performance milestones itself, a
               •  speeding up the process of getting the       job left to the private sector operator under the
                   necessary planning permits to carry out civil   private DBO model.

               An Italian infrastructure fund known as F2i
               acquired a 53.8 per cent stake in Metroweb in
               2011, expecting a growing demand for high-

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