Nominated Projects

Category 6 — AL C6. Enabling environment (32 Projects)


In the missions of CEFEPROD, it helps to reduce the gender digital divide, by promoting, popularizing and developing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as tool of women empowerment. It also works to promote women Leadership and women digita… more »

Applications for citizen security

For the implementation of public policies, special attention was placed on the development of applications that help prevent and combat all types of violence, particularly gender-based violence, targeting the most vulnerable groups: children, women and o… more »

BASIS Women's Forum

BASIS Women's Forum (BWF) is a membership and networking platform for women in the ICT sector, regardless of their educational background, enthusiastic to be a part the ICT industry of Bangladesh. This is an initiative of Bangladesh Association of Softwa… more »

Developers in Vogue

Developers in Vogue aims at creating a relevant community of highly skilled developers who are passionate about using technology to revolutionize Africa and beyond. We provide the ideal environment for women to code, connect and collaborate. We train the… more »

Digital accessibility for all

Digital accessibility for all Using Internet may facilitate the access to labour market and improve the comfort of life, still the providers of telecommunication services do not adjust their websites to the needs of the disabled and the existing legal fr… more »

e-Government Strategy 2013 - 2017

An e-Government Strategy 2013 - 2017 in 2013 was formulated by CIB to re-engineer the e-Government agenda and to rethink delivery of its services and operations where citizens are given pride of place. Five years onward, around 75 % of the e-Government S… more »

Egypt’s National Program for ICT Inclusive Community Centers to Empower Persons with Disabilities

Egypt’s National Program for ICT Inclusive Community Centers (ICT-ICC) for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) program is the first national program to utilize ICT to provide an enabling inclusive environment to support the inclusion of PwDs into mainstream… more »

Electronic appeals

The lack of the unified database for storing of all appeals of state authorities complicated the processes of consideration of appeals and did not allow for the supervision of proper execution. In order to minimize violations of the rights and interests … more »

EmpoderaORG 4 SDGs / EmpoderaORG x los ODS

EmpoderaORG for the SDGs (Empodera por los ODS) is an an ecosystem of collective intelligence, integral, disruptive and resilient that creates processes of social innovation to solve challenges and make citizen initiatives aimed at achieving the Sustaina… more »

Establishment of Bangladesh National Digital Architecture (BNDA) and e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF)

The objective is to assist GoB through BCC to design, develop, deploy and use the National Digital Architecture (NDA) and e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) to develop strategies, processes, plans, structures, technologies and systems across… more »

Fiber Optic essential mean for Border Area Sustainable Development Programme

The optical fiber deployment project in the most border areas of the country is considered in the strategic dimension an optical belt oriented towards the development approach as a major issue of territorial equality, according to the National Plan for t… more »

GeoTech Innovation Program Project

GeoTech Innovation Program project aims at feeding available vast amounts of Earth observation data into a range of service applications designed to benefit the lifestyle, environment, humanitarian needs and support effective policy-making for a more sus… more »

Government Accelerators

The Government Accelerators is a platform for cross-sectoral government teams to address challenges and achieve ambitious goals in short periods. It places focus on accelerating the delivery of NKPIs, the development of policies and regulations, the exec… more »

GovTech 2018

GovTech is a public competition that rewards innovative products and services of SMEs that address at least one of the 17 SDGs. It therefore promoted the SDGs and their underlining principles, at the same time that it stimulated the national Startup eco… more »

HDB Smart Hub

The Housing & Development Board (HDB) has developed the Smart Hub, a platform that integrates data across 10,000 public housing blocks in 24 towns. Presently, we face many urban challenges such as ageing infrastructure and climate change. To overcome the… more »

Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs

The objective of this project was to expose women on the basics of computer literacy, like how to operate a computer, basic components of computers, the use of Microsoft Words for interactions, designing of business fliers documenting and filling of docu… more »

MENA Programme

Internet Governance MENA region pogramme is pioneer in : building the capacity of civil society from MENA in Internet Policy through various activities. The programme empowers both women and men to take the lead in pushing Internet policy agenda in their… more »

Multi-network Cooperative Energy-saving System

Nowadays, with the new mobile communication technologies, the overlay network coexists with the capacity network of the GSM/TDS/LTE networks. In additional, there is a tidal effect on traffic volume, thus resulting in a waste of power energy. For this, t… more »

My PY Portal

The MY-PY Portal is an electronic gate for all the students entering into the first year at King Saud University, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia. We have digitized most of the academic services and formalities that has to be followed by all these students. The acad… more »

National Incubation Center

This provides national network of incubators across Pakistan nurtures startups and engages them with investors and corporations. The chain of National Incubation Centers is first of its kind Incubation & Acceleration platform, launched under the public –… more »

Open Mind Pakistan

Open Mind Pakistan is an exclusive management trainee Inclusion program designed by Telenor Pakistan aiming to act as a Launchpad for persons with disabilities and help them build a successful career in the corporate world. As part of the program, 16-18 … more »

Republic of IoT

Republic of IoT (RIoT) is a yearly program of Makestro in collaboration with Ministry of Communication and Informatics of Indonesia (KOMINFO), with one goal in mind which is to bring Indonesia's Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) m… more »


Chhattisgarh was ranked the lowest in India in mobile ownership among rural households (29% against national average of 68%), largely attributed to geographical and demographic constraints leaving large swathes of people out of the economic mainstream. S… more »

Sirius App

Sirius App is a mobile-first communication chat app exclusive for business (B2B), focused on productivity, platform integration and data security. Cloud Service based on Permanent Data Storage, Data Protection and Data Backup & Recovery. Developed for… more »

Social tariff for mobile voice and data for beneficiaries of human development transfers

Close to 1 million families are in the poorest quintiles in Ecuador, and that means they are under the poverty and extreme poverty line. Most of these people belong to the Human Development Group (HDG), and they receive conditional cash transfers between… more »

Speaking Library

Speaking Library” project provides access of blind and visually impaired people to artistic literature by landline phones without leaving their home. This is completely free-of-charge service and all countrywide local landline/mobile phones have access t… more »

Super-Ada 2018 Forum

What is it like to work in the technology industry and where can you study IT? Super-Ada 2018 event on February 10th 2018 at Haaga-Helia Pasila Campus in Helsinki, Finland aims at encouraging girls and young women to study technology by representing the … more »

Sustainable Building E-platform

Sustainable Building Platform was developed by Ministry of Housing to aid the effort of improving sustainability of residential buildings by providing quality inspection standards and improving energy and water consumption efficiency. The electronic plat… more »

The System of Receiving, Pursuing, Handling, and Responding to the Applicants’ Complaints about Business Licenses

"The System of Receiving, Pursuing, Handling and Responding to the Applicants’ Complaints about Business Licenses (DADVAR)" is a supervisory-responsibility system which began in late 2016 and currently is implemented and utilized in all provinces of the … more »

WELTI BMT(Business meets Technology)

Women Economic and Leadership Transformation Initiatives (WELTI) is a non-profit organisation that empowers young women between ages 14-30 on their three pillars of Economic development, Technology and health. They have in these past few years been able … more »

Women and IT Entrepreneurship

Bangladesh Women in Technology (BWIT) is dedicated to mobilizing women involved in all levels of the technology industry and to create a wide range of professional development and networking opportunities for growth of its constituents and to make meanin… more »

Women In Tech Africa

Women In Tech Africa aims at Supporting Women in Tech Across Africa to Positively to Support their Communities Positively Women in Tech Africa mission is 3 fold • Creating today’s female leaders and role Models for tomorrow’s Women • Showing the world w… more »