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Regional Multi-stakeholder Workshop on the Role of Telecommunications/ICTs for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management for Arab Region, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, 26-28 Nov. 2019

Day 1: 26 November 2019

08:30 - 09:00  Registration

09:00 - 09:30  Opening ceremony

Master of Ceremony: Dr Ibraheem A. El-dowy, Workshop's General Coordinator, ARCO

  • Dr. Saleh Bin Hamad Al Twaijri, Secretary General, Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization (ARCO)
  • Ms. Maritza Delgado, ITU representative
  • Ms. Nathalie Fustier, United Nations Resident Coordinator, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

09:30 – 09:45  Group photo

10:00 - 11:30  Session 1: Role of ICTs in disaster risk reduction and disaster management

The first session will look at the important role of telecommunications/ICT in disaster risk reduction activities, such as climate change monitoring, and disaster management.  In this context, it will discuss linkages to key international development agendas, including the Sendai Framework and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Facilitator and introduction to workshop: Dr Adam C. Bouloukos, Resident Representative, UNDP, KSA, [Bio]


  • Ms. Maritza Delgado, Programme Officer of the Environment and Emergency Telecommunications, ITU, [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Dr. Saif aldeen M. Abozaid, Supervisor of the Arab Disaster Preparedness Center, ARCO, [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Dr Ali Abdullah, Public health Emergency Operation Officer, WHO-EMRO, [Bio] [Presentation]

Open Discussion

11:30 - 11:45  Coffee break

11:45 - 13:00  Session 2: Policy and Regulatory Frameworks on use of Telecom/ICTs in Emergency and Disaster Management in Arab Region

This session will focus on Policy and Regulatory Frameworks on use of Telecom/ICTs in Emergency and Disaster Management in Arab Region as well as the legal and organizational frameworks for disaster management, look at the role of telecommunication regulation, and discuss policy issues related to effective deployment of telecommunications/ICT for disaster management. This session will highlight the importance of the implementation of national emergency telecommunication plans as well as Tampere Convention.

Facilitator: Dr. Abdullah Alhazaa, Advisor to the Secretary - General of Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization [Bio] [Presentation]

Examples/cases from different countries:

  • Ms. Elysa Jones, ITU Expert  [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Mr. Mustafa Al Mahdi, Programme Administrator, ITU Arab Regional Office, [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Eng. Usamah AlSaadan, Director of Business Continuity (BC) and Special Projects, CICT-KSA [Bio] [Presentation]
Open Discussion

 13:00 - 14:00   Lunch break

14:00 - 15:30  Session 3: Country experiences on the use of ICTs in disaster risk reduction and disaster management

This session will address current challenges and lessons learned from recent disasters. It will provide an overview on experiences faced during response and recovery phases, as well as best practices on the implementation and use of information and communication technologies for disaster management.  

Facilitator: Ms. Elysa Jones

Examples/cases from different countries:

  • Eng. Mohammed Al Kindi, TRA Vice-President for Regulatory and Compliance Affairs- Sultanate of Oman, [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Eng. Nora Bashir, Director, ICTs Infrastructure, TPRA-Sudan [Bio] [Presentation]
Open Discussion

 15:30 - 15:45  Coffee break

15:45 - 17:00  Session 4: Continuation Country experiences on the use of ICTs in disaster risk reduction and disaster management

Facilitator: Ms. Elysa Jones

Examples/cases from different countries:

  • Mr. Maged Alsaihani Alotaibi, Disaster and Relief Coordinator, Saudi Red Cresent Authority - KSA [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Mr. Salah Jassim Al Aradi, Emergency Specialist, Bahrain Red Crescent Society [Bio] [Presentation]

Open Discussion


Day 2: 27 November 2019

 09:00 - 10:45  Session 5: The Common Alerting Protocol- CAP

This session will showcase the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), provide information on its implementation, its benefits and share best practices and lessons learned on how to create an enabling environment for leveraging CAP at a national and regional level.

