Page 68 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          Additionally, serious games cannot only be used to   the  example  of  SpaceBuzz,  the  match  between
          inform players on certain topics, they can be used to   benefits and learning goals is abundantly clear. Few
          persuade the player to adopt a certain behavior [27],   other  technologies  make  it  possible  to  provide
          where  more  meaningful  narratives  increase  the   children with a realistic experience of becoming an
          game’s  effectiveness,  and,  in  turn,  player      astronaut and travel around the earth’s orbit, and it
          engagement [28], especially in virtual reality based   is the very realism of the 3D experience afforded by
          environments.                                        virtual reality which is paramount to bringing about
                                                               the overview effect.
          4.   VIRTUAL REALITY
                                                               Taken  together,  the  vast  range  of  possibilities  of
          New hardware has provided vast opportunities to      virtual reality and related immersive technologies
          bring content closer to the learner. The use of non-  might make them an ideal solution, particularly for
          immersive virtual learning environments, typically   K-12  education,  where  there  is  an  ever-present
          presented  using  regular  computer  monitors,  has   need to provide novel ways to support, engage, and
          been  associated  with  several  learning  benefits,   motivate learners.
          including improved engagement, spatial awareness,
          contextual and collaborative learning [29, 30, 31].   5.   INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEMS
          Immersive  virtual  learning  environments  in  turn   Serious games allow for self-paced learning, which
          are  most  commonly  experienced  using  virtual     has shown to increase effectiveness of learning and
          reality headsets, such as the ones used in SpaceBuzz,   achievement in education [38]. Yet, guidance in the
          and  bring  educational  content  so  close  that  the   exploration and the opportunity for students to ask
          learner  feels  that  they  are  present  inside  it.  This   questions  seems  beneficial  for  learning  [39].
          phenomenon  is  called  presence,  and  has  been    Intelligent  tutoring  systems  provide  one-on-one
          linked  to  positive  learning  outcomes  [32].  The   sophisticated  instructional  advice  comparable  to
          realism  immersive  virtual  learning  environments   that of a good human tutor, and allow for developing
          provide  has  been  suggested  to  amplify  several   and  testing  models  about  the  cognitive  processes
          learning   benefits   of   their   non-immersive     involved  in  instruction,  thereby  potentially
          counterparts [33]. With these environments, there    providing  a  solution  to  Bloom’s  2-sigma  problem
          no longer is a need for artificial input methods, such   discussed  earlier.  One  category  of  systems  are
          as  keyboards,  to  explore  educational  content.   conversational intelligent tutoring systems that use
          Instead, body movement is naturally translated into   natural  verbal  and  non-verbal  conversation  for
          the virtual experience, making it possible to literally   tutoring purposes. The advantage of these systems
          pick  up  virtual  content  and  intuitively  explore  it   is that they allow the user to explore a simulated
          with an unprecedented level of freedom and ease.
                                                               world, while guiding them pedagogically [40].
          Yet  the  learning  benefits  do  not  stop  there.  What   These conversational intelligent systems have been
          was  once  hard  to  grasp  using  2D  pictures  in  a   around  for  over  50  years.  Weizenbaum’s  ELIZA
          textbook can now be presented in full stereoscopic   system already simulated a Rogerian therapist that
          3D  and  from  any  desired  vantage  point,  which   was able to communicate with the user using a rule-
          benefits learners with low spatial ability especially   based system [41]. The interaction was primitive,
          [34].  Collaborative  learning  in  virtual  learning   with ELIZA rephrasing the utterance of the user in a
          environments is set to receive a boost as well, as a   question using a text-to-text interface. Since then,
          recent study has shown how groups of students can    conversational     systems     have    improved
          interact  and  learn  within  a  shared  virtual  space   considerably with embodied conversational agents
          while  maintaining  non-verbal  communication        interacting  with  their  users,  using  synthesized
          through  the  use  of  mixed  reality,  which  has  the   speech  and  basic  facial  expressions  and  gestures.
          possibility  to  bring  physical  elements  into  the   One such agent is AutoTutor, a computer tutor that
          virtual experience [33].
                                                               teaches students topics such as conceptual physics
          Given the variety of benefits, it is unsurprising that   and computer literacy [42]. AutoTutor is visualized
          virtual reality has shown learning gains compared    as a talking head and asks a general question to the
          to traditional forms of learning [35, 36]. Moreover,   student, who can respond using natural speech. The
          it  has  been  suggested  that  the  benefits  of  virtual   computer  system then extracts  meaning  from  the
          learning environments are most effectively applied   student  utterance,  evaluates  the  quality  of  the
          when they serve the intended learning goals [37]. In   student’s input, and decides on pedagogical moves

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