Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​​​​​​​ITU Workshop on Performance, QoS and QoE for Multimedia Services
Dakar, Senegal, 19-20 March 2018


Day 1, 19 March 2018

​08:30 – 09:30Registration
​09:30 – 10:00​Opening Session
10:00 – 10:30Group Photo and Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:45Session 1: Overview of ITU, ITU-T and ITU‑T Study Group 12
Overview of ITU’s work and related activities in the West Africa region, with special focus on ITU standardization work for performance, QoS and QoE.

Moderator: Seyni Faty (Vice Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12; Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Regional Group for Africa; ARTP, Senegal) 
11:45 – 12:15Session 2: QoS and QoE policy and regulatory aspects
This session discusses QoS and QoE ev​aluation methodologies and the role of policy makers in ensuring QoS and QoE in telecommunication networks (mobile and fixed networks).

Moderator: Yvonne Umutoni (Vice Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12; Chairman, ITU-T Quality of Service Development Group; RURA, Rwanda) [ Biography ]
​12:15 – 13:30Lunch Break
​13:30 – 15:00​​Session 3: QoS evaluation, benchmarking and optimisation for 2G, 3G and LTE / LTE Advanced
This session focuses on best practices in QoS evaluation, benchmarking and optimisation of various services in mobile networks, including 2G, 3G and LTE/LTE Advanced.

Moderator: Papa Ciré CISSE (Director of QoS, Coverage and Control, ARTP Senegal)
​15:00 – 15:30 ​Coffee Break
​15:30 – 17:00 Session 3bis: QoS evaluation, benchmarking and optimisation for 2G, 3G and LTE / LTE Advanced
This session focuses on best practices in QoS evaluation, benchmarking and optimisation of various services in mobile networks, including 2G, 3G and LTE/LTE Advanced.

Moderator: Aymen Salah ​(Vice Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12; Vice Chairman, ITU-T Study Group; 12 Regional Group for Africa; INTT, Tunisia) [ Biography ]

 *To be confirmed

Day 2, 20 March 2018

09:00 – 10:30 Session 4: Effects of OTT bypass, SIM-boxing and counterfeit equipment on QoS and QoE
This session discusses the effects of practices such as OTT bypass and SIM-boxing, as well as counterfeit equipment on QoS, QoE, and customer satisfaction.

Moderator: Collins Mbulo (Vice Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Regional Group for Africa; ZICTA, Zambia) [ Biography ]
​​​10:30 – 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00Session 5: QoS and QoE issues and requirements for digital financial services, popular OTTs and content subscription services
This session focuses on QoS issues and QoS requirements in digital financial services worldwide, as well as QoS and QoE aspects of popular OTTs (e.g., YouTube, Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp) and the QoS of electronic content subscription services (e.g., Netflix, Skype conference service).​

Moderator: Edoyemi Ogoh (Vice Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12; NCC, Nigeria)​ [ Biography ​]
​12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Break
​13:30 – 14:45 ​​Session 6: QoS and QoE measurement tools and strategies
This session introduces approaches, tools and strategies to measure and evaluate performance, QoS and QoE of internet, fixed and mobile networks.

Moderator: Tiago Sousa Prado (Vice Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12; Vice Chairman, ITU-T Quality of Service Development Group; ANATEL, Brazil) [ Biography ]
​14:45 – 15:15 ​Coffee Break
​15:15 – 16:30 Session 6​bis: QoS and QoE measurement tools and strategies
This session introduces approaches, tools and strategies ​to measure and evaluate performance, QoS and QoE of internet, fixed​ and mobile networks.

Moderator: Stavroula Bouzouki (Vice Chairman, ITU-T Quality of Service Development Group; Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, Greece)
16:30 – 17:00 ​Workshop Conclusions [ Presentation ]

Moderator: Martin Adolph ​(Study Group Advisor, ITU) [ Biography ]

 *To be confirmed​​​​​​​​​