Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ITU Regional Development Forum for Europe (RDF-EUR) 
Information and Communication Technologies for attaining 
Sustainable Development Goals

​Tuesday 26 May 2020 | 11:00 – 17:00 | Remote Meeting 


11:00 – 11:25

Welcoming Addresses

  • Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU, Bio
  • Ms. Cristiana Flutur, Co-President of CEPT, Bio
  • Ms. Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council, Bio
  • Ms. Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, Regional Director, UN Development Coordination Office for Europe and Central Asia, Bio​​
  • Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, ITU, Bio​​​​​

​11:25 - 12:20
VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE ONE: Results and impact oriented regional actions beyond WTDC-17 and towards WTDC-21[LL1] 

Results Based Management Approach | ITU Actions at the Regional Level | ITU as Part of Regional United Nations Sustainable Development System | Regional Initiatives | Study Groups | Partnerships | Membership | SMEs | Academia | WSIS Action Lines and SDGs / COP Council Working Group 

Moderation: Mr. Jaroslaw Ponder, Presentation


  • Mr. Stephen Bereaux, Deputy Director, Telecommunciation Development Bureau, ITU, Bio​
  • Ms. Blanca Gonzalez, European Vice-Chair of the ITU-D Telecommunication Development Advisory Group, and Head of Unit at the Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Society, Spain, Bio
  • Mr. Reiner Liebler, Vice-Chair of ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group One Vice Chair of European TSAG, and Head of Technical Telcommunications Regulation Department at Federal Network for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railways, Germany​, Bio​
  • Mr. Vadim Kaptur, European Vice-Chair of ITU-D Study Group 1, and Vice Rector of ONAT Academy, Ukraine, Bio
  • Ms. Amela Odobasic,  Vice-Chair of ITU-D Study Group 1 on Enabliing Environment for the Development of Telecommunications/ICTs, and Head of Public Affairs at Communications Regulatory Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bio
  • Ms. Alina Modan,  Vice-Chair of ITU-D Study Group 2 on ICT Services and Applications for the Promotion of Sustainable Development, Bio
  • Dr. Lidia Stepinska-Ustasiak, Chairwoman of the Steering Committee ITU Centres of Excellence, Chairwoman of the ITU-D Global Capacity Building Group and Head of Social and Corporate Policy Unit, Office of Electronic Communications, Poland, Bio
  • Ms. Inga Rimkeviciene, ITU CoE Steering Committee Chair, Head of International and Public Relations Division, Strategy Department, Communications Regulatory Authority, Republic of Lithuania, Bio

    WSIS Stocktaking update for the Europe region

​​12:20 - 13:30

VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE TWO: Regional projects, initiatives, partnerships contributitng to achivement of Sustainable Development Goals and WSIS Action Lines in Europe

Strategic Partnerships / Support to Mapping of Broadband Infrastructure / European mHealth Hub / Digital Agriculture Strategies / Digitally Empowered Generation Equals

  • Mr. Dan Sjöblom, Chairman,  Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications [BEREC], Bio
  • ​Mr. Marcin Cichy, Chairman, Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network [EaPeReg], Bio

Support to Mapping of Broadband Infrastructure

  • Mr. Akos Bona, Vice President of International Markets, Member of the Board at the Broadband Foundation, Bio

​European mHealth Hub

  • Dr. Violeta Isabel Perez Nueno, Digital Health and Innovation, World Health Organization, Bio
  • Mr. Javier Ferrero Alvarez, Head of Digital Environments, Systems, and Technologies at Andalusian Health Quality Agency, Spain​, Bio​

Digital Agriculture Services

  • ​Mr. ​​​​Nabil Gangi, ​Deputy Regional Represntative, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, UNFAO, Bio​

​14:00 - 14:45

VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE THREE: Regional projects, initiatives, partnerships contributitng to achivement of Sustainable Development Goals and WSIS Action Lines in Europe

Accessible Europe / Child Online Protection In Europe / ICT-centric Innovation Ecosystem / Regional Digital Integration / Digital Transformation

​​   ​Digital Inclusion

  • Ms. Alia El-Yassir, Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, UN Women, Bio 

    Accessible Europe
  • Ms. Inmaculada Placencia-Porrero, Secior Expert at Disability and Inclusion Unit, and DG for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion, European Commission, Bio
  • Ms. Ruth Sciberras, CEO, Agenzija Sapport, Malta, Bio

    Digital Skills
  • Ms. Pranvera Kastrati, Senior Expert on Economic and Digital Connectivity, Regional Cooperation Council, Bio

    Digital Ecosystem
  • Ms. Ratka Strugar, General Director of Directorate of Electronic Communications, Postal Services, and Radio Spectrum, Ministry of Economy, Montenegro, Bio​

    • Ms. Adelina Ognyanska, Expert, in International Cooperation in IT and Communications, Ministry of Transport, Information Technology, and Communications, Bulgaria, Bio​
    • Ms. Hine-Wai Loose, Project Manager, Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, Switzerland, Bio
    • Mr. David Wright, Director, UK Safer Internet Centre, United Kingdom, Bio
    • Mr. Szymon Wojcik, Safer Internet Poland Project Coordinator, Poland, Bio​

Draft 2020-2021 Action Plan [Word] [PDF​]

​14:45 - 16:15

VIRTUAL REVIEW: Implementing the ITU Regional Initiatives for Europe (2020-2021)

EUR1: Broadband infrastructure, broadcasting and spectrum management | EUR2: A citizen-centric approach to building services for national administrations | EUR3: Accessibility, affordability and skills development for all to ensure digital inclusion and sustainable development | EUR4: Enhancing trust and confidence in the use of information and communication technologies | EUR5: ICT-centric innovation ecosystems

2020-2021 Action Plan for Implementing ITU Regional Initiatives for Europe

EUR1:Broadband infrastructure, broadcasting and spectrum management

EUR2: A citizen-centric approach to building services for national administrations

​​16:15 - 16:30
Conclusions and Way Forward