Page 70 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          Thus,  embedding  sensing  technologies  in  virtual   Economic  Affairs,  the  Province  of  Noord-Brabant
          reality  headsets  is  a  way  in  which  one  can  take   and the municipalities of Tilburg and Gilze and Rijen.
          advantage  of  combining  two  types  of  powerful   Part of this research falls under the Digital Society
          technologies.                                        Agenda  of  the  Association  of  Universities  in  the
                                                               Netherlands. The usual exculpations apply.
          7.   CONCLUSION
          Developments  in  serious  gaming,  virtual  reality,
          intelligent tutoring systems and learning analytics   [1]  OECD  (2016).  PISA  2015  Results  (Volume  I):
          are  promising  and  offer  exciting  ways  to  bring   Excellence  and  Equity  in  Education.  PISA,  OECD
          informal and formal education together, help those   Publishing, Paris. doi: 10.1787/9789264266490-en.
          who  are  currently  performing  at  baseline  level,   [2]  National  Center  for  Educational  Statistics
          bridge the gap between high performance and low      (2012b).  The  Nation’s  Report  Card:  Science  (NCES
          performance  students,  and  offer  opportunities  to   2012–465). Washington, DC: Institute of Education
          new forms of how science is taught and how it is     Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
          assessed,  complementary  to  traditional  forms  of
          education.  The  SpaceBuzz  program  has  taken  the   [3]  Pellegrino,  J.  W.  (2016).  21   Century  science
          first  steps  in  this  direction  by  providing  children   assessment: The future is now. Menlo Park, CA: SRI
          with  an  accessible  interactive  immersive  media   International.
          experience that has shown to yield learning gains in   [4] Thorn, W., Kankaraš, M., Feron, E., Bolognini, R.,
          9 to11 year-olds. Currently, the program is working   &  Bekka,  V.  (2019).  OECD  Study  on  Social  and
          on  integrating  the  methods  described  above  to   Emotional  Skills.  Retrieved  December  19,  2019,
          develop the approach even further.
          Thirty-five  years  ago,  Bloom  asked  himself  the   emotional-skills-study/.
          question  whether  researchers  and  teachers  can   [5] Falk, J., & Dierking, L. (2012). Museum experience
          devise teaching-learning conditions that will enable   revisited. New York, Routledge.
          the majority of students in conventional education
          to attain levels of achievement that can otherwise   [6] Leinhardt, G., Crowley, K., & Knutson, K. (2002).
          only be reached under good tutoring conditions.      Learning  conversations  in  museums.  Mahwah,  NJ:
                                                               Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
          The advancements in serious games, virtual reality,
          intelligent tutoring systems, and learning analytics   [7] Schauble, L., Leinhardt, G., & Martin, L. (1997). A
          have been such that the answer to Bloom’s question   Framework for Organizing a Cumulative Research
          does not lie in the development of teaching-learning   Agenda in Informal Learning Contexts. The Journal
          conditions,  the  development  of  hardware  or  the   of   Museum     Education,     22(2/3),    3-8.
          development of software. It lies in combining efforts.
          Perhaps Bloom’s question can be rephrased: How       [8]  Avraamidou,  L.,  &  Roth,  W-M.  (Eds.)  (2016).
          can  the  gaming  industry,  software  companies,    Intersections  of  Formal and  Informal  Science.  New
          educators, policy makers, science museums, media     York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis group
          companies,  teachers,  schools,  and  academia
          worldwide  work  together  to  embrace  immersive    [9] Paris, S. (2002). Perspectives on object-centered
          teaching-learning technologies that will enable the   learning  in  museums.  Mahwah,  N.J.:  Lawrence
          majority  of  students  around  the  globe  to  attain   Erlbaum Associates.
          optimal  levels  of  educational  achievement?       [10] Bloom, B. S. (1984). The 2 sigma problem: The
          Answering this question ought not to take another    search for methods of group instruction as effective
          35 years.                                            as  one-to-one  tutoring.  Educational  researcher,
                                                               13(6), 4-16.
                                                               [11] Boaler, J., Dieckmann, J.A., Pérez-Núñez, G., Liu
          This paper is based on a keynote presentation at the   Sun,  K.,  &  Williams,  C.  (2018)  Changing  students
          2  ITU-Academia Partnership Meeting Developing       minds and achievement in mathematics: The impact
          Skills  for  the  Digital  Era  by  the  first  author.  The   of  a  free  online  student  course.  Frontiers  in
          research reported in this paper has been partially   Education, 3(26). Doi: 10.3389/feduc.2018.00026.
          funded by the PACCAR Foundation and DAF Trucks,
          OP  Zuid,  the  European  Union,  the  Ministry  of

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