Speaker: Mr. Eliot Christian  [Bio] [Presentation 1] [Presentation 2]

Open Discussion

10:45 – 11:00   Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30  Session 6: Continuation of Common Alerting Protocol - CAP

This session will provide country experiences on the implementation of CAP.  It will highlight how CAP has been implemented by different organizations in charge of monitoring and delivering early warning alert to the public.

Facilitator: Mr. Eliot Christian [Presentation]

Examples/cases from different countries and organizations that have implemented CAP in the Arab Region:

  • Mrs. Wijdan Ali Aloqab, Director, GCC Emergency Management Centre, [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Oman's Directorate General of Meteorology (TBC), [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Mr. Ayman Barnawi, Emergency Manager, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, KSA, (TBC), [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Dr. Taghreed Hamdi Aljohani, Deputy Manager of GIS Unit and Remote Sensing in Taibah University and Member of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Geographical Society, KSA [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Kuwait Meteorological Department (TBC) [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Ms. Orad Yahya, Kuwait Red Cresent Society (TBC) [Bio] [Presentation]

Open Discussion

12:30 - 14:00  Lunch break

14:00 - 15:30  Session 7: Availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

This session aims to highlight the importance of establishing effective and comprehensive multi-hazard early warning systems, exchange information and promote the replication of best practices in different countries. This session will adopt the global Definition for EWS and look at the role of ICTs in all four integrated components.

Facilitator: Ms. Maritza Delgado, Programme Officer of the Environment and Emergency Telecommunications, ITU


  • Mr. Sean Burns, EUMETSAT, member of the WMO/IOC Satcom Executive [Bio] [Presentation]- (Remotely)
  • Eng. Talaat A. AlRahali, KSA's Hazard and Disaster Management Unit - Saudi Geographical Society & Dr. Taghreed Al Jehny, Head, Hazard and Disaster Management Unit - Saudi Geographical Society [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Mr Patrick  Mutimushi, Director General Zambia ICT Authority, (Remotely) [Bio] [Presentation]

Open Discussion

15:30 – 15:45  Coffee break

15:45 - 17:15  Session 8:  International and Regional Organizations in humanitarian operations

This session will present the critical role of ICTs in enabling all activities and services provided by regional and international institutions and organizations for disaster management and humanitarian activities.

Facilitator: Mr. Mustafa Al Mahdi, Programme Administrator, ITU Arab Regional Office


  •  Mr. Ali Mohammed Ali Al-Mutawa, Head of the Red Crescent and International Organizations Section, GCC, (TBC) [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Dr. Abdulrahman S. AlOrainy, ARCO's ICTs Advisor [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Dr. Ali Abdullah, Public health Emergency Operation Officer, WHO-EMRO, [Bio] [Presentation]

Open Discussion

Day 3: 28 November 2019​

09:00 - 10:30  Session 9: The importance of partnerships for Disaster Risk Reduction 

This session will examine the importance of establishing private-public partnerships and the key role played by the private sector in linking the development agenda with disaster management. 

Facilitator: Eng. Laith Hamad, MEA General Manager, OneWeb


Open Discussion

10:30 - 10:45  Coffee break

10:45 - 12:15  Session 10: New technologies for disaster risk reduction

This session will examine the key role played by the academic sector in raising awareness on the importance of disaster risk reduction and in the development of new technologies for disaster management. 

Facilitator: Ms. Maritza Delgado, Programme Officer of the Environment and Emergency Telecommunications, ITU


  • Eng. Laith Hamad, MEA General Manager, OneWeb [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Dr. Nuha ELtinay, London South Bank University [Bio] [Presentation], (Remotely)
  • Eng. Thamar Al Hamed, Director, Risk Management & Business Continuity Execution, STC-KSA [Bio] [Presentation]

Open Discussion

12:15 - 13:30  Lunch break

13:30 - 15:00  Session 11: Final conclusions and closing of the workshop