Page 67 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

                                   Fig.1 - Images of SpaceBuzz rocket ship, outside (left) and inside (right)

          The  SpaceBuzz  program  pays  no-cost  visits  to         SERIOUS GAMES
          schools across the Netherlands, with 373 schools in   3.
          the nation already signed up for this free program   Past experimental studies have shown a variety of
          (78 from areas with a lower socioeconomic status),   beneficial  effects  of  games  on  cognitive  functions
          totaling over 20,000 children. Hundreds of children   ranging  from  attention,  visual  imagery,  problem
          have  already  participated  in  the  first  user  test   solving,  visual  processing,  response  speed,
          experiments.  With  a  visit  to  NASA’s  Lyndon  B.   cognitive flexibility, and — importantly — learning
          Johnson  Space  Center  in  Houston,  as  well  as  a   [15, 16, 17, 18].
          presence  at  the  International  Astronautical
          Congress in Washington, the SpaceBuzz rocket ship    Various  initiatives  have  been  set  up  to  bring
          has been experienced by some 60 astronauts and       learning games to children. For example, National
          some 2,000 international visitors. In the words of   Geographic  (  and
          Iranian-American  astronaut  Anousheh  Ansari:  “I   World Wildlife Federation ( provide
          think  it  should  be  something  that  every  human   online learning games where children can combine
          being, young and old, gets to see. Of course children   interactivity, exploration, curiosity, and knowledge
          will really enjoy it and will take this experience to   acquisition.
          heart, but I think we should take it to the UN and   There  are  clear  benefits  to  incorporating  serious
          make all the world leaders do the same thing” [13].   gaming in formal and informal education. The first,
          In  a  recent  study  with  200  school  children  we   and  most  important  one,  is  enjoyment  [19,  20].
          investigated whether we were able to simulate the    Despite,  or  perhaps  thanks  to,  educational  games
          overview effect in virtual reality, and whether the   often  being  viewed  as  entertainment  more  than
          virtual  reality  experience  yielded  learning  gains.   education, they provide a more motivating way to
          Findings  from  questionnaires  and  head  gaze      acquire  skills  and  knowledge  than  traditional
          demonstrated that children indeed experienced the    methods [21, 22, 23]. Especially when motivation in
          overview effect, and that this experience predicted   STEAM subjects is low, this is a valuable benefit [24].
          learning  gains.  These  findings  show  that  a  novel   After the SpaceBuzz simulation, children (N = 183)
          combination  of  virtual  reality,  serious  gaming,   scored high on both happiness (M = 4.37, SD = .75),
          intelligent tutoring systems and learning analytics   and excitement (M = 3.85, SD = 1.10), and low on
          may  contribute  to  an  immersive  experience  that   boredom (M = 1.39, SD = .81), on a five-point Likert
          yields learning [14].                                scale.  Results  like  these  indicate  how  motivation
                                                               can be increased through simulations.
          In  the  following  sections,  we  describe  immersive
          media components currently being integrated as a     The second benefit is the possibility to personalize
          part of the SpaceBuzz program that all contribute to   the content of the educational material. Games can
          effective  and  personalized  learning.  These       be  adaptive  and  thus  automatically  tailored  to
          components  are  serious  gaming  in  combination    specific users with different skill levels, combining
          with virtual reality, intelligent tutoring systems and   educational  methods  with  game  mechanics,  and
          learning analytics.                                  hereby  making  learning  more  effective  [25,  26].

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