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 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Official
 Official documents are published in the six official languages of WSIS.
 Title   Available languages and formats 
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Draft Agenda
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Report on Activities Leading to PrepCom-2 of the Tunis Phase of the Summit
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Addendum 1 to the Report on Activities Leading to PrepCom-2 of the Tunis Phase of the Summit
WSIS-II/PC-2/DOC/02 (add. 1)
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Report on the Work of the Group of Friends of the Chair (GFC) - Original versions of the Political Chapeau and the Operational Part
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Addendum 1 to the Report on the Work of the Group of Friends of the Chair (GFC)
WSIS-II/PC-2/DOC/03 (add. 1)
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Addendum 1 (rev. 1) to the Report on the Work of the Group of Friends of the Chair (GFC)
WSIS-II/PC-2/DOC/03 (rev. 1) (add. 1)
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Corrigendum 1 to Addendum 1 (rev. 1) to the Report on the Work of the Group of Friends of the Chair (GFC)
WSIS-II/PC-2/DOC/03 (rev. 1) (corr. 1) (add. 1)
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Draft Proposed Format of the Tunis Phase of the WSIS
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Preliminary Report of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG)
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Preliminary Report on the WSIS Stocktaking
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Corrigendum 1 to the Preliminary Report on the WSIS Stocktaking
WSIS-II/PC-2/DOC/06 (corr. 1)
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)Executive Summary and Conclusions of the Report of the Task Force on Financial Mechanisms (TFFM)
Note: Governments reserve the right to send comments to the WSIS Executive Secretariat regarding translations (French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian) provided by UN New York
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [chinese] [english] [french] [russian]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Draft Amendment of Rule 7 of The Rules of Procedure for the Summit
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Draft Agenda of the Tunis Phase of the WSIS
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Accreditation of NGOs, civil society and business sector entities to the WSIS
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Report on the Work of the Sub-Committee
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Revised Chapter Two of the Operational Part (Financial Mechanisms)
WSIS-II/PC-2/DOC/11 (rev. 1) (annex 1)
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Final report of PrepCom-2
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Draft Decision of PrepCom-2
WSIS-II/PC-2/DOC/13 (rev. 1)
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Reports from the TFFM and the WGIG
 Reports are published in the submitted language(s).
 Title   Available languages and formats 
The Report of the TFFM (Task Force on Financial Mechanisms) for ICT for Development
MS Word Document [english] [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
Executive Summary of the Report of the Task Force on Financial Mechanisms for ICT for Development
MS Word Document [chinese] [english] [french] [russian]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [chinese] [english] [french] [russian]
Submission Note from the Administrator of UNDP, Mr. Mark Malloch Brown, to UN Secretary-General, Mr. Kofi Annan
HTML file [english] [french]
MS Word Document [chinese] [english] [french] [russian]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [chinese] [english] [french] [russian]
Submission Letter from UN Secretary-General, Mr. Kofi Annan, to President of the PrepCom for the Second Phase, Mr. Yanis Karklins
HTML file [french]
MS Word Document [chinese] [english] [french] [russian]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [chinese] [english] [french] [russian]
Submission Letter from UN Secretary-General, Mr. Kofi Annan, to ITU Secretary-General, Mr. Yoshio Utsumi
HTML file [french]
MS Word Document [chinese] [english] [french] [russian]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [chinese] [english] [french] [russian]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Working Documents
 Title   Available languages and formats 
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Compilation of Comments on Chapter Two of the Operational Part (Financial Mechanisms). Part One (Para 12-26)
WSIS-II/PC-2/DT-1 (Part 1)
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Compilation of Comments on Chapter Two of the Operational Part (Financial Mechanisms). Part Two (Para 27)
WSIS-II/PC-2/DT-1 (Part 2)
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Compilation of Comments on Chapter One of the Operational Part (Implementation Mechanism)
(rev. 3)
MS Word Document [english] [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Secretary-General of the ITU and Director-General of UNESCO: Possible Implementation Mechanism at the International Level
(rev. 2)
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Compilation of Comments on Political Chapeau
(rev. 1)
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Compilation of Comments on Chapter Four, Operational Part
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Compilation of Comments on Chapter One (Implementatin Mechanism) and Chapter Four (the Way Ahead) of the Operational Part
(rev. 2)
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Administrative
 Administrative documents are published in English, French and Spanish.
 Title   Available languages and formats 
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Information for participants
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Information for participants (Addendum 1)
WSIS-II/PC-2/ADM/01 (add. 1)
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Draft Time Management Plan
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Draft Agenda: First Plenary Meeting of PrepCom-2
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Draft Agenda: Second Plenary Meeting of Prepcom-2
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Draft agenda of the Fifth Plenary Meeting
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Annotated Agenda Of PrepCom-2
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Contribution : Outcome of WSIS Regional and Thematic Meetings
 Contribution documents are published in the language(s) in which they are submitted to the Executive Secretariat.
