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  • Opening Ceremony

    09:30 - 10:00
  • Group picture and coffee break

    10:00 - 10:30
  • Session 1: The economic and social impact of ICTs (high level session)

    10:30 - 11:30
  • Session 2: Data needs for tracking the social impact of ICTs

    11:30 - 12:30
  • Lunch break

    12:30 - 14:00
  • Side event: Presentation of the ICT Services Adoption Calculator Mexico

    13:30 - 14:00
  • Session 3: Enabling sustainable development through ICTs: leaving no one behind (Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development session)

    14:00 - 15:30
  • Coffee break

    15:30 - 16:00
  • Session 4: Data science and ICTs

    16:00 - 17:00
Opening Ceremony
Photo of  Brahima Sanou Brahima Sanou
Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Photo of  Mohamed Al Ramsi Mohamed Al Ramsi
Chair of WTIS
Executive Director of Regulatory Affairs, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
United Arab Emirates
Group picture and coffee break
Session 1: The economic and social impact of ICTs (high level session)
This high-level session will bring together technology leaders, telecommunication regulators and national statisticians to discuss how ICTs impact the economy and society, and the role of data in assessing these impacts.
Photo of Mr Cosmas Zavazava Mr Cosmas Zavazava
Chief of Department
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Photo of Mr Raul Katz Mr Raul Katz
Director of Business Strategy Research
Columbia Institute for Tele-Information at Columbia University
The economic and social impact of ICTs: why is data analysis important? | Biography
Photo of Mr Serge Abiteboul Mr Serge Abiteboul
Member of the Board of Arcep
Freedom of choice for Internet users | Biography
Photo of  Suella Hansen Suella Hansen
Telecommunications Economist
New Zealand
| Biography
Photo of  David Harmon David Harmon
Vice-President Global Public Affairs
Huawei Technologies
Photo of  Dominik  Rozkrut Dominik Rozkrut
Statistics Poland
Session 2: Data needs for tracking the social impact of ICTs
ICTs are changing society profoundly, and in many different ways. The ICT sector contributes positively to economic developments worldwide, and the use of ICTs by businesses raises productivity. At the same time, ICTs are also changing the way people work, communicate and interact, learn and entertain themselves. These changes are manifold, and require a variety of data in order to analyse these changes and provide input into policy. This session will focus on the data needs and metrics to analyze the social impact of ICTs.
Photo of  Nagwa El-Shenawy Nagwa El-Shenawy
Undersecretary for Information & Decision Support
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT)
Photo of  Ingmar Weber Ingmar Weber
Research Director for Social Computing
Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI)
| Biography
Photo of  Aaron Smith Aaron Smith
Associate Director of Research
Pew Research Center
| Biography
Photo of  Maximiliano Salvadori Martinhão Maximiliano Salvadori Martinhão
National Secretary of Technological Development and Innovation
Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications - MCTIC
| Biography
Lunch break
Side event: Presentation of the ICT Services Adoption Calculator Mexico
Photo of  Gabriela Gutiérrez Salas Gabriela Gutiérrez Salas
Deputy Director of Statistics and Indicators Analysis
Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT)
| Biography
Session 3: Enabling sustainable development through ICTs: leaving no one behind (Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development session)
This session, organized by the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, will present the thematic list of ICT indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The thematic list covers indicators that measure ICT availability and use in sectors relevant to the SDGs that are not covered in the global SDG indicators framework. Leaving no one behind is an integral part of the SDG framework. For that reason, disaggregation of indicators is an important component of the thematic list, allowing to track the digital divide within countries, and monitor who is left behind.
Photo of  João  Noronha João Noronha
Head of Statistics and Market Research, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Chair of the Expert Group on Telecommunications/ ICT Indicators (EGTI)
Photo of  David Souter David Souter
Managing Director of ict Development Associates
Member of Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development Task Group on ICT Indicators for the SDGs
Photo of  Scarlett  Fondeur Gil Scarlett Fondeur Gil
Economic Affairs Officer, Division on Technology and Logistics
| Biography
Photo of Mr Timothy Kelly Mr Timothy Kelly
Lead ICT Policy Specialist
World Bank Group
| Biography
Coffee break
Session 4: Data science and ICTs
Large datasets generated by users of ICTs offer the possibility of analyzing the uptake of artificial intelligence, big data, robotics and the Internet of Things. However, these datasets alone are not enough to unlock their potential. The combination of skills in data science and modern data tools are critical. This session will focus on how modern data tools are used, and how we can measure the uptake of these tools.
Photo of  Alexandre Barbosa Alexandre Barbosa
Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society (
Photo of  Emmanuel  Letouzé Emmanuel Letouzé
Data-Pop Alliance
| Biography
Photo of  Sofia Kyriazi  Sofia Kyriazi
Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Innovation Service
| Biography

  • Session 5: Measuring the Information Society Report

    09:30 - 11:00
  • Coffee break

    11:00 - 11:30
  • Session 6: The ICT Development Index

    11:30 - 12:30
  • Lunch break

    12:30 - 14:00
  • Session 7: ICT skills for the future

    14:00 - 15:30
  • Coffee break

    15:30 - 16:00
  • Session 8: New data needs for the digital economy (EGH session)

