Page 15 - U4SSC Case study: City solid waste management, June 2020
P. 15

Case Study 2 - India: Use of plastic waste in road construction


            Vimal Wakhlu



            The modern urban lifestyle dictates the generation of plastic waste, which needs to be disposed of or
            recycled. With developing countries undertaking considerable road construction activities, some have
            found a way to repurpose plastic waste for road construction.

            As the world’s second most populous country, with a population of 1.3 billion, and a significant plastic
            waste problem, India is a noteworthy case study. In India, almost 70 per cent of the population live
            in villages. Even though rural inhabitants do not generate quite as much plastic waste as their urban
            counterparts, this amount is still substantial given their sheer number. Meanwhile, across India, about
            174 km of roads are built every day, whilst the amount of plastic waste generated exceeds 5.6 million
            tonnes per year. Merging these two could potentially represent a solution for re-using plastic waste
            in India.

            Challenge and response

            Over the last few decades, plastic materials have become an integral part of the modern lifestyle. Plastic
            bags, packing material, bottles, cups, and various other items have slowly replaced their counterparts
            that are made of other materials, largely thanks to the advantages of plastic. Plastic is durable, easy
            to produce, light, odourless, and chemically resistant. However, plastic materials have an important
            drawback: they decompose at an extremely slow pace which poses serious threat to the environment.

            The challenge that most of the cities in India, and in other developing countries, are facing is the
            enormous amount of plastic waste that is generated due to modern ways of living, and this is becoming
            increasingly difficult to handle. Most people living in cities start their day generating waste such as
            milk wrappers.

            While improper plastic waste disposal poses a serious risk to the ecological system, it also impacts
            human health directly. Hence, the opportunity of converting plastic waste into a resource for road
            construction activity is very much needed in countries like India.

            The solution involves using plastic waste in road construction via a special technology, which makes
            the road stronger, less susceptible to the vagaries of nature and with less maintenance costs. At the
            same time, we are getting rid of plastic waste generated inside the cities. Thus, it represents a smart
            solution, which pertains to the Circular Cities deliverable of U4SSC.

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