Page 66 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          technology, engineering, the arts, and math (STEAM)   solution could be online education, such as Massive
          that  takes  place  outside  of  the  formal  classroom   Open  Online  Courses  (MOOCs),  which  can  reach
          environment. In fact, learning about science often   larger  groups  of  students.  MOOCs  can  lead  to  a
          occurs outside traditional formal education, and as   changed mindset, from the idea that not everyone
          such,  can  begin  before  children  enter  school  and   can  learn,  e.g.,  mathematics,  to  the  idea  that
          continue long after having left school [5, 6, 7]. An   everyone can [11]. However, this solution is not yet
          average child in the western world spends less than   comparable  to  a  personal  tutor,  such  as  that
          five percent of their life in classrooms, and an ever-  proposed  by  Bloom  [10].  Instead,  we  pose  the
          growing body of evidence demonstrates that most      answer lies in a combination between virtual reality,
          science  is  learned  outside  of  school  [5].  Past   serious  gaming,  intelligent  tutoring  systems  and
          research examined the beneficial effects of informal   learning analytics. Recently, we have taken the first
          science  education  in  museums  and  during  free-  steps  to  bring  such  interactive  technologies  and
          choice learning [8, 9]. Consequently, there is every   learning  behavior  together  in  an  innovative
          reason  to  encourage  informal  science  education   educational  program,  exploring  creative  avenues
          tailored  to  the  needs  and  interests  of  individual   for interactive, immersive, personalized education
          children.  However,  informal  science  education    to  better  educate  and  prepare  students  for  the
          tends to be costly and is generally not accessible to   future.
          all.  For  example,  science  museums  tend  to  be
          located in (specific neighborhoods of) larger cities   2.   SPACEBUZZ
          and  individualized  learning  activities  carry
          considerable additional costs.                       The  non-profit organization SpaceBuzz developed
                                                               an innovative educational program aimed at Grade
          However,  already  in  1984,  Bloom  noted  that     5 primary school education. An important goal of
          personalized  tutoring  is  highly  beneficial  in  the   SpaceBuzz  is  to  introduce  9-11  year  olds  to  the
          learning  process.  He  reported  the  findings  of  a   subjects of science and technology in the context of
          comparison  in  student  achievement  between  (a)   sustainability in a way that is playful and easy to
          conventional  learning  in  30-student  classrooms   learn, inspiring them to make positive contributions
          with  periodical  assessments  being  taken,  (b)    to society as they get older. The program has been
          mastery  learning  that  was  comparable  to         developed  in  line  with  the  career  path  of  a  real
          conventional  classrooms,  except  that  assessments   astronaut. It comprises three elements: (1) A pre-
          were followed up by corrective procedures, and (c)   flight  astronaut  training,  involving  a  variety  of
          tutoring sessions in which a tutor sat down with up   activities  and  lessons  in  the  classroom  which
          to  three  students  followed  by  assessments  [10].   prepares children for their journey through space.
          Bloom  found  that  students  in  the  small  tutoring   (2)  After  children  pass  the  pre-flight  astronaut
          sessions  (preferably,  one-to-one)  performed  two   training,  a  15-meter  long  rocket  arrives  at  the
          standard  deviations  better  than  students  in  the   school  to  virtually  launch  children  into  space
          conventional learning condition. Bloom concludes:    (Fig. 1). When children sit down in the rocket and
          “The tutoring process demonstrates that most of the   put  virtual  reality  headsets  on,  their  chairs  move
          students  do  have  the  potential  to  reach  this  high   hydraulically, and the rocket is launched into space
          level  of  learning.  I  believe  an  important  task  of   under the guidance of a virtual reality embodiment
          research  and  instruction  is  to  seek  ways  of   of  an  actual  astronaut,  currently  European  Space
          accomplishing  this  under  more  practical  and     Agency  (ESA)  astronaut  André  Kuipers.  When
          realistic  conditions  than  the  one-to-one  tutoring,   children virtually arrive in orbit around the earth
          which is too costly for most societies to bear on a   they experience what every astronaut has reported:
          large scale […] Can researchers and teachers devise   Deep  feelings  of  awe  and  self-transcendence
          teaching-learning  conditions  that  will  enable  the   viewing  the  earth  from  outside  its  atmosphere,
          majority  of  students  under  group  instruction  to   describing it as an “explosion of awareness” and an
          attain levels of achievement that can at present be   “overwhelming     sense    of   oneness     and
          reached only under good tutoring conditions?” (p.4).   connectedness… accompanied by an ecstasy … an
                                                               epiphany”,  a  cognitive  shift  in  awareness  also
          Since  Bloom’s  question  posed  35  years  ago,
          development    educational    psychology    and      known as the overview effect [12]. (3) Finally, in a
          educational  technologies  have  proposed  different   post-flight training at the children’s school, children
          solutions  for  a  method  of  group  instruction  as   give press conferences to friends and family and tell
          effective  as  one-to-one  tutoring.  A  promising   them about their experience in space.

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