Committed to connecting the world

Q9/5 Work Plan

​​​​Work Plan

Q9/5 - Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement

Work itemEquiv. Num.VersionSubject​ / Title​TimingE-meetingLatest baseline text
Methodology for environmental life cycle assessments of information and communication technology goods, networks and services2024-12


TD931 (2023-06)
TD1272 (2023-11) 
TD1418-R1 (2024-02)
TD1485 (2024-04)
TD1579 (2024-06)​
 Rev.Methodology for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions impact assessment of information and communication technologies in organizations2023-12
Upcoming e-meeting:
12 September 2024
4 October 2024​

Last e-meetings:
12 July 2024
TD897 (2023-06) 
TD1271 (2023-11)
TD1362 (2024-02)
TD1696 (2024-06)
L.1450rev Rev.Methodologies for the assessment of the environmental impact of the information and communication technology sector2024
L.1480revDES/EE-EEPS66Rev.Enabling the Net Zero transition: Assessing how the use of ICT solutions impact greenhouse gas emissions of other sectors2024-12Upcoming e-meeting:
26 September 2024​
TD1439 (2024-04)
TD1475 (2024-04)
L. database EF -Criteria for the development and maintenance of an ITU database on emission factors2024  
L.BatteriesLCA NewGuidelines for the assessment of the carbon footprint of Lithium-ion Battery Products for ICT application2024 
TD962 (2023-06) 
TD1275 (2023-11)
L.Biodiversity_footprint NewMethodology for the assessment of the footprint of an ICT organization on biodiversity2024-06Upcoming e-meeting:
19 September 2024
9 October 2024

Last e-meetings:
5 July 2024
TD1278 (2023-11)
L.Biodiversity_opportunities NewDevelopment of guidance on how to assess the second order effects of ICT solutions on biodiversity, including positive effects2024-06

TD1290 (2023-11)
L.CFSP NewGuidelines for the assessment of the carbon footprint of Software products2025 
L.Database NewGuidance for the creation of an ITU database on GHG emissions of the global ICT sector

Doc06 (2024-03-07)​
TD1425 (2024-03)
TD1464 (2024-04)​
TD1635 (2024-06)
L.database countries NewCriteria for the development and maintenance of databases on national ICT sector GHG emissions2024 
L.Env_DC NewGuidelines on Multi-Dimensional Environmental Metrics and Management for Data Centres2025-12  
L.GHG emissions_PS NewGuidelines for GHG emissions accounting in power systems2025  TD1625(2024-06)
L.GHGemissions_BS NewMethodologies for accounting Greenhouse Gas Emissions of BaseStation sites2024Upcoming e-meeting:
29 August 2024
TD306 (2022-06) 
TD1253 (2023-11)
TD1553 (2024-06)
L.GHGemissions_DC NewMethodologies for accounting Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Data Centers and Telecommunication Rooms2024 
TD960 (2023-06)
L.GHGemissions_IP NewMethodologies for accounting Greenhouse Gas Emissions of using ICT in Industrial Parks2024 
TD963 (2023-06)
L.GHGintensities NewGHG emissions intensity indicators for telecom network operators2024 
TD1289 (2023-11)
L.PCF_Server NewGuidelines for the assessment of the carbon footprint of a server2024 
TD910 (2023-06) 
TD1273 (2023-11)
TD1689 (2024-06)
L.PCF_Smartphone NewGuidelines for the assessment of the carbon footprint of a smartphone2024 
TD846 (2023-06) 
TD1274 (2023-11)
TD1688 (2024-06)
L.SimplifiedLCADES/EE-EEPS62NewGuidance on simplified life cycle assessments of Information and Communication Technologies

TD942-R1 (2023-06)
TD1432 (2024-03)
TD1466 (2024-04)
TD1540 (2024-06)

​Application of the activities of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures in the ICT sector


​Methodology for estimating GHG emissions in the frame of virtual meetings and events
Last e-meetings:
​TD527 (2022-10) 

 NewGuidance for Administrations on the application of L.Enablement2024 
L.Suppl.Examples NewExamples related to applying methodology to assess ICT solution GHG impacts2023-12  
L.Suppl.Mobile_phone_LCA NewExample of an LCA of a mobile phone fully compliant with Recommendation ITU-T L.14102024-06

 TD1596 (2024-06)
L.Suppl.Scope3_DC NewScope 3 guidance for data center operators2024-06  
Suppl.L.Decarbonisation (ex L.Sup.Decarbonisation) ​

NewDecarbonisation strategies to implement Recommendation ITU-T L.1470 trajectories2024 
TD208-R1 (2022-06)

Guidelines for Data Annotation for Carbon Verification Knowledge Graph
TD1661 (2024-06)

New​Methodology and Assessment for Projections of Urban Greenhouse Gas Emission​

TD1673 (2024-06)

​Guidelines for the assessment of the carbon footprint of a smart electricity meter​

​TD1650 (2024-06)

New​​Guidelines for Carbon Footprint Assessment of 5G Base Station Equipment​
TD1653 (2024-06)

​Guidelines for Assessing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Environment​
Upcoming e-meeting:
6 September​ 2024
17 October 2024​​
​TD1690 (2024-06)

​Carbon Emission Accounting and Allocation Methods for infrastructure Shared Base Station Sites​

​TD1660 (2024-06)
L.TR_GLC_ service

​General principles for the evaluation of green and low-carbon ICT service enterprises

​​TD1701 (2024-06)

​General principles for the evaluation of green and low-carbon ICT manufacturing enterprises​

​TD1707 (2024-06)

​Technical requirements for environmental impact evaluation of servers
​TD1706 (2024-06)​
​A.1 justification for L.impact_simplified "Simplified assessments of the GHG emissions impact of the use of ICT solutions"


​​TD1708 (2024-06)