    16:00 - 17:00
  • Reception

    17:30 - 19:30
Session 5: Measuring the Information Society Report
For the tenth consecutive year, ITU will publish the Measuring the Information Society Report. The report will highlight the latest ICT trends and developments, and feature chapters on revenues and investment in ICTs and ICT skills for the future. It also includes the new ITU ICT Price Baskets and detailed analysis on current trends on affordability of ICT services. The report features country profiles for over 190 economies, highlighting regulatory and market developments in terms of information and communication technologies. The objective of this session is to present the main findings of the report.
Photo of  Dhanaraj  Thakur Dhanaraj Thakur
Research Director
Web Foundation
Photo of Mr Cosmas Zavazava Mr Cosmas Zavazava
Chief of Department
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Photo of  Martin Schaaper Martin Schaaper
Senior ICT Analyst, ICT Data and Statistics Division
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
| Biography
Photo of  Esperanza Magpantay Esperanza Magpantay
Senior Statistician, ICT Data and Statistics Division
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
| Biography
Coffee break
Session 6: The ICT Development Index
The ICT Development Index is ITU’s key ICT data and benchmarking tool to measure the information society. To reflect technological changes and ICT developments, the IDI indicators and methodology have been reviewed. This session will discuss the new IDI methodology and indicators in terms of data availability challenges at the national level. It will also discuss the new methodology for estimating missing data, and provide an opportunity for those countries that have been more successful in providing data to share their experiences.
Photo of  Johannes Bauer Johannes Bauer
Quello Chair on Media and Information Policy and the Chairperson of the Department of Media and Information
Michigan State University (MSU)
Photo of Ms Vanessa Gray Ms Vanessa Gray
Head, Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States & Emergency Telecommunications Division and on behalf of Head, ICT Data and Statistics Division
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
| Biography
Photo of  Daniela Benavente Daniela Benavente
Economist (PhD) Consultant in the Construction of Composite Indicators
| Biography
Photo of  Giulio Caperna Giulio Caperna
Policy Analyst
Joint Research Center, European Commission's Science and Knowledge Service
| Biography
Lunch break
Session 7: ICT skills for the future
One of the most pertinent explanatory variables of the digital divide is the level of ICT skills of people using ICTs. In order to use ICTs beneficially and safely, a number of competencies are required. This session will explore the types of skills that are needed to use ICTs effectively and how these could be measured.
Photo of  Dominik  Rozkrut Dominik Rozkrut
Statistics Poland
Photo of  Silvia Montoya Silvia Montoya
UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
| Biography
Photo of  Elif Köksal-Oudot Elif Köksal-Oudot
Economist, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation
| Biography
Photo of  Nagwa El-Shenawy Nagwa El-Shenawy
Undersecretary for Information & Decision Support
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT)
| Biography
Photo of  Yushi Torigoe Yushi Torigoe
Deputy Director, Telecommunications Development Bureau
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
| Biography
Coffee break
Session 8: New data needs for the digital economy (EGH session)
This session will feature the work of the Expert Group on Household Indicators (EGH) since WTIS 2017, and will discuss recommendations and proposals for next year’s work programme, with a focus on two areas of high policy-relevance, child online protection and mobile money.
Photo of  Alana Gorospe Ramos Alana Gorospe Ramos
Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)
Photo of  Linah Ngumba Linah Ngumba
Head, ICT Statistics Section, National Statistics Office
Vice-Chair of the Expert Group on Households (EGH)
| Biography
Photo of  Mariya Stoilova Mariya Stoilova
Research Officer, Department of Media and Communications
London School of Economics
| Biography

  • Session 9: Smart data for smart ICT regulation and policy-making (EGTI session)

    09:30 - 11:00
  • Coffee break

    11:00 - 11:30
  • Session 10: Affordability of ICT services

    11:30 - 12:30
  • Lunch break

    12:30 - 14:00
  • Session 11: Chair's summary and conclusions

    14:00 - 14:30
  • Closing ceremony

    14:30 - 15:00
Session 9: Smart data for smart ICT regulation and policy-making (EGTI session)
Telecommunication markets are being transformed by the emergence of new technologies, such as 5G and the Internet of Things, as well as by evolving consumption patterns, such as the increasing demand for fixed and mobile bundles. Policy-makers and regulators need new and smart data to monitor these trends and respond fast to the related challenges, such as spectrum requirements and users’ expectations concerning quality of service (QoS).

This session will feature the work of the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI) since WTIS 2017 in key topics such as 5G indicators, QoS monitoring, indicators on spectrum allocation/assignment and data on converged bundles, and will make recommendations and proposals for the future work of EGTI. Best practices from countries will be presented using innovative data collections in these areas to design and implement smart regulation and policy-making.

Photo of  Annie Baldeo Annie Baldeo
Executive Officer, Economics
Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT)
Photo of  João  Noronha João Noronha
Head of Statistics and Market Research, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Chair of the Expert Group on Telecommunications/ ICT Indicators (EGTI)
| Biography
Photo of  Muhammad Arif  Sargana Muhammad Arif Sargana
Director (Economic Affairs)
Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA)
| Biography
Photo of  Ana Lucrecia Segura Ana Lucrecia Segura
Costa Rica
| Biography
Coffee break
Session 10: Affordability of ICT services
High prices are one of the main barriers to ensure higher levels of ICT access and use. This session will highlight the importance of affordability, and discuss the methodology of the revised ITU ICT price baskets, launched in late 2018. The mobile-cellular fixed-broadband, and mobile-broadband baskets have been updated to reflect changes in ICT market and consumer patterns. This includes a new mobile data-and-voice bundle, which contains both a low- and a high-consumption basket.
Photo of  Kalvin Bahia Kalvin Bahia
Principal Economist
Photo of  Dhanaraj  Thakur Dhanaraj Thakur
Research Director
Web Foundation
| Biography
Photo of  Shazna Zuhyle Shazna Zuhyle
Research Manager
| Biography
Lunch break
Session 11: Chair's summary and conclusions
Closing ceremony