 Title   Available languages and formats 
WSIS Regional Conference: Africa
2-4 February 2005, Accra (Ghana)
Conference Outcome
HTML file [english] [french]
MS Word Document [english] [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
WSIS Regional Conference: Western Asia
22-23 November 2004, Damascus (Syria)
Damascus Call for Partnership
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [english]
WSIS Regional Conference: Western Asia
22-23 November 2004, Damascus (Syria)
Regional Plan of Action for Building the Information Society
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [english]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
Economic and Social Implications of ICT
17-19 January 2005, Antigua (Guatemala)
Final Report
MS Word Document [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
Global ICT Conference 2004
- Government of Azerbaijan/World Summit Award/UNDP
25-28 November 2004, Baku (Azerbaijan)
Baku Declaration on Digital Divide and Knowledge Economy
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
ICT Applications in Natural Disaster Reduction
21 January 2005, Kobe (Japan)
Final Report
MS Word Document [english] [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
Information Technologies and Law
- Government of the Republic of Belarus/UNESCO/ UN/UNDP Office in the Republic of Belarus
28-29 October 2004, Minsk (Republic of Belarus)
Final Document
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
Measuring the Information Society
- UNCTAD/OECD/ITU/UIS/UN Regional Commissions/UN ICT Task Force/World Bank
7-9 February 2005, Geneva (Switzerland)
Final Conclusions
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
Role and Place of Media in the Information Society in Africa and the Arab States
- Government of Morocco/Orbicom
22-24 November 2004, Marrakech (Morocco)
Action Plan
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
Role and Place of Media in the Information Society in Africa and the Arab States
- Government of Morocco/Orbicom
22-24 November 2004, Marrakech (Morocco)
The Marrakech Declaration
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
UNESCO between Two Phases of the World Summit on the Information Society
Government of the Russian Federation
17-19 May 2005, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Final Document
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [russian]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
WSIS Thematic Meeting at the 19th International CODATA Conference

10 November 2004, Berlin (Germany)
MS Word Document [english]
WSIS Thematic Meeting
WSIS Thematic Meeting on Countering Spam
7-9 July 2004, Geneva (Switzerland)
Chairman's Report
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Contribution : Governments
 Contribution documents are published in the language(s) in which they are submitted to the Executive Secretariat.
 Title   Available languages and formats 
The Baku Declaration: Global ICT Conference "Digital Divide and Knowledge Economy: Problems & Solutions", 25-28 November 2004, Baku (Azerbaijan)
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
Guatemala, ITC, the OECD, UNCTAD, ILO
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
Russian Federation
MS Word Document [english] [russian]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [russian]
Proposal of the Swiss Delegation for a Paper on the Implementation of the Geneva Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Contribution : International Organizations
 Contribution documents are published in the language(s) in which they are submitted to the Executive Secretariat.
 Title   Available languages and formats 
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL)
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [spanish]
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
International Association for Media and Communication Research (IMACR)
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
HTML file [french]
MS Word Document [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [french]
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
HTML file [english] [french]
MS Word Document [english] [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO)
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
ITU Global Symposium for Regulators - 2004
Best Practice Guidelines for the Promotion of Low Cost Broadband and Internet Connectivity
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
ITU Global Symposium for Regulators - 2004
Report of the Chairperson
MS Word Document [english] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [spanish]
ITU Global Symposium for Regulators- 2003
Report of the Chairperson
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
ITU Global Symposium for Regulators- 2003
Universal Access Regulatory Best Practice Guidelines
MS Word Document [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french] [spanish]
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Contribution : Accredited NGOs and Civil Society entities
 Contribution documents are published in the language(s) in which they are submitted to the Executive Secretariat.
 Title   Available languages and formats 
"Bread for all", Switzerland, on behalf of Communica-ch
HTML file [french]
MS Word Document [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [french]
Agir en Faveur de l'Environnement (AFE)
HTML file [french]
MS Word Document [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [french]
CSDPTT (Cooperation solidarite developpement aux PTT)
On behalf of CSDPTT and the Financial Mechanisms Working Group
MS Word Document [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [french]
International Telcommunication Academy (ITA)
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [russian]
Internet Society
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
25 February 2005 - Observers (Business Sector and Civil Society): Joint statement on behalf of Civil Society Plenary and the Coordination Committee of Business Interlocutors
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Contribution : ITU sector members and accredited business entities
 Contribution documents are published in the language(s) in which they are submitted to the Executive Secretariat.
 Title   Available languages and formats 
Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI)
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
25 February 2005 - Observers (Business Sector and Civil Society): Joint statement on behalf of Civil Society Plenary and the Coordination Committee of Business Interlocutors
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Contribution : Miscellaneous inputs
 Contribution documents are published in the language(s) in which they are submitted to the Executive Secretariat.
 Title   Available languages and formats 
Education, Academia and Research taskforce of WSIS Civil Society
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
Ingenieurs du Monde
HTML file [french]
MS Word Document [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [french]
MS Swaminathan Research Foundation
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
The African Internet Service Providers Association
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Statement/Presentation : Opening
 Statements are published in the submitted language(s).
 Title   Available languages and formats 
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Statement at the Opening Ceremony by Mr. Yoshio Utsumi, ITU Secretary-General
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Statement at the Opening Ceremony by Mr. Mountassar Ouaili, Minister of Communication Technologies (Tunisia)
MS Word Document [arabic]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Statement at the Opening Ceremony by Mr. Moritz Leuenberger, Chef du Département fédéral de l’environnement, des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication (Switzerland)
HTML file [french]
MS Word Document [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [french]
PrepCom-2 (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
Opening Remarks by Mr. Janis Karklins, President of PrepCom of the Tunis phase of WSIS
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Statement/Presentation : Plenary Session
 Statements are published in the submitted language(s).
 Title   Available languages and formats 
17 February 2005 - Governments
Finland, Report on "Measuring the Information Society"
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
17 February 2005 - Observers (International Organizations)
International Telecommunication Union Report to Prepcom-2 on the ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting on Countering Spam, Presented by Robert Shaw
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
17 February 2005 - Observers (International Organizations)
UNDP by Mr. Shoji Nishimoto, Assistant Administrator and Director
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
17 February 2005 - Observers (Business Sector)
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on behalf of Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI) by Ayesha Hassan
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
24 February 2005 - Governments
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
24 February 2005 - Governments
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
24 February 2005 - Governments
El Salvador
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
24 February 2005 - Governments
Ghana on Behalf of The African Group on Internet Governance
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
24 February 2005 - Governments
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
24 February 2005 - Governments
HTML file [french]
MS Word Document [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [french]
24 February 2005 - Observers (International Organizations)
International Telecommunication Union
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
24 February 2005 - Observers (International Organizations)
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
24 February 2005 - Observers (Business Sector)
International Chamber of Commerce
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
24 February 2005 - Observers (Civil Society)
Human Rights Caucus
HTML file [english] [french] [spanish]
MS Word Document [arabic] [english] [french] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [english] [french] [spanish]
24 February 2005 - Observers (Civil Society)
Internet Society
HTML file [english]
24 February 2005 - Observers (Civil Society)
Privacy and Security Work Group
MS Word Document [arabic] [english]


 Documents : Tunis Phase: PrepCom-2 : Statement/Presentation : Sub-Committee
 Statements are published in the submitted language(s).
 Title   Available languages and formats 
17 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Statement by the Association for Progressive Communications, Bread for All, CRIS, Instituto del Tercer Mundo (ITeM), IT for Change and the Gender Caucus
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
18 February 2005 Observers (Business Sector) - International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on behalf of Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI)
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
18 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Déclaration de la société civile africaine sur les mécanismes de financement
HTML file [french]
MS Word Document [french]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [french]
18 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Statement of the European Caucus
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
18 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Statement of the Gender Caucus
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
18 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Statement on behalf of the Community Media Working Group.
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
18 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - University of Padova on behalf of CRIS Campaign
HTML file [english]
MS Word Document [english]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
18 February 2005 Observers (International Organizations) - Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries
HTML file [portuguese]
MS Word Document [portuguese]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [portuguese]
18 February 2005 Observers (International Organizations) Statement of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) at the occasion of the preparatory meeting PrepCom-2 of the World Summit on Information Society (Geneva, 17-25 February 2005)
HTML file [english] [french]
MS Word Document [english] [french]
21 February 2005 Governments: - Ghana
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21 February 2005 Governments: - South Africa
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21 February 2005 Observers (Business Sector) - International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on behalf of Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI)
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21 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Oral Contribution by Civil Society
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21 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Statement On behalf of the civil society caucus on implementation and follow-up
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22 February 2005 Governments - Malawi
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22 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Déclaration du Caucus « Droits de l’Enfant »
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22 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
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22 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
(add. 1)
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22 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Media Caucus Government Plenary Intervention
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22 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Statement and Suggestions by the WSIS Gender Caucus
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22 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - The Grassroots Women’ Delegation representing civil society organizations* in India
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23 February 2005 Observers (Business Sector) - International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on behalf of Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI)
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23 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - CRIS, APC, ITeM, Bread for All, Digital Divide Data and IT for Change
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23 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - Education, Academia and Research Taskforce and the Telecentres Caucus
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23 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - WSIS Gender Caucus, DAWN, AMARC Africa, IT for Change
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23 February 2005 Observers (International Organizations) - ITU
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23 February 2005 Observers (International Organizations) - UNDP
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23 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) - CSDPTT (Coopération solidarité développement aux PTT) on behalf of CSDPTT and the Financial Mechanisms Working Group
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23 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) by Hiroshi Kawamura of the Daisy Consortium
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25 February 2005 Observers (Business Sector) by Ayesha Hassan (International Chamber of Commerce) on behalf of CCBI
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25 February 2005 Observers (Civil Society) Disability Caucus